Metal–organic framework applications for microplastic remediation: exploring pathways and future potential


Microplastics (MPs) are emerging contaminants that significantly impact ecosystems and pose serious risks to aquatic life and human health. The growing need for efficient and cost-effective solutions to remove MPs from aquatic environments has driven the exploration of advanced materials. Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have emerged as a promising alternative to traditional materials due to their unique characteristics, including large surface area, recyclability, tunable pore sizes, diverse functionalities, and chemical stability under harsh conditions. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the current research on MOFs for microplastic removal, addressing key processes such as adsorption, degradation, and membrane separation. It highlights the performance of MOFs, which have shown MPs removal efficiencies ranging from 70% to 99.9%, depending on the application. Furthermore, the review discusses various MOF classifications, fabrication methods, and modification techniques that enhance their performance for MPs removal. Recent advancements in MOF-based thin films are also examined, emphasizing improvements in their stability, selectivity, and reusability. Additionally, the review identifies existing challenges, such as the high cost of synthesis and stability issues, and provides future research directions to address these obstacles. The manuscript concludes by discussing the potential policy implications and the role of MOFs in future environmental remediation strategies.

Graphical abstract: Metal–organic framework applications for microplastic remediation: exploring pathways and future potential

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Article information

Article type
Review Article
05 Лис 2024
03 Бер 2025
First published
12 Бер 2025

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, Advance Article

Metal–organic framework applications for microplastic remediation: exploring pathways and future potential

Z. Zuhra, S. Sharafat, M. Ahmad, S. Ali and Z. Zhaowei, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4TA07876D

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