Themed collection Nanobiointerfaces

Nanobiointerfaces: a themed collection
The guest editors introduce this themed collection for Biomaterials Science on nanobiointerfaces.
Biomater. Sci., 2018,6, 706-707
Antimicrobial graphene materials: the interplay of complex materials characteristics and competing mechanisms
This minireview attempts to correlate the complex structure–property relationship with the antimicrobial mechanisms of graphene materials.
Biomater. Sci., 2018,6, 766-773
Recent progress in the development of near-infrared organic photothermal and photodynamic nanotherapeutics
Phototherapies including photothermal therapy (PTT) and photodynamic therapy (PDT) have gained considerable attention due to their high tumor ablation efficiency, excellent spatial resolution and minimal side effects on normal tissue.
Biomater. Sci., 2018,6, 746-765
Therapeutic applications of iron oxide based nanoparticles in cancer: basic concepts and recent advances
Nanotechnology has introduced new techniques and phototherapy approaches to fabricate and utilize nanoparticles for cancer therapy.
Biomater. Sci., 2018,6, 708-725
Recent advancements in biocompatible inorganic nanoparticles towards biomedical applications
This review summarizes the recent advancements in preparation, surface modification, functionalization, and in vivo imaging applications of biocompatible inorganic nanoparticles.
Biomater. Sci., 2018,6, 726-745
An exosomal- and interfacial-biosensing based strategy for remote monitoring of aberrantly phosphorylated proteins in lung cancer cells
We demonstrate remote detection of cellular protein phosphorylation using exosomal sources and an interfacial-biosensing strategy.
Biomater. Sci., 2018,6, 2336-2341
Chitosan-catechol: a writable bioink under serum culture media
Mussel-inspired adhesive polymers exhibiting rapid complexation with serum proteins are used as a direct writable bioink for additive techniques, 3D printing. The mussel-inspired bioinks would be a promising way to design a biocompatible 3D bioink cross-linked without any external stimuli.
Biomater. Sci., 2018,6, 1040-1047
The interplay of nanointerface curvature and calcium binding in weak polyelectrolyte-coated nanoparticles
Calcium binding and surface curvature determine the structural and functional properties of weak polyelectrolytes grafted to nanoparticles in biological environments.
Biomater. Sci., 2018,6, 1048-1058
Dendritic phospholipid-based drug delivery systems
A class of new dendritic phospholipid compounds with different hydrophilic dendritic poly(L-lysine) peripheries from generations 1 (G1) to 3 (G3) (DPL-1 to DPL-3) were synthesised and nano-drug delivery systems based on these compounds were prepared (DPN-2 and DPN-3).
Biomater. Sci., 2018,6, 774-778
pH-Triggered nanostructural transformations in antimicrobial peptide/oleic acid self-assemblies
This study reports smart nanostructures based on oleic acid/peptide mixtures in water for the delivery of antimicrobial peptides.
Biomater. Sci., 2018,6, 803-812
Interaction of cells with patterned reactors
The patterning of subcompartmentalized enzyme-loaded reactors is illustrated and the effect of triggered encapsulated catalysis on adhering cells is reported.
Biomater. Sci., 2018,6, 793-802
Enhanced cell adhesion on a bio-inspired hierarchically structured polyester modified with gelatin-methacrylate
Herein, fabrication and modification of novel bio-inspired microwell arrays with nanoscale topographic structures are reported.
Biomater. Sci., 2018,6, 785-792
Graphene quantum dots based fluorescence turn-on nanoprobe for highly sensitive and selective imaging of hydrogen sulfide in living cells
Graphene quantum dots-based fluorescent turn-on nanoprobe is developed for real-time monitoring the triggered dynamic change of intracellular H2S.
Biomater. Sci., 2018,6, 779-784