Themed collection International Conference on Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment Special Issue

1 item

Ozone formation potential related to the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxide (NOX) from a typical industrial park in the Pearl River Delta
Taicheng An, Jiajia Li, Qinhao Lin and Guiying Li
Ozone (O3) pollution has been recognized as the major air pollution in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, South China.
From the themed collection:
The role of tropospheric ozone in atmospheric processes, health and climate - Topic Highlight
The article was first published on 20 Вер 2024
Environ. Sci.: Atmos., 2024,4, 1229-1238
Environ. Sci.: Atmos., 2024,4, 1229-1238
1 item
About this collection
This special issue is dedicated to speakers of the International Conference on Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment (ABaCAS) 2024. This prestigious conference, held annually, serves as a global forum for scientists to exchange knowledge and strategies related to air pollution control and the pathway to carbon neutrality.