Themed collection Community Leaders: Gary Hieftje

Community Leaders: Gary M. Hieftje
Guest Editors Steven J. Ray and Carsten Engelhard introduce this themed issue in honor of Gary M. Hieftje.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1701-1703

Monodisperse microdroplets: a tool that advances single-particle ICP-MS measurements
Controlled introduction of monodisperse microdroplets is tool that can be used to improve single-particle ICP-MS measurements. Microdroplet-based signals are used for calibration, and also enable us to devise and validate data analysis strategies.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1727-1739
Single-cell analysis by use of ICP-MS
This tutorial review article is highlighting the fundamentals, instrumentation, and most recent trends of single-cell analysis by use of inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1784-1813
Charge transfer excitation processes in analytical glow discharges – A review
This review summarizes the current status and the latest developments in understanding the role of various charge transfer processes in analytical glow discharges.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1814-1826

A critical review of single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry – A step towards an ideal method for nanomaterial characterization
The critical review discusses instrumental developments in single particle ICP-MS (spICP-MS) of recent years step-by-step. Nanoanalysis application papers from the literature are summarized in a tabular form including important experimental parameters.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1740-1783
Evidence for photochemical synthesis of fluoromethane
Cu2+ – assisted photomethylation of fluoride in dilute acetic acid medium is suggested to occur by radical halogen atom transfer, with Cu(II) acting in a catalytic capacity.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1720-1726
The effect of nanoparticle presence on aerosol formation during nanoparticle-enhanced laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
The presence of gold nanoparticles on the metallic sample surface positively changes the particle size distribution of the laser ablation aerosol.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 2893-2900
Thomson scattering versus modeling of the microwave plasma torch: a long standing discrepancy almost solved
This paper resolves a long standing discrepancy between theoretical modeling of atmospheric microwave plasma jets and their diagnostics by Thomson scattering. The discrepancy is found to be created by the filamentary behavior of the plasma.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 2064-2074
Elemental bioimaging of Na distribution in roots of Arabidopsis thaliana using laser ablation-ICP-MS under cold plasma conditions
LA-ICP-MS under cold plasma conditions is used for imaging analysis of the sodium content in plant roots.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 2057-2063
Extreme ultraviolet plasma spectroscopy of a pseudospark XUV source
The development of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) sources for tabletop operation has enabled a range of new applications in nano-structuring and spectroscopy.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 2011-2022
Characterization of matrix effects using an inductively coupled plasma-sector field mass spectrometer
Comprehensive characterization of ICP-SFMS matrix effects as function of analyte mass, matrix mass, focus lens voltage and nebulizer gas flow rate.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 2033-2056
Characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles by means of single-particle ICP-mass spectrometry (SP-ICP-MS) – chemical versus physical resolution to overcome spectral overlap
In this work, different single-particle ICP-MS (SP-ICP-MS) approaches, relying on either chemical or physical resolution to overcome spectral overlap, have been assessed for their utility in the characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs).
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 2023-2032
Arsenic speciation and its DNA fractionation in the rice plant Oryza sativa
The transport of arsenic from soil through to edible crop is important when assessing the potential health risks from a food source.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1989-2001
Evaluation of a modified halo flowing atmospheric pressure afterglow ion source for the analysis of directly injected volatile organic compounds
hFAPA ion source as an analytical tool for the determination of volatile organic compounds in gas samples by direct injection.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 2002-2010
A multi-electrode glow discharge ionization source for atomic and molecular mass spectrometry
A novel multi-electrode glow discharge provides increased sensitivity and analytical flexibility for both atomic and molecular MS determinations.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1969-1978
Rapid chemical analysis of steel slag by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for near-the-line applications
A laser-induced breakdown spectrometry (LIBS) system for rapid slag analysis near a steel process has been tested and evaluated.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1848-1858
Quantitative assessment of cellular uptake and differential toxic effects of HgSe nanoparticles in human cells
A comparative study of the cytotoxicity of HgSe nanoparticles and that induced by inorganic mercury and methylmercury in two cell lines.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1979-1988
Molecular absorption and mass spectrometry for complementary analytical study of fluorinated drugs in animal organisms
Comprehensive methodology for investigation of the interaction of fluorinated drugs with animals organisms.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1840-1847
Nitric acid effect in inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry: new insights on possible causes and correction
Fundamental aspects of nitric acid effect have been revisited to provide new insights into the possible sources and its correction by internal standardization.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1959-1968

High-speed photographic study of vaporclouds from wet droplets and the subsequent solid particles in an inductively coupled plasma
Horizontal ICP with large droplet cloud showing YO and neutral Y emission.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1956-1958
A transmission-type triple grating spectrograph for improved laser scattering diagnostics of low-density plasmas used in chemical analysis
An improved transmission-type triple grating spectrograph permits 2D mapping of plasma species via laser scattering closer to surfaces, at faster measurement time, and the lowest electron density detection limit reported.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1932-1946
Coupling the liquid sampling – atmospheric pressure glow discharge, a combined atomic and molecular (CAM) ionization source, to a reduced-format mass spectrometer for the analysis of diverse species
Coupling of a combined atomic and molecular (CAM) ionization source with a reduced-format mass spectrometer for the analysis of diverse species provides unique capabilities that can be implemented in diverse laboratory and in-field situations.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1910-1921

Detectability and discrimination of biomarker organic precursors in a low pressure CO2 atmosphere by LIBS
LIBS molecular emission analysis constitutes a reliable approach in order to establish an identification system for biomarker organic precursors under a low pressure CO2 atmosphere.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1947-1955
Calibration of LA-ICP-MS via standard addition using dried picoliter droplets
The calibration of LA-ICP-MS is achieved using a highly precise and inexpensive dosing device for pL-droplets based on a commercial inkjet cartridge.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1922-1931
Imaging studies of emission and laser scattering from a solution-cathode glow discharge
Imaging experiments were used to explore solution-to-plasma transport and plasma structure in a solution-cathode glow discharge.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1859-1867
Multielemental analysis of vegetable oils and fats by means of ICP-OES following a dilution and shot methodology
The accurate direct elemental analysis of fats and oils is accomplished according to a dilution and shot analysis method.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1897-1909
A high performance method for the accurate and precise determination of silicon isotopic compositions in bulk silicate rock samples using laser ablation MC-ICP-MS
This study presents the most efficient silicon isotopic analysis method for bulk silicate rock samples by both nanosecond and femtosecond laser ablation MC-ICP-MS.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1887-1896
A ceramic microchip with LDA-APGD as the excitation source for OES – a sensitive Hg detecting sensor for microsample analysis
A novel portable excitation microsource for optical emission spectrometry (OES) based on atmospheric pressure glow discharge with a liquid drop anode (LDA-APGD), generated in a ceramic microchip (mch), was developed.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1880-1886
Imaging of proteins in biological tissues by fluorescence microscopy and laser ablation-ICP-MS using natural and isotopically enriched silver nanoclusters
Antibodies conjugated with naturally abundant and isotopically enriched AgNCs are used for bioimaging of proteins in human retinal layers by LA-ICP-MS.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1868-1879

The accurate determination of number concentration of inorganic nanoparticles using spICP-MS with the dynamic mass flow approach
Methodology for SI traceable determination of particle number concentration by reference NM-free spICP-MS.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1832-1839
Analytical performance of a high-repetition rate laser head (500 Hz) for HR LA-ICP-QMS imaging
Fast aerosol transport technologies used in LA-ICP-MS increased the need for high-repetition rate lasers. We thoroughly investigated the performance of a 500 Hz laser and no damaging effect on the image quality was observed.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2020,35, 1827-1831
About this collection
This is a collection of papers in celebration of Gary M. Hieftje’s career in analytical atomic spectrometry. Prof. Hieftje's work and impact in the community hardly need any introduction. He has been involved with JAAS in a number of ways (author, referee, guest editor, Editorial and Advisory Board Member) since the journal launched in 1986 and he was the Editorial Board Chair from 2004 – 2006. Gary has contributed over 70 articles to this journal alone and has also served on the Editorial Board of Metallomics.
Guest Edited by Steven J. Ray and Carsten Engelhard. New articles will be added to this collection as they are published.