Themed collection Immunotherapy

Framing technology challenges associated with improving cancer immunotherapies
Thought leader Jim Heath introduces the Lab on a Chip Immunotherapy thematic collection.
Lab Chip, 2019,19, 3366-3367
Tumor-on-a-chip platforms to study cancer–immune system crosstalk in the era of immunotherapy
Immunotherapy is a powerful therapeutic approach able to re-educate the immune system to fight cancer. In this scenario, tumor-on-chip can help to choose the right immunotherapeutic treatment.
Lab Chip, 2021,21, 234-253

Recent advances in microfluidic technologies for cell-to-cell interaction studies
Microfluidic cell cultures are ideally positioned to become the next generation of in vitro diagnostic tools for biomedical research, where key biological processes such as cell signalling and dynamic cell-to-cell interactions can be reliably analysed under reproducible physiological cell culture conditions.
Lab Chip, 2018,18, 249-270
A multilayered blood vessel/tumor tissue chip to investigate T cell infiltration into solid tumor tissues
We developed a multilayered blood vessel/tumor tissue chip (MBTC) that allows systematic investigation on T cell tumor infiltration. Key characteristics of T cell dynamics in tumor microenvironments are recapitulated in the MBTCs.
Lab Chip, 2021,21, 2142-2152
Machine learning-aided quantification of antibody-based cancer immunotherapy by natural killer cells in microfluidic droplets
Comparative proteomic profiling and development of convolution neural network algorithm for quantifying discrete target interaction by engineered NK cells in microfluidic droplets.
Lab Chip, 2020,20, 2317-2327
Droplet encapsulation improves accuracy of immune cell cytokine capture assays
In-droplet cytokine capture assays combined with FACS to accurately identify and isolate activated immune cells.
Lab Chip, 2020,20, 1513-1520
MATE-Seq: microfluidic antigen-TCR engagement sequencing
Barcoded nanoparticles and an integrated DLD and droplet generator device are used to purify and sequence rare antigen-specific T cells.
Lab Chip, 2019,19, 3011-3021
Single cell arrays of hematological cancer cells for assessment of lymphocyte cytotoxicity dynamics, serial killing, and extracellular molecules
A new microwell assays to asses lymphocyte cytotoxicity against hematological cancer cells.
Lab Chip, 2019,19, 2009-2018
Microfluidic on-demand engineering of exosomes towards cancer immunotherapy
3D printing-based facile microfabrication of a microfluidic culture chip integrates harvesting, antigenic modification, and photo-release of surface engineered exosomes in one workflow, which enables rapid and real-time production of therapeutic exosomes for advancing cancer immunotherapy.
Lab Chip, 2019,19, 1877-1886
Functional TCR T cell screening using single-cell droplet microfluidics
Droplet-based single cell platform allows functional screening and sorting of desirable TCR T cells to accelerate development of adoptive T cell therapies.
Lab Chip, 2018,18, 3733-3749

3D microfluidic ex vivo culture of organotypic tumor spheroids to model immune checkpoint blockade
Microfluidic culture has the potential to revolutionize cancer diagnosis and therapy.
Lab Chip, 2018,18, 3129-3143
Unsupervised capture and profiling of rare immune cells using multi-directional magnetic ratcheting
Our results demonstrate that multi-directional magnetic ratcheting offers a unique separation system for dealing with clinical samples that contain either rare cells or significantly small volumes.
Lab Chip, 2018,18, 2396-2409
A multiplexed microfluidic system for evaluation of dynamics of immune–tumor interactions
A system for perfusing and interacting tumor fragments and immune cells and testing drug response with image analytics is reported.
Lab Chip, 2018,18, 1844-1858
Cancer immunotherapy μ-environment LabChip: taking advantage of optoelectronic tweezers
An OET-based LabChip was developed to provide a stable and static culture μ-environment for cancer immunotherapy studies. The TiOPc-based OET facilitates the studies of cell–cell interaction resulting in apoptotic progress of cancer cells.
Lab Chip, 2018,18, 106-114
About this collection
A collection of recent reviews and research papers on the topic of immunotherapy and immunoengineering published in Lab on a Chip and curated by the Lab on a Chip Editorial Board.
This topic area is currently the focus of a thematic collection in this field, led by Thought leader James R. Heath. More details about how to submit to the collection can be found at