Themed collection 10th Anniversary of NCNST, China

China's NanoCentre Turns Ten
Nanoscale, 2013,5, 8268-8268
Multiple strategies to activate gold nanoparticles as antibiotics
We review the progress of activating gold nanoparticles with nonantibiotic or antibiotic molecules to combat bacterial resistance.
Nanoscale, 2013,5, 8340-8350
Innovative pharmaceutical development based on unique properties of nanoscale delivery formulation
We review the future design and development of nanomedicine, and discuss its advantages, different routes of administration and issues related to toxicology.
Nanoscale, 2013,5, 8307-8325
Nanostructure-induced DNA condensation
We review the progress of nanostructure-induced DNA condensation, structural details and the associated mechanisms of the condensate nanostructures.
Nanoscale, 2013,5, 8288-8306
Visible light driven type II heterostructures and their enhanced photocatalysis properties: a review
We trace the application of type II heterostructured semiconductors in the area of environmental remediation and water splitting, summarize major fabrication methods, describe some of the progress and resulting achievements.
Nanoscale, 2013,5, 8326-8339
On-surface single molecule synthesis chemistry: a promising bottom-up approach towards functional surfaces
This review summaries recent progress on the on-surface synthesis chemistry with single molecule STM investigation.
Nanoscale, 2013,5, 8269-8287
Tuning the layer-dependent doping effect of graphenes by C60
C60 can induce hole doping in graphenes, and this is more significant in the C60/G hybrid. The doping level is closely related to the layer number of the graphenes.
Nanoscale, 2013,5, 8359-8362
High-speed AFM for scanning the architecture of living cells
To address the modelling of tip–cell membrane interactions and successfully perform in situ imaging of living cells under loading rates of up to 50 Hz.
Nanoscale, 2013,5, 8355-8358
One-step fabrication of micro/nanotunnels in metal interlayers
In only one step, arbitrary tunnels can be fabricated, providing a new route for micro/nanotunnel fabrication with simple, designable and practical features.
Nanoscale, 2013,5, 8351-8354
Surface chemistry of gold nanorods : origin of cell membrane damage and cytotoxicity
Gold nanorods damage cell membrane and induce cell death mainly due to the unique bilayer structure of CTAB molecules on the rod surface, rather than their surface charges.
Nanoscale, 2013,5, 8384-8391
Shape-dependent electrocatalytic activity of monodispersed palladium nanocrystals toward formic acid oxidation
We systematically explored the shape-dependent catalytic activities of monodispersed palladium nanocrystals toward the electrochemical oxidation of formic acid. Notably, the cubic palladium nanocrystals wholly exposed with {100} facets exhibit the highest activity.
Nanoscale, 2013,5, 8392-8397
Photocatalytic water splitting for hydrogen generation on cubic, orthorhombic, and tetragonal KNbO3 microcubes
Hydrogen generation by photocatalytic water splitting on KNbO3 microcubes with various phases having reactivities following the order cubic > orthorhombic > tetragonal.
Nanoscale, 2013,5, 8375-8383
Graphene oxide-based benzimidazole-crosslinked networks for high-performance supercapacitors
GOBIN materials have been synthesized with a high BET specific surface area, and exhibit high specific capacitances and good cycling stability.
Nanoscale, 2013,5, 8367-8374
Hydrogen-induced effects on the CVD growth of high-quality graphene structures
Hydrogen-induced effects during the CVD growth of graphene can give rise to high-quality graphene structures with trimmed edge morphologies.
Nanoscale, 2013,5, 8363-8366
About this collection
A collection of articles celebrating the 10th anniversary of NCNST, China, guest edited by Xingyu Jiang