Themed collection Top 50 Articles of 2016: Inorganic Chemistry

The rise of 3-d single-ion magnets in molecular magnetism: towards materials from molecules?
Single-molecule magnets (SMMs) that contain one spin centre (so-called single-ion magnets) theoretically represent the smallest possible unit for spin-based electronic devices. These molecules hold the promise to revolutionize computing and change the methodology by which we store, employ and process information.
Chem. Sci., 2016,7, 2470-2491

Highly phosphorescent platinum(II) emitters: photophysics, materials and biological applications
The structural effects of ligands on the emission properties of Pt(II) complexes and promising applications of luminescent Pt(II) complexes in various areas are discussed.
Chem. Sci., 2016,7, 1653-1673

Photochromic metal–organic frameworks for inkless and erasable printing
A media for inkless and erasable printing has been developed using photochromic MOFs. Different coloured printing has been achieved by varying the structure of the MOF. The resultant printing has a good resolution and stability, is capable of being read both by human eyes and smart electronic devices and the paper can be reused for several cycles without any significant loss in intensity.
Chem. Sci., 2016,7, 2195-2200

A versatile synthetic route for the preparation of titanium metal–organic frameworks
Through a versatile synthetic strategy, High Valence Metathesis and Oxidation (HVMO), a series of Ti-MOFs with predesigned topologies and structures were synthesized.
Chem. Sci., 2016,7, 1063-1069

A monometallic lanthanide bis(methanediide) single molecule magnet with a large energy barrier and complex spin relaxation behaviour
We report a monometallic dysprosium(III) single molecule magnet with record energy barriers and unusual spin relaxation behaviour.
Chem. Sci., 2016,7, 155-165
About this collection
We are delighted to present a collection showcasing the 50 most downloaded Chemical Science articles of 2016. This is only available for a limited time and provides an easy way to quickly access the most important papers published in Chemical Science in the past year. These articles highlight exciting and impactful research across a broad range of subject areas, analytical chemistry, chemical biology, catalysis, energy, inorganic chemistry, materials science, nanoscience, organic chemistry and physical chemistry. We hope you enjoy reading this collection!