Reactions of metal carbonyl derivatives. Part XVIII. Synthesis and redox properties of some binuclear derivatives of iron bridged by both carbonyl and alkylthio-groups
The metal-containing sulphide RSMR′[R = Et or But, MR′= Fe(CO)2(cp)] reacts with [Fe(cp)(CO)2(OCMe2)]+ to afford [{Fe(cp)(CO)2}2(SR)]+, in which the two iron atoms are linked through the alkylthio-group (cp =η-cyclopentadienyl). U.v. irradiation of [{Fe(cp)(CO)2}2(SR)][SbF6] in tetrahydrofuran effects the loss of a carbonyl group and rearrangement of the resulting species to [Fe2(cp)2(CO)3SR][SbF6] containing both a bridging carbonyl and a bridging alkylthio-ligand. Similar treatment of [{Fe(cp)(CO)2}2(SEt)][BPh4] results in extraction of a phenyl group from the tetraphenylborate anion and formation of [Fe(cp)(CO)2Ph]. The cation [Fe2(cp)2(CO)3SEt]+ is readily reduced by sodium amalgam to [Fe2(cp)2(CO)3SEt] and [Fe2(cp)2(CO)3SEt]–.