Issue 23, 1999

Oxidative steam reforming of methanol over CuZnAl(Zr)-oxide catalysts; a new and efficient method for the production of CO-free hydrogen for fuel cells


Steam reforming of methanol in the presence of air over CuZnAl(Zr)-oxide catalysts derived from hydrotalcite-like hydroxycarbonate precursors offers CO-free hydrogen suitable for fuel cells with about 100% methanol conversion at around 230 °C.

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Chem. Commun., 1999, 2341-2342

Oxidative steam reforming of methanol over CuZnAl(Zr)-oxide catalysts; a new and efficient method for the production of CO-free hydrogen for fuel cells

S. Velu, K. Suzuki and T. Osaki, Chem. Commun., 1999, 2341 DOI: 10.1039/A907047H

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