Issue 23, 1999

Cs2Al2P2O9: an exception to Löwenstein’s rule. Synthesis and characterization of a novel layered aluminophosphate containing linear Al–O–Al linkages


A caesium aluminophosphate compound synthesized via high-temperature, solid-state methods reveals a new composition for a layered AlPO structure; it exhibits a non-Löwensteinian framework which contains linear Al–O–Al linkages in six-rings of alternating Al2O7 and PO4 groups.

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Chem. Commun., 1999, 2343-2344

Cs2Al2P2O9: an exception to Löwenstein’s rule. Synthesis and characterization of a novel layered aluminophosphate containing linear Al–O–Al linkages

Q. Huang and S. Hwu, Chem. Commun., 1999, 2343 DOI: 10.1039/A907194F

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