Issue 2, 2001

A voltammetric study of direct electron transfer to cytochrome c using a very large assembly of carbon microelectrodes


A very large assembly of more than 8000 carbon fibre microdisk electrodes was used to study direct electron transfer to cytochrome c. Near steady-state cyclic voltammograms were observed, which exhibited excellent signal-to-noise ratios despite the low concentrations of cytochrome c employed (1–50 μM). The high resolution of the voltammograms allowed the formal potential of the native form of cytochrome c to be determined over a range of solution pH.

Article information

Article type
20 Aug 2001
10 Oct 2001
First published
15 Nov 2001

Lab Chip, 2001,1, 127-131

A voltammetric study of direct electron transfer to cytochrome c using a very large assembly of carbon microelectrodes

M. Kudera, Y. Nakagawa, S. Fletcher and H. A. O. Hill, Lab Chip, 2001, 1, 127 DOI: 10.1039/B107541C

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