Issue 23, 2005

Mechanochemical and solution reactions between AgCH3COO and [H2NC6H10NH2] yield three isomers of the coordination network {Ag[H2NC6H10NH2]+}


Solid-state co-grinding of silver acetate and solid trans-1,4-diaminocyclohexane, [H2NC6H10NH2] yields two isomeric coordination networks depending on the crystallization conditions; a third isomeric form is obtained when the same reaction is carried out in solution.

Graphical abstract: Mechanochemical and solution reactions between AgCH3COO and [H2NC6H10NH2] yield three isomers of the coordination network {Ag[H2NC6H10NH2]+}∞

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Article information

Article type
09 Mar 2005
13 Apr 2005
First published
26 Apr 2005

Chem. Commun., 2005, 2915-2917

Mechanochemical and solution reactions between AgCH3COO and [H2NC6H10NH2] yield three isomers of the coordination network {Ag[H2NC6H10NH2]+}

D. Braga, M. Curzi, F. Grepioni and M. Polito, Chem. Commun., 2005, 2915 DOI: 10.1039/B503404C

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