Issue 23, 2005

Ethene hydroformylation with CO/H2O: nucleophilic attack by water on to a terminal CO of a Ru(ii) acylcarbonyl complex


The reaction with water of acyldicarbonyl–Ru(II) complexes relevant to ruthenium catalysed ethene hydrocarbonylation with CO/H2O is shown to consist of a nucleophilic attack and to proceed via coordination of propionate and CO to the Ru(II) species.

Graphical abstract: Ethene hydroformylation with CO/H2O: nucleophilic attack by water on to a terminal CO of a Ru(ii) acylcarbonyl complex

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Article information

Article type
03 Mar 2005
18 Apr 2005
First published
06 May 2005

Chem. Commun., 2005, 2912-2914

Ethene hydroformylation with CO/H2O: nucleophilic attack by water on to a terminal CO of a Ru(II) acylcarbonyl complex

G. Fachinetti, T. Funaioli and F. Marchetti, Chem. Commun., 2005, 2912 DOI: 10.1039/B502998H

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