Issue 40, 2005

The folded, tetrameric phosph(iii)azane macrocycle [{P(μ-NtBu)}2{1,4-(NH)2C6H4}]4


The tetrameric macrocycle [{P(μ-NtBu)}2{1,4-(NH)2C6H4}]4, obtained from the reaction of the phosphazane dimer [ClP(μ-NtBu)]2 with p-phenylenediamine, has an unusual folded conformation in the solid state and contains a roughly tetrahedral arrangement of endo N–H groups for the potential coordination of anions.

Graphical abstract: The folded, tetrameric phosph(iii)azane macrocycle [{P(μ-NtBu)}2{1,4-(NH)2C6H4}]4

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
27 Jul 2005
18 Aug 2005
First published
15 Sep 2005

Chem. Commun., 2005, 5041-5043

The folded, tetrameric phosph(III)azane macrocycle [{P(μ-NtBu)}2{1,4-(NH)2C6H4}]4

F. Dodds, F. García, R. A. Kowenicki, M. McPartlin, L. Riera, A. Steiner and D. S. Wright, Chem. Commun., 2005, 5041 DOI: 10.1039/B510636B

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