Issue 7, 2010

Shape-controlled electrodeposition of tin crystals from Sn(ii)-fluoroborate solutions


The shape evolution of mesoscopic tin crystals electrodeposited on boron-doped diamond (BDD) substrates is described as a function of the ion concentration and deposition potential. Concentrations of 5–100 mM Sn(II) in 1 M fluoroboric acid have been explored and electron micrographs of the deposited crystals used to characterise the different shapes and sizes of the crystals obtained. Low concentrations and low overpotentials result in faceted cuboid-shaped crystals while higher concentrations and deposition potentials yield highly complex and fractal-like structures with high surface energies. These crystals can be used as model systems for studying mesoscopic superconductivity, or as a template for core–shell structures if plated with a second metal.

Graphical abstract: Shape-controlled electrodeposition of tin crystals from Sn(ii)-fluoroborate solutions

Article information

Article type
16 Oct 2009
08 Feb 2010
First published
25 Feb 2010

CrystEngComm, 2010,12, 2135-2138

Shape-controlled electrodeposition of tin crystals from Sn(II)-fluoroborate solutions

A. Müller, S. E. C. Dale, M. A. Engbarth, S. J. Bending and L. M. Peter, CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 2135 DOI: 10.1039/B921713D

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