Issue 7, 2010

Not just size and shape: spherically symmetrical d5 and d10 metal ions give different coordination nets with 4,2′:6′,4″-terpyridines


Functionalized 4,2′:6′,4″-terpyridine ligands have been used to provide a divergent N,N-donor set for the formation of coordination polymers containing {Zn2(µ-OAc)4} or {Mn3(µ-OAc)4(OAc)2} scaffolds. Single-stranded coordination polymers are produced from the reactions of 4′-(4-bromophenyl)-4,2′:6′,4″-terpyridine (1) and 4′-(4-methylthiophenyl)-4,2′:6′,4″-terpyridine (2) with Zn(OAc)2·2H2O. In [Zn2(1)(OAc)4]n and [Zn2(2)(OAc)4]n, the two outer nitrogen donors of the 4,2′:6′,4″-terpyridine ligands, bind to the axial sites of {Zn2(µ-OAc)4} units to generate coordination polymer chains which are π-stacked so that the V-shaped ligand domains are interleaved. When Mn(OAc)2·4H2O is treated with 4′-(4-bromophenyl)-4,2′:6′,4″-terpyridine, the triply stranded coordination polymer {[Mn3(1)3(OAc)6]·0.8MeOH·2.2H2O}n assembles in which the 4,2′:6′,4″-terpyridine ligands span between {Mn3(µ-OAc)4(OAc)2} units. Efficient face-to-face π-interactions between pairs of pyridine rings or pairs of bromophenyl rings are the dominant packing forces. The magnetic properties in {[Mn3(1)3(OAc)6]·0.8MeOH·2.2H2O}n are dominated by the presence of a weak antiferromagnetic interaction between the central Mn(II) ion and the two lateral ones within the linear trimeric unit, leading to an S = 5/2 ground state.

Graphical abstract: Not just size and shape: spherically symmetrical d5 and d10 metal ions give different coordination nets with 4,2′:6′,4″-terpyridines

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Article information

Article type
16 Dec 2009
04 Feb 2010
First published
26 Feb 2010

CrystEngComm, 2010,12, 2139-2145

Not just size and shape: spherically symmetrical d5 and d10 metal ions give different coordination nets with 4,2′:6′,4″-terpyridines

E. C. Constable, G. Zhang, E. Coronado, C. E. Housecroft and M. Neuburger, CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 2139 DOI: 10.1039/B926597J

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