Issue 17, 2011

DOTASQ as a prototype of nature-inspired G-quadruplex ligand


DOTASQ (for DOTA-templated Synthetic G-quartet) is the first prototype of nature-inspired G-quadruplex ligand: its design, founded on a possible intramolecular G-quartet formation, enables it to interact with G-quadruplex DNA via an unprecedented nature-mimicking binding mode, based on the association between two G-quartets, one being native (quadruplex) and the other one artificial (ligand).

Graphical abstract: DOTASQ as a prototype of nature-inspired G-quadruplex ligand

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Article information

Article type
15 Nov 2010
01 Mar 2011
First published
22 Mar 2011

Chem. Commun., 2011,47, 4992-4994

DOTASQ as a prototype of nature-inspired G-quadruplex ligand

L. Stefan, A. Guédin, S. Amrane, N. Smith, F. Denat, J. Mergny and D. Monchaud, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 4992 DOI: 10.1039/C0CC04960C

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