Our aim was to investigate the effects of Maillard reaction products (MRPs) from bread crust (BC) on bone composition and its mechanical properties, determining whether any such effects are related to the molecular weight of different MRPs. For 88 days after weaning rats were fed a control diet or diets containing BC, or its soluble low molecular weight (LMW), soluble high molecular weight (HMW) or insoluble fractions. Animals' food consumption and body weights were monitored. After sacrifice, the femur, pelvic bone and tibia were removed for composition, physical and biomechanical properties analysis. It was found that body and femur weights, density, volume and organic matrix decreased, whereas pentosidine increased after consumption of experimental diets, especially in the HMW and insoluble groups (104.7 and 102.9 mmol mol−1 collagen) vs. the control group (41.7 mmol mol−1 collagen). Bone stiffness fell by 50% in the LMW, HMW and insoluble groups and failure load and energy to failure tended to decrease in the same animals after MRPs intake. Consumption of diets containing assayed MRPs during growth leads to lower bone size and introduces some changes in its mechanical behavior which appear to be related to an increase in the pentosidine level of bone.
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