Issue 21, 2014

Reduced TiO2 rutile nanorods with well-defined facets and their visible-light photocatalytic activity


Stable reduced TiO2 rutile nanorods with well-defined facets were prepared by a solvothermal route in the presence of Zn powder. The oxygen vacancy in the TiO2 nanorods, which can be tuned by the amount of Zn, results in a narrow band gap and visible-light photocatalytic activity.

Graphical abstract: Reduced TiO2 rutile nanorods with well-defined facets and their visible-light photocatalytic activity

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Article information

Article type
03 Dec 2013
20 Jan 2014
First published
22 Jan 2014

Chem. Commun., 2014,50, 2755-2757

Author version available

Reduced TiO2 rutile nanorods with well-defined facets and their visible-light photocatalytic activity

Z. Zhao, H. Tan, H. Zhao, Y. Lv, L. Zhou, Y. Song and Z. Sun, Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 2755 DOI: 10.1039/C3CC49182J

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