Wet etching processes for recycling crystalline silicon solar cells from end-of-life photovoltaic modules
The ideal approach for disposing of end-of-life photovoltaic (PV) modules is recycling. Since it is expected that more than 50 000 t of PV modules will be worn out in 2015, the recycling approach has received significant attention in the last few years. In order to recover Si wafers from degraded solar cells, metal electrodes, anti-reflection coatings, emitter layers, and p–n junctions have to be removed from the cells. In this study, we employed two different chemical etching processes to recover Si wafers from degraded Si solar cells. Each etching process consisted of two steps: (1) first etching carried out using a nitric acid (HNO3) and hydrofluoric acid (HF) mixture and potassium hydroxide (KOH), (2) second etching carried out using phosphoric acid (H3PO4) and a HNO3 and HF mixture. The first etching process resulted in deep grooves, 36 μm on average, on the front of recycled wafers that rendered the process unsuitable for wafers to be used in solar cell production. Such grooves occurred due to different etching rates of Ag electrodes and silicon nitride (SiNx). On the other hands, the second etching process did not result in such grooves and produced a recovered Si wafer with a uniform and smooth surface. The recycled wafers obtained by the second etching process showed properties almost identical to those of commercial virgin wafers: thickness, 173 μm; minimum and maximum resistivity, 1.6 and 10 Ω cm, respectively; and average carrier lifetime, 1.785 μs. In addition, P and Al atoms were not detected in the recycled wafers by secondary ion mass spectroscopy.