Issue 88, 2016

A highly porous rht-type acylamide-functionalized metal–organic framework exhibiting large CO2 uptake capabilities


A new, highly porous acylamide-functionalized MOF with a (3,24)-connected rht-type network (HNUST-5) has been synthesized and structurally determined using powder X-ray diffraction. HNUST-5 exhibits a high BET surface area of 3643 m2 g−1, and a large CO2 uptake capability (38.9 mmol g−1 under 36 bar) with an excellent selectivity of CO2/CH4 (7.3) and CO2/N2 (32.5) at 273 K.

Graphical abstract: A highly porous rht-type acylamide-functionalized metal–organic framework exhibiting large CO2 uptake capabilities

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Article information

Article type
16 Aug 2016
10 Oct 2016
First published
10 Oct 2016

Chem. Commun., 2016,52, 12988-12991

A highly porous rht-type acylamide-functionalized metal–organic framework exhibiting large CO2 uptake capabilities

B. Zheng, H. Wang, Z. Wang, N. Ozaki, C. Hang, X. Luo, L. Huang, W. Zeng, M. Yang and J. Duan, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 12988 DOI: 10.1039/C6CC06734D

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