Issue 88, 2016

Platanus hispanica-inspired design of Co–carbon nanotube frameworks through chemical vapor deposition: a highly integrated hierarchical electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reactions


In this communication, a novel platanus hispanica-like, highly integrated hierarchical electrocatalyst, with Co–carbon nanotubes anchored through porous Co embedded carbon sphere frameworks (Co–CNTFs), was fabricated using a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. More importantly, the prepared Co–CNTFs demonstrate even better activity than commercial Pt electrocatalysts in an alkaline medium. This presented CVD approach provides an effective way to grow metal–CNTs in situ through various metal-complex-derived functional nanomaterials and can be expanded to metallic oxide, metallic sulfide, and metallic phosphide, among others, to introduce carbon nanotube frameworks with a multitude of potential applications.

Graphical abstract: Platanus hispanica-inspired design of Co–carbon nanotube frameworks through chemical vapor deposition: a highly integrated hierarchical electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reactions

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
22 Sep 2016
07 Oct 2016
First published
17 Oct 2016

Chem. Commun., 2016,52, 12992-12995

Platanus hispanica-inspired design of Co–carbon nanotube frameworks through chemical vapor deposition: a highly integrated hierarchical electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reactions

M. Wang, C. Ye, S. Bao, Z. Chen, Y. Yu, Y. Zhang and M. Xu, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 12992 DOI: 10.1039/C6CC07716A

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