Issue 35, 2018

Carboxylate substitution position influencing polymer properties and enabling non-fullerene organic solar cells with high open circuit voltage and low voltage loss


To minimize the voltage loss of non-fullerene organic solar cells (OSCs), it is important to modulate the energy levels of active materials and thus the photovoltage of the device. In this paper, we report a simple and effective approach to tune the energy levels of a state-of-the-art polymer P3TEA by switching the position of alkyl side chains and carboxylate substituents on the polymer backbone. The resulting polymer P3TAE exhibits a deep highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) level, contributing to a high open circuit voltage (VOC) of 1.20 V and a small voltage loss of 0.54 V when it is blended with a small molecule acceptor (SMA) FTTB-PDI4. Despite a small charge separation driving force, the P3TAE:FTTB-PDI4 blend exhibits efficient charge extraction, supported by relatively high external quantum efficiency (EQE) (∼60%) in the corresponding device. In addition, the P3TAE:FTTB-PDI4 blend shows relatively high electron mobility and domain purity, leading to a high fill factor (FF) in the device. As a result, the P3TAE:FTTB-PDI4-based solar cell exhibits a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 8.10%, which is one of the highest achieved performances for single-junction OSCs with VOC higher than 1.20 V.

Graphical abstract: Carboxylate substitution position influencing polymer properties and enabling non-fullerene organic solar cells with high open circuit voltage and low voltage loss

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Article information

Article type
26 May 2018
30 Jul 2018
First published
15 Aug 2018

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018,6, 16874-16881

Author version available

Carboxylate substitution position influencing polymer properties and enabling non-fullerene organic solar cells with high open circuit voltage and low voltage loss

J. Liu, L. Ma, F. K. Sheong, L. Zhang, H. Hu, J. Zhang, J. Zhang, Z. Li, C. Ma, X. Han, D. Pan, H. Ade, W. Ma and H. Yan, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 16874 DOI: 10.1039/C8TA04935A

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