Issue 31, 2019

Effect of external shear flow on sperm motility


The trajectory of sperm in the presence of background flow is of utmost importance for the success of fertilization, as sperm encounter background flow of different magnitude and direction on their way to the egg. Here, we have studied the effect of an unbounded simple shear flow as well as a Poiseuille flow on the sperm trajectory. In the presence of a simple shear flow, the sperm moves on an elliptical trajectory in the reference frame advecting with the local background flow. The length of the major-axis of this elliptical trajectory decreases with the shear rate. The flexibility of the flagellum and consequently the length of the major axis of the elliptical trajectories increases with the sperm number. The sperm number is a dimensionless number representing the ratio of viscous force to elastic force. The sperm moves downstream or upstream depending on the strength of background Poiseuille flow. In contrast to the simple shear flow, the sperm also moves toward the centerline in a Poiseuille flow. Far away from the centerline, the cross-stream migration velocity of the sperm increases as the transverse distance of the sperm from the centerline decreases. Close to the centerline, on the other hand, the cross-stream migration velocity decreases as the sperm further approaches the center. The cross-stream migration velocity of the sperm also increases with the sperm number.

Graphical abstract: Effect of external shear flow on sperm motility

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
08 Apr 2019
25 Jun 2019
First published
26 Jun 2019

Soft Matter, 2019,15, 6269-6277

Author version available

Effect of external shear flow on sperm motility

M. Kumar and A. M. Ardekani, Soft Matter, 2019, 15, 6269 DOI: 10.1039/C9SM00717B

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