Issue 31, 2019

Freestanding organogels by molecular velcro of unsaturated amphiphiles


A simple amphiphile, N-cardanyltaurine amide (NCT) with different degrees of cis-unsaturation in its tail resulted in the formation of strong organogels. Interestingly, this is in contrast to the commonly accepted notion that introducing unsaturation in alkyl chains enhances fluidity in lipid assemblies. The physico-chemical and first-principles DFT calculations confirmed the pegging of ‘kinked’ unsaturated side chains, where the hydrophobic interlocking as in Velcro fasteners leads to a network of cylindrical micelles, resulting in self-standing organogels. Textural profile analysis and spectroscopic details substantiated the dynamic assembly to resemble a 3D network of gelators rather than being a cross-linked or polymerized matrix of monomers.

Graphical abstract: Freestanding organogels by molecular velcro of unsaturated amphiphiles

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
21 Feb 2019
28 Jun 2019
First published
28 Jun 2019

Soft Matter, 2019,15, 6263-6268

Author version available

Freestanding organogels by molecular velcro of unsaturated amphiphiles

V. S. Balachandran, K. P. Divya, M. Samateh, S. S. Sagiri, S. Satapathy, P. Pradhan, S. R. Raghavan, L. Rakesh, M. S. Sellers, S. P. Karna and G. John, Soft Matter, 2019, 15, 6263 DOI: 10.1039/C9SM00378A

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