Issue 31, 2019

Irreversible topological transition of a stretched superhelix: the interplay of chiralities


Helical complexes with certain intramolecular constraints on their topological state, exhibit nontrivial conformational changes in response to an external tension. We consider a generic right-handed helix and construct identical right and left-handed superhelixes. By using molecular dynamics simulations, we discover that under an external tension, the interplay between the helix chirality and the chirality of the superhelix leads to a fundamental topology transition of the stretched right-handed superhelix to its left-handed counterpart. We characterize and rationalize this irreversible phenomenon for a wide range of intramolecular angular stiffnesses and determine the associated phase diagram at different external loadings.

Graphical abstract: Irreversible topological transition of a stretched superhelix: the interplay of chiralities

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Article information

Article type
22 May 2019
13 Jul 2019
First published
15 Jul 2019

Soft Matter, 2019,15, 6258-6262

Irreversible topological transition of a stretched superhelix: the interplay of chiralities

S. Najafi, Soft Matter, 2019, 15, 6258 DOI: 10.1039/C9SM01027K

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