Issue 71, 2020

Magnetic resonance imaging of high-intensity focused ultrasound-stimulated drug release from a self-reporting core@shell nanoparticle platform


We developed a theranostic approach exemplifying a concept called an “exchange method” that controls and “images” drug release from nanoparticles using magnetic resonance imaging-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound. The controllable amount of released drug and therapeutic efficacy can be self-reported by associated MRI contrast changes in solution and in cells.

Graphical abstract: Magnetic resonance imaging of high-intensity focused ultrasound-stimulated drug release from a self-reporting core@shell nanoparticle platform

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
03 May 2020
24 Jul 2020
First published
24 Jul 2020

Chem. Commun., 2020,56, 10297-10300

Magnetic resonance imaging of high-intensity focused ultrasound-stimulated drug release from a self-reporting core@shell nanoparticle platform

C. Cheng, W. Chen, L. Zhang, H. H. Wu and J. I. Zink, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 10297 DOI: 10.1039/D0CC03179H

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