Issue 29, 2020

Prediction of room-temperature ferromagnetism in a two-dimensional direct band gap semiconductor


Two-dimensional (2D) ferromagnetic (FM) semiconductors with a direct electronic band gap have recently drawn much attention due to their promising potential for spintronic and magneto-optical applications. However, the Curie temperature (TC) of recently synthesized 2D FM semiconductors is too low (∼45 K) and a room-temperature 2D direct band gap FM semiconductor has never been reported, which hinders the development for practical magneto-optical applications. Here, we show that through isovalent alloying, one can increase the TC of a 2D FM semiconductor up to room temperature and simultaneously turn it from an indirect to a direct band gap semiconductor. Using the first-principles calculations, we predict that the alloyed CrMoS2Br2 monolayer is a direct band gap semiconductor with a TC of ∼360 K, whereas the pristine CrSBr monolayer is an indirect band gap semiconductor with a TC of ∼180 K. These findings provide a promising pathway to realize 2D direct band gap FM semiconductors with TC above room temperature, which will greatly stimulate theoretical and experimental interest in future spintronic and magneto-optical applications.

Graphical abstract: Prediction of room-temperature ferromagnetism in a two-dimensional direct band gap semiconductor

Article information

Article type
29 Apr 2020
29 Jun 2020
First published
29 Jun 2020

Nanoscale, 2020,12, 15670-15676

Prediction of room-temperature ferromagnetism in a two-dimensional direct band gap semiconductor

S. Chen, F. Wu, Q. Li, H. Sun, J. Ding, C. Huang and E. Kan, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 15670 DOI: 10.1039/D0NR03340E

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