Issue 1, 2022

Novel ruthenium complexes bearing bipyridine-based and N-heterocyclic carbene-supported pyridine (NCN) ligands: the influence of ligands on catalytic transfer hydrogenation of ketones


Transfer hydrogenation (TH) is a powerful synthetic tool in the production of secondary alcohols from ketones by using a non-H2 hydrogen source along with metal catalysts. Among homogeneous catalysts, Ru(II) complexes are the most efficient catalysts. In our research, six novel ruthenium(II) complexes bearing bipyridine-based ligands [Ru(L1)Cl2] (1), [Ru(L1)(PPh3)Cl]Cl (2) and [Ru(L2)Cl2] (3) and N-heterocyclic carbene-supported pyridine (NCN) ligands [RuCp(L3)]PF6 (4), [RuCp*(L3)]PF6 (5), and [Ru(p-cymene)(L3)Cl]PF6 (6) (where L1 = 6,6′-bis(aminomethyl)-2,2′-bipyridine, L2 = 6,6′-bis(dimethylaminomethyl)-2,2′-bipyridine and L3 = 1,3-bis(2-methylpyridyl)imidazolium bromide) were synthesised and characterised by NMR spectroscopy, HRMS, and X-ray crystallography. The catalytic transfer hydrogenation of 28 ketones in 2-propanol at 80 °C in the presence of KOtBu (5 mol%) was demonstrated and the effect of ligands is highlighted. The results show that catalyst 1 exhibits improved TH efficiency compared to the commercially available Milstein catalyst and displays higher catalytic activity than 2 due to the steric effect from PPh3. From a combination of kinetic data and Eyring analysis, a zero-order dependence on the acetophenone substrate is observed, implying a rate-limiting hydride transfer step, leading to the proposed inner-sphere hydride transfer mechanism.

Graphical abstract: Novel ruthenium complexes bearing bipyridine-based and N-heterocyclic carbene-supported pyridine (NCN) ligands: the influence of ligands on catalytic transfer hydrogenation of ketones

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Article information

Article type
23 Sep 2021
23 Nov 2021
First published
30 Nov 2021

Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 340-351

Novel ruthenium complexes bearing bipyridine-based and N-heterocyclic carbene-supported pyridine (NCN) ligands: the influence of ligands on catalytic transfer hydrogenation of ketones

A. Piyasaengthong, L. J. Williams, D. S. Yufit and J. W. Walton, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 340 DOI: 10.1039/D1DT03240B

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