Issue 16, 2022

Inhibition of reinstatement of alcohol-induced conditioned place preference in mice by Lonicera japonica polysaccharide


Alcohol is one of the most commonly used addictive substances. Addiction memory is a necessary part of the mechanism underlying drug addiction. Lonicera japonica and its extract can mitigate organ damage caused by alcohol. In this study, Lonicera japonica polysaccharide (LJP) was extracted, and its effect on alcohol addiction memory was investigated. LJP inhibited the cue-induced reinstatement of conditioned place preference and elevated Tuj1 and DCX levels in the hippocampus to suppress neuronal damage. LJP also reduced the hippocampal glutamate (Glu) levels, alcohol-induced abnormal enhancement of the addiction memory, and decreased VPS34 phosphorylation and hyper activation of autophagy pathways in the hippocampus of alcohol-dependent mice. Our results suggest that LJP is a potential functional food to treat or ameliorate alcohol-induced addiction and that VPS34 is a potential target for modulating alcohol cravings.

Graphical abstract: Inhibition of reinstatement of alcohol-induced conditioned place preference in mice by Lonicera japonica polysaccharide

Article information

Article type
20 Jun 2022
21 Jul 2022
First published
22 Jul 2022

Food Funct., 2022,13, 8643-8651

Inhibition of reinstatement of alcohol-induced conditioned place preference in mice by Lonicera japonica polysaccharide

P. Liu, H. Shen, Q. Zhang, L. Zhou, X. Bai and T. Zhang, Food Funct., 2022, 13, 8643 DOI: 10.1039/D2FO01719A

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