Issue 24, 2022

Comment on “Realization of the Zn3+ oxidation state” by H. Fang, H. Banjade, Deepika and P. Jena, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 14041–14048


Two zinc–boron clusters (ZnBeB11(CN)12 and ZnBeB23(CN)22) reported in a theoretical study by P. Jena and co-workers are reinvestigated using quantum chemistry calculations. The results prove that the zinc atoms in these two clusters retain a normal oxidation state of +2, overturning the conclusion reached in the previous study that a +3 oxidation state is present. The semi-empirical LOBA method points out this contrast, which is demonstrated via various wavefunction analysis approaches. No unpaired electrons are observed on zinc atoms nor is there a spin density difference distribution, revealing that the zinc atoms have a fully occupied 3d10 electron shell. Density of states studies give the same conclusion, and they further show that zinc atoms adopt an sp2-hybrid type during bonding. From the perspective of energy, we advise that the electron affinity energy is not a reliable way of evaluating the oxidation state. Instead, binding energy calculations and constrained DFT are applicable, and these also support the presence of Zn2+. The simulated XPS peaks are consistent with the experimental data for Zn(II) measured in ZnS. Lastly, the ETS-NOCV method is adopted to give insights into the bonding structures between zinc atoms and boron clusters. It is suggested that future theoretical research into similar problems is analyzed more cautiously to avoid potentially misleading other researchers.

Graphical abstract: Comment on “Realization of the Zn3+ oxidation state” by H. Fang, H. Banjade, Deepika and P. Jena, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 14041–14048

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Article information

Article type
23 Oct 2021
21 May 2022
First published
09 Jun 2022

Nanoscale, 2022,14, 8875-8880

Comment on “Realization of the Zn3+ oxidation state” by H. Fang, H. Banjade, Deepika and P. Jena, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 14041–14048

Y. Shang, N. Shu, Z. Zhang, P. Yang and J. Xu, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 8875 DOI: 10.1039/D1NR07031B

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