Issue 24, 2022

Polybutylene succinate, a potential bio-degradable polymer: synthesis, copolymerization and bio-degradation


Poly(butylene succinate) is one of the emerging bio-degradable polymers, which has huge potential to be employed in a wide range of applications. Furthermore, it is also recognized as one of the biopolymers of choice due to its environmentally benign nature and biodegradability. Even though PBS has various advantages, brittleness, thermal stability and a lack of the high molecular weight required for industrial applications restricts its commercial implementation. Various catalyst systems have been employed to produce high molecular weight PBS. In addition, various strategies like copolymerization and the preparation of composites and blends have been attempted to improve the physical and mechanical properties of PBS. However, the synthesis of high molecular weight PBS with enhanced properties still remains a challenging task. Herein, catalyst systems that have been employed towards the synthesis of PBS and its copolymers as well as its property enhancements (including bio-degradation) through copolymerization are covered in detail. This will provide readers with a detailed and systematic understanding of the catalysis, copolymerization and biodegradation of PBS.

Graphical abstract: Polybutylene succinate, a potential bio-degradable polymer: synthesis, copolymerization and bio-degradation

Article information

Article type
Review Article
15 Feb 2022
16 Apr 2022
First published
10 May 2022

Polym. Chem., 2022,13, 3562-3612

Polybutylene succinate, a potential bio-degradable polymer: synthesis, copolymerization and bio-degradation

K. S. Savitha, B. Ravji Paghadar, M. Senthil Kumar and R. L. Jagadish, Polym. Chem., 2022, 13, 3562 DOI: 10.1039/D2PY00204C

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