Issue 54, 2022

Hollow silica-coated porous carbon with embedded iron oxide particles for effective methylene blue degradation


A novel catalyst, consisting of hollow silica-coated porous carbon with embedded iron oxide particles (FeOx@C/SiO2), was synthesized by the extended Stöber method. Iron ions were incorporated in a resorcinol–formaldehyde resin in the presence of citric acid to form a template, which was then coated with a silica layer. The iron oxide-embedded porous carbon and hollow silica were simultaneously formed during calcination under N2 atmosphere. Through this process, silica endowed the iron oxide with low crystallinity and small size, resulting in a higher catalytic activity in the heterogeneous Fenton system for the decolorization of a methylene blue (MB) solution within 25 min. Moreover, the sample maintained 78.71% of its catalytic activity after three cycles.

Graphical abstract: Hollow silica-coated porous carbon with embedded iron oxide particles for effective methylene blue degradation

Article information

Article type
11 Oct 2022
06 Dec 2022
First published
12 Dec 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 35452-35460

Hollow silica-coated porous carbon with embedded iron oxide particles for effective methylene blue degradation

K. Wang, K. Zhao, Q. Meng, Q. Bai, X. Li, H. Hu, H. Jiao and Y. Tang, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 35452 DOI: 10.1039/D2RA06411A

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