Issue 20, 2023

Plasmonic gold dogbone nanorattles sniff out trace molecules through surface enhanced Raman scattering


In this study, a highly sensitive and efficient surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) substrate was developed using Au dogbone nanorattles (Au-DBNRTs) deposited on a 3D wrinkled polymeric heat shrink film. The plasmonic structures of Au-DBNRTs, which possess a solid gold dogbone-shaped core and a thin, porous gold shell, and Au nanorod nanorattles (Au-NRNRTs), which have a rod-shaped core, were synthesized and their SERS performance was evaluated. Au-DBNRTs exhibited better Raman signal enhancement. The substrate was used to detect the pesticide thiabendazole with a limit of detection of up to 10−8 M. The unique optical properties and geometry of the Au-DBNRT nanoparticles, which have portruding corners in the vicinity of the metal shell, along with the shrinkage of the film after heat treatment, led to the creation of a 3D surface morphology, resulting in the generation of plasmonic electromagnetic hot spots. The fabricated substrate achieved an enhancement factor of 2.77 × 1010 for BDT, and the detection limit was 10−13 M. The current work offers a simple, cost-effective, and sensitive SERS substrate design that has great potential for sensing and detecting trace analytes.

Graphical abstract: Plasmonic gold dogbone nanorattles sniff out trace molecules through surface enhanced Raman scattering

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Article information

Article type
31 May 2023
31 Jul 2023
First published
02 Aug 2023

Analyst, 2023,148, 5279-5290

Plasmonic gold dogbone nanorattles sniff out trace molecules through surface enhanced Raman scattering

K. Bhardwaj, K. Singh and A. Jaiswal, Analyst, 2023, 148, 5279 DOI: 10.1039/D3AN00874F

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