Issue 18, 2023

Synthesis and antitumor activities of α-hydroxyamino phosphine oxides by catalyst-free hydrophosphinylation of nitrones


Inspired by the diverse bioactivities of α-amino phosphine oxides, an efficient strategy for the synthesis of less researched α-(hydroxyamino)diarylphosphine oxides has been developed and their antitumor activities are explored. Under water as a solvent and catalyst-free conditions, the addition of nitrones and diphenylphosphine oxide occurs smoothly to afford α-(hydroxyamino) diarylphosphine oxides in high yields. This reaction features a wide substrate scope, facile starting materials, atom economy, and easy purification. Moreover, the biological evaluation revealed that two synthesized derivatives 5e and 5f could serve as interesting anti-cancer agents for further development.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis and antitumor activities of α-hydroxyamino phosphine oxides by catalyst-free hydrophosphinylation of nitrones

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Article information

Article type
23 Dec 2022
01 Feb 2023
First published
03 Feb 2023

Chem. Commun., 2023,59, 2624-2627

Synthesis and antitumor activities of α-hydroxyamino phosphine oxides by catalyst-free hydrophosphinylation of nitrones

P. Zhao, P. Li, J. Xiao, Y. Wang, X. Hao, A. Meng and C. Liu, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 2624 DOI: 10.1039/D2CC06981D

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