Issue 77, 2023

Amazing enhancement of OER performances: creating a well-designed functional Ni and N-doped carbon layer as a support material for fabricating a NiFe-LDH electrocatalyst


A well-designed support material between catalyst and substrate can always significantly enhance the performance of an electrode on water oxidation. In this work, a functional Ni and N-doped carbon layer (NNC) was designed on carbon paper (CP) via pyrolysis by using a controlled electrodeposited polyporphyrin as a precursor. Consequently, the fabricated NiFe-LDH/NNC/CP achieved a catalytic current density of 100 mA cm−2 at a small overpotential of 231 mV with a low Tafel slope of 26.0 mV dec−1, as well as high durability for more than 360 h. The insights are that N-doping reinforces the hydrophilicity and the catalyst binding capacity, while Ni-doping intensifies the conductivity.

Graphical abstract: Amazing enhancement of OER performances: creating a well-designed functional Ni and N-doped carbon layer as a support material for fabricating a NiFe-LDH electrocatalyst

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Article information

Article type
10 Jul 2023
04 Sep 2023
First published
04 Sep 2023

Chem. Commun., 2023,59, 11572-11575

Amazing enhancement of OER performances: creating a well-designed functional Ni and N-doped carbon layer as a support material for fabricating a NiFe-LDH electrocatalyst

Y. Wei, Z. Han, T. Liu, X. Ding and Y. Gao, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 11572 DOI: 10.1039/D3CC03311B

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