Issue 44, 2024

Characterization of pitch carbon coating properties affecting the electrochemical behavior of silicon nanoparticle lithium-ion battery anodes


Silicon is an exciting material for next-generation lithium-ion battery anodes, due to its high theoretical capacity and availability, but its widespread implementation has been limited by extensive volume changes during cycling that causes mechanical damage and limits cycle life. One approach to mitigating these deleterious effects while still maintaining silicon's benefits is the addition of a pitch carbon coating to nanometer-sized silicon particles. Here, we present characterization of pitch-coated silicon electrodes without annealing and annealed at 700 °C and 1000 °C to determine the optimum temperature treatment, as well as pitch-only and silicon-only electrodes with and without annealing to elucidate the impacts of each component on early electrochemical behavior. Using Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectroscopies, atomic force and scanning spreading resistance microscopy, and electrochemical analysis, we find 700 °C to be the optimal annealing temperature, as amorphous carbon is created, which improves conductivity prior to cycling and facilitates ion storage during cycling that increases capacity. We also present in situ Raman spectroscopy data demonstrating the heterogeneous aging that occurs across the electrode surface during cycling.

Graphical abstract: Characterization of pitch carbon coating properties affecting the electrochemical behavior of silicon nanoparticle lithium-ion battery anodes

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Article information

Article type
28 Jun 2024
08 Oct 2024
First published
09 Oct 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 30465-30475

Characterization of pitch carbon coating properties affecting the electrochemical behavior of silicon nanoparticle lithium-ion battery anodes

Z. Huey, M. C. Schulze, G. M. Carroll, C. Engtrakul, C. Jiang, S. C. DeCaluwe, B. J. Tremolet de Villers and S. Han, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 30465 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA04478A

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