Issue 44, 2024

Lewis acid sites and flexible active centers synergistically boost efficient electrochemical ammonia synthesis


Much effort has been made to develop efficient electrochemical catalysts for the nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR). However, the activity and selectivity of present catalysts are still limited in their applications. Herein, from the perspective of Lewis acid–base interactions and flexible active centers, positively charged tetrahedron transition metal (TM) clusters were anchored onto boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) with B-vacancies to design a series of efficient NRR catalysts, meeting the above requirements. Through Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations, our results uncover that the Mn4/BNNT (6, 6) system exhibits optimal activity characterized by a low limiting potential of only −0.29 V and high selectivity, as confirmed by the adsorption energy difference between nitrogen molecules and hydrogen proton (−0.73 eV). Owing to the existence of electron-deficient Lewis acid sites, the adsorption and activation of N2 are strongly enhanced. Simultaneously, the flexible active center destabilizes the N-containing intermediates and upgrades the hydrogenation reaction process, facilitating the desorption of NH3 or its further hydrogenation to NH4+. This innovative approach, employing a Lewis acid pair and a flexible active center to design efficient NRR catalysts, holds great promise for NH3 synthesis under ambient conditions.

Graphical abstract: Lewis acid sites and flexible active centers synergistically boost efficient electrochemical ammonia synthesis

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Article type
15 Jul 2024
10 Oct 2024
First published
11 Oct 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 30476-30485

Lewis acid sites and flexible active centers synergistically boost efficient electrochemical ammonia synthesis

L. Chen, T. Wang, X. Lang and Q. Jiang, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 30476 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA04884A

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