Droplets sliding on soft solids shed elastocapillary rails†
The surface tension of partially wetting droplets deforms soft substrates. These deformations are usually localized to a narrow region near the contact line, forming a so-called ‘elastocapillary ridge.’ When a droplet slides along a substrate, the movement of the elastocapillary ridge dissipates energy in the substrate and slows the droplet down. Previous studies have analyzed isotropically spreading droplets and found that the advancing contact line ‘surfs’ the elastocapillary ridge, with a velocity determined by a local balance of capillary forces and bulk rheology. Here, we experimentally explore the dynamics of a droplet sliding across soft substrates. At low velocities, the contact line is nearly circular, and dissipation increases logarithmically with speed. At higher droplet velocities, the contact line adopts a bullet-like shape, and the drag force levels off. At the same time, droplets shed a pair of ‘elastocapillary rails’ that fade away slowly behind them. These results suggest that sliding along the parallel edges of a bullet-shaped droplet dissipates less energy than surfing the wetting ridges at the front and back.