Codruta Zoican
Lisa D.
Paul R.
Van Tassel
Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA. E-mail:
First published on 2nd August 2010
Biomaterials that inactivate microbes are needed to eliminate medical device infections. We investigate here the antimicrobial nature of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) incorporated within the biomedical polymer poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA). We find Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis viability and metabolic activity to be significantly diminished in the presence of SWNT–PLGA, and to correlate with SWNT length and concentration (<2% by weight). Up to 98% of bacteria die within one hour on SWNT–PLGA versus 15–20% on pure PLGA. Shorter SWNTs are more toxic, possibly due to increased density of open tube ends. This study demonstrates the potential usefulness of SWNT–PLGA as an antimicrobial biomaterial.
To address this issue, antimicrobial materials have been proposed to limit the growth of malicious microorganisms on surfaces,2 and owing to their large potential impact on public health, have been extensively studied in recent years.3–10 Early efforts focused on suppressing the initial adhesion of pathogens to the material surface. Unfortunately, even on the best performing materials, a few “pioneer” bacteria are usually able to get a foothold, multiply, and ultimately cause an infection.11 Subsequent strategies were based on the delivery of anti-infective agents from the implant surface.12–18 The active agent may be loaded into and passively diffuse through a delivery matrix, itself perhaps degrading with time, or may be part of the matrix itself.19 While effective in certain applications, these approaches have several associated concerns, such as uncontrolled release of anti-infective agent, toxicity to human cells, risk of bacterial resistance, and eventual depletion of the anti-infective agent. A recent approach, which addresses some of these concerns, involves non-leaching anti-infective agents that are permanently attached to the material surface, and are designed to kill microbes on contact.20–26 Grafted polymers containing cationic functional groups are often employed, which exert activity through attack on the bacterial membrane. While promising, grafted polymers have their drawbacks as well, including the intricate chemistry required, incompatibility with many materials, and instability in biological environments.
Recently, single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs)—in the form of deposited aggregates and membrane coatings—have been shown to be highly toxic toward microbes.27 Their chemical stability and ease of functionalization make SWNT attractive components toward antimicrobial biomaterials. However, pure SWNT materials/coatings are costly and offer only a limited range of material properties; they are thus unlikely to emerge as optimal antimicrobial materials. Alternatively, SWNT combined (as a minority component) with customized polymers could potentially be antimicrobial while also providing a broad range of structural, mechanical, and degradation properties.
In this study, we investigate SWNT dispersed in the common biomedical polymer poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) as a potential antimicrobial biomaterial. We synthesize and isolate SWNT of diameter 0.8 to 1.2 nm, combine with PLGA in a thin film configuration, and investigate microbial toxicity in terms of nanotube length and concentration. We consider two bacteria known to contaminate biomedical implants: the Gram-negative rod Escherichia coli and the Gram-positive coccus Staphylococcus epidermidis. Our goal is to combine the antimicrobial properties of SWNT with the highly tunable structural, mechanical, and degradation properties of PLGA.
The resulting samples, containing carbon nanotubes, silica, and metal particles, are purified using reflux. A NaOH solution is used to eliminate the silica, and an HCl treatment is employed to remove the metal. The residual cobalt content in the carbon nanotubes samples is under 0.7%.29 The resultant purified SWNTs are several micrometres long. SWNTs are shortened by grinding with cyclodextrin.30
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Fig. 1 TEM image of SWNT following cyclodextrin-mediated soft cutting. The lengths of three representative tubes are shown. The average SWNT length is ca. 300 nm. |
SWNTs are dispersed in chloroform in a probe sonicator for 30 minutes, at which time 0.1% w/v poly(DL-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA 85:
15, Mw 90
000) is added and sonication continues for another 30 minutes. SWNT is present at 1/7000 (low), 1/700 (medium), and 1/70 (high) concentrations (w SWNT/w PLGA). Short and long SWNT films are prepared identically, with the exception of the cyclodextrin grinding step. Raman spectroscopy shows the time of sonication to have no impact on SWNT length (see ESI†).
For dip coating, cleaned substrates are immersed into PLGA–SWNT solutions for 30 seconds. Substrates are removed at ca. 1 cm s−1 and allowed to dry. For spin coating, a single drop of PLGA–SWNT solution is placed on a cleaned glass substrate and spun (Specialty Coating Systems P6708D) at 100 rpm for 30 s, 200 rpm for 50 s, and 300 rpm for 40 s (with 1 s ramp time between segments).
To quantify metabolic (respiratory) activity, bacteria are treated with 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl-tetrazolium chloride (CTC) (Sigma-Aldrich, USA). Films are incubated with bacteria for 30 min at 37 °C. Following removal of growth medium, M63 is added and another 30 min is allowed for incubation (at the same temperature). CTC (6 mM) is then added for one hour. In order to stain the remaining inactive cells, DAPI is added for 5 min. The percentage of active living cells is calculated by dividing the cells stained with red (CTC) by the total number of cells stained with blue (DAPI).
In Fig. 2, we show a TEM image of SWNT–PLGA, demonstrating SWNT to be better dispersed in the presence compared to the absence of the polymer matrix (see Fig. 1). (The holes are likely due to disruption of the thin carbon film of the TEM grid.)
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Fig. 2 TEM image of cyclodextrin shortened SWNT in PLGA at a weight ratio of 1%. |
In Fig. 3, we show Raman spectra, at excitation wavelength 785 nm, of SWNT–PLGA composite films. All films containing SWNT exhibit G-bands around 1590 cm−1, confirming the presence of SWNT. Also evident are peaks corresponding to the radial breathing mode around 300 cm−1, suggesting at least some of the nanotubes not to be fully embedded within the polymer.
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Fig. 3 Raman spectra at excitation wavelength 785 nm of the glass substrate, a pure PLGA film, and SWNT–PLGA films of low concentration (1/7000 w/w) short (ca. 300 nm) SWNT, medium concentration (1/700) short SWNT, medium concentration long (>3 µm) SWNT, and high concentration (1/70) short SWNT. |
Dip coating | Spin coating | Hysteresis | |||||
Advancing angle | Receding angle | Advancing angle | Receding angle | Dip coating | Spin coating | ||
Pure PLGA | 61 ± 1 | 40 ± 3 | 90 ± 13 | 60 ± 17 | 21 ± 2 | 30 ± 21 | |
Short SWNT | Low conc. | 76 ± 6 | 60 ± 10 | 82 ± 6 | 77 ± 6 | 16 ± 12 | 5 ± 8 |
Med conc. | 90 ± 12 | 35 ± 2 | 72 ± 7 | 60 ± 11 | 55 ± 12 | 12 ± 13 | |
High conc. | 72 ± 2 | 37 ± 2 | 82 ± 6 | 65 ± 5 | 35 ± 3 | 17 ± 8 | |
Long SWNT | Med conc. | 88 ± 6 | 40 ± 10 | 88 ± 5 | 69 ± 6 | 48 ± 12 | 19 ± 8 |
In Fig. 4, we show SEM images of SWNT–PLGA films. Many of these images show evidence of cracks, and it appears that long SWNTs are associated with a smaller number of cracks. (Pure PLGA has the highest number of cracks.) We hypothesize that long SWNT, of length 3–5 µm, distributes the strain during drying, thereby suppressing crack formation. For short SWNT, of length ca. 300 nm, material texture is roughly the same as in the SWNT-free material. In previous studies, carbon nanotubes have been shown to improve fracture toughness, wear resistance, fatigue suppression, and crack bridging.33–36 Zhang et al. showed that the rate at which cracks grow can be decreased by reducing nanotube diameter, increasing nanotube length, and improving nanotube dispersion.35 Consistent with the literature, our SEM images reveal crack-bridging for long SWNT samples.
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Fig. 4 SEM images of SWNT–PLGA films. (A) Pure PLGA, (B) long (>3 µm) SWNT, medium (1/700 w/w) concentration, (C) short (ca. 300 nm) SWNT, medium concentration, and (D) short SWNT, high (1/70) concentration. SEM scale bar is 500 nm. |
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Fig. 5 Percent inactivated E. coli on SWNT–PLGA films, as determined by LIVE/DEAD® Assay, for various SWNT lengths and concentrations (as defined in the caption to Fig. 3). |
In Fig. 6, we show the percentage of S. epidermidis inactivated following one hour incubation, for various SWNT/PLGA films. Consistent with the E. coli results, we observe a very high percentage of bacterial inactivation at high SWNT concentration (98%, p < 0.01), and a lower, statistically insignificant value at low SWNT concentration.
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Fig. 6 Percent inactivated S. epidermidis on SWNT–PLGA films, as determined by LIVE/DEAD® Assay, for short SWNT at high and low concentrations (as defined in the caption to Fig. 3). |
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Fig. 7 Metabolic activity rate of SWNT–PLGA samples with E. coliversus short SWNT concentration (as defined in the caption to Fig. 3). |
We propose here single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) as potential building blocks for contact killing antimicrobial materials. SWNT has recently been shown to inactivate bacteria,27 and offers the benefits of being highly stable and easy to functionalize. We investigate here the antimicrobial nature of SWNT, within a narrow diameter range (0.8 to 1.2 nm), when combined with the commonly used biomaterial poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA). We find this composite material—here cast as a thin film—to be highly toxic to two common biomedical implant pathogens: E. coli and S. epidermidis. The effect is strongly influenced by SWNT length and concentration: short (ca. 300 nm) nanotubes at a concentration of 1/70 (w/w) yield the highest degree of bacterial inactivation. We note the highest rates of bacterial inactivation observed here compare very favorably to those observed above for other antimicrobial materials.
Several recent studies attest to the antimicrobial nature of carbon nanotubes.27,38–47 Narayan et al. showed nanotube films, formed via high temperature laser ablation of graphite on silicon, to completely inhibit bacterial colony formation.38,39 However, the nanotube structure was not well controlled and the process may not be amenable to many biomedical materials. Using the same well-characterized, narrow diameter distribution SWNT employed here, in the form of aggregated deposits and as coatings on a poly(vinylidene fluoride) membrane, Kang et al. found high levels of cytotoxicity to E. coli.27 They also determined SWNT to be significantly more cytotoxic than larger diameter multi-walled carbon nanotubes.40 Kim et al. used photothermal carbon nanotube therapy to both detect and inactivate pathogens by irradiated carbon nanotubes.41 They found the highest rate of inactivation with near-infrared irradiated carbon nanotubes in the form of clusters (100% inactivation) and a lower rate with shortened, dispersed nanotubes (80% inactivation). Of note is the somewhat larger diameter SWNT (1.7 nm) compared to that used here. Gu et al. reported galactose modified SWNT to result in up to a 60% reduction in colony forming units of E. coli suspensions.46,47 Brady-Estevez et al. designed SWNT containing filters for removal of bacteria from water, and showed 79% inactivation and 94% loss of metabolic activity.42 Nepal et al. considered the anti-microbial activity of SWNT together with the enzyme lysozyme, as dispersions and as layered films.43 These SWNT–lysozyme systems were effective against the Gram-positive bacterium Micrococcus lysodeikticus, but the antimicrobial activity was attributed to enzymatic lysis of the cell membrane and disappeared when the enzyme was replaced by DNA. Simmons et al. have shown SWNT combined with the polymer poly(vinylpyrrolidone-iodine) to be anti-microbial and a promising material for wound healing applications.44 They employed purified SWNT with notably small ash (3.7% wt) and iron (1.7% wt) content.44 Finally, Liu et al. have shown surfactant stabilized individual nanotubes suspended in solution to be highly toxic to microbes via a physical puncture mechanism.45 These authors used the same catalyst as employed here, Co-MCM-41, and obtained a narrow diameter distributed, purified SWNT with antimicrobial activity independent of metal residues (present up to 1 µg mL−1).45 To generalize these results, single walled carbon nanotubes tend to be more effective than multi-walled carbon nanotubes, with presentation mode and concentration being important variables.
In any eventual biomaterial application, the question of carbon nanotube toxicity to human cells must be addressed. The literature is somewhat contradictory on this point, with some studies showing toxicity48–50 and others various levels of compatibility.51–55 The discrepancy may be due to differences in tube diameter, length, and purity (i.e. metal content). Fadel et al. have investigated human T cells on the same SWNT as utilized in this study, and showed good compatibility without any evidence of toxicity.53
How do SWNTs exert their antimicrobial activity? Two possible mechanisms include mechanical disruption, where nanotubes act to physically pierce or otherwise perturb the bacterial membrane, and oxidative stress, where the high reductive potential of nanoscale carbon acts to directly or indirectly (e.g., through formation of radical species) damage the cell membrane. The earlier studies of Kang et al.27,40 suggest both mechanisms may be present. Electron micrographs provided visual evidence of compromised cell membranes, and DNA and RNA assays revealed the presence of cytoplasmic nucleic acids in the culture medium. DNA micro-array analysis showed genes known to be upregulated during mechanical disruption and oxidative stress to be upregulated in bacteria exposed to SWNT, suggesting both effects to be involved in membrane compromise and subsequent inactivation.40 Since we employ essentially the same SWNT as Kang et al., both mechanical disruption and oxidative stress likely contribute to the mechanism of antimicrobial activity observed here.
We observe a lower threshold to SWNT anti-microbial activity: systems of concentration less than 1/700 (w/w) perform at about the same level as pure polymer. Some of the studies referenced above report a concentration effect as well. In addition, we find, at a given weight fraction, shorter SWNT to offer increased cytotoxicity compared to longer SWNT. Since shorter tubes imply a higher density of tube ends (at a given SWNT weight fraction), and since tube ends are likely to be important in a mechanical disruption mechanism, our results suggest the number of tube ends to be an important governing variable. However, further studies are needed, keeping tube end density constant while varying tube length, in order to more firmly establish this hypothesis.
We observe SWNT–PLGA to exert anti-microbial activity against Gram-positive (S. epidermidis) and Gram-negative (E. coli) bacteria. Gram-negative bacteria display an outer lipopolysaccharide and protein membrane, and so might be expected to be more robust in the presence of anti-microbial agents acting via membrane disruption. While we observe slightly higher inactivation rates for the Gram-positive species employed here, our results certainly do not suggest that the outer membrane can protect Gram-negative bacteria from the influence of SWNT.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Raman spectra before and after SWNT cutting via cyclodextrins, and sample images from viability and metabolic activity assays are included. See DOI: 10.1039/c0nr00329h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010 |