a and
aSchool of Technology and Health, Royal Institute of Technology, Alfred Nobels Allé 10, SE-14152, Huddinge, Sweden. E-mail:;; Fax: +46 8 218368; Tel: +46 8 7904851
bBiomolecular and organic electronics, The Department of Physics Chemistry and Biology, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden. E-mail:
First published on 14th June 2010
Development of electroactive conjugated polymers, for the purpose of recording and eliciting signals in the neural systems in humans, can be used to fashion the interfaces between the two signalling systems of electronics and neural systems. The design of desirable chemical, mechanical and electrical properties in the electroactive polymer electrodes, and the means of integration of these into biological systems, are here reviewed.
Maria Asplund | Maria Asplund is a senior researcher at the Royal Institute of Technology, School of Technology and Health, Sweden. She received an MSc in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering from Linköpings Universitet in 2003 and a PhD from the Royal Institute of Technology in 2009. Her main scientific interests include conducting polymer based neural interfaces and neural stimulation. |
Tobias Nyberg | Tobias Nyberg received an MSc and a PhD in physics from Linköpings Universitet in 1997 and 2002 respectively. He has worked as a research scientist at the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland before he carried out a postdoctoral scholarship at NTT basic Research Laboratories investigating neural stimulation using conducting polymer based electrodes. Since 2007 he is an assistant professor at the Royal Institute of Technology, School of Technology and Health. His main scientific interests include conducting polymer based neural interfaces and neural stimulation. |
Olle Inganäs | Olle Inganäs is a professor of biomolecular and organic electronics, IFM, Linköpings Universitet, Sweden. He received an MSc in engineering physics from Chalmers University of Technology (1977), a BSc in philosophy and economics from Göteborg University (1978), and a PhD in applied physics at Linköping University (1984). He was appointed professor in 1999, and is presently director of a Center of Organic Electronics in Sweden. He has focused on studies of the class of conjugated polymers throughout areas of polymer physics, electrochemistry, electronics and optics. The uses of electronic polymers as interfaces to biological systems and organic photovoltaics are present topics of research. |
The crucial part is the implanted electrode, translating signals between the electronic form in leads and ionic signals in tissue. This transition involves electrochemical processes which have to be carefully controlled not to be detrimental either to the electrode itself or to the surrounding tissue. Furthermore, in the absence of a rigid anatomical structure where the electrodes can be implanted, soft nervous tissue in general has to be in intimate contact with the electrode surface for the signal transition to be possible. The presence of the electrode implant evokes an immunological response aimed at removing the foreign body and if this fails, the response will be to encapsulate the implant in a cocoon of fibrous tissue. This reaction is a clear hindrance for the function of neural interfaces since these rely on close contact with neurons.
In the search for materials capable of meeting both the electrochemical and the biological requirements of the interface, conjugated polymers have emerged as a field of interest. Conjugated polymer coatings have hybrid charge transfer properties involving both electronic and ionic charge transports and are therefore highly effective for electron/ion transition over the solid/liquid boundary. Furthermore, the versatility of polymer materials when it comes to modifying, e.g. chemistry, microstructure and mechanical properties, widely exceeds that of a conventional metal or metal oxide. For a conjugated polymer, such properties can readily be altered still retaining its favourable electrochemical properties.
This review explores the possibilities conjugated polymers offer for improvement of the neural interface. The ambition is to present a comprehensive review on papers describing how conducting polymers (CPs) are used to solve problems within neural interfaces, and also to provide an elaborative background to the field. The involvement of both biological and electrochemical processes in the success or failure of the neural interface requires interdisciplinary efforts to solve a complex problem. Although the primary focus is neural interfaces, the importance of neighbouring fields such as drug delivery, biosensors and tissue engineering cannot be disregarded. Since development within these areas is more or less entwined, some papers not explicitly dealing with neural interfaces, but whose results have implications to this field, will also be included here.
From the perspective presented above it is near at hand to look at conjugated polymers simply as a coating material suitable for giving electrodes favourable electrochemical and biochemical properties. However, it is important to recognize that this new class of materials opens up for a wider range of solutions. The knowledge gained in other fields using conjugated polymers for optoelectronics, microactuators and printed circuitry can presumably be applied for the neural interface as well.
Successful incorporation of biological molecules was subsequently reported by many others, and some early examples are adenosine triphosphate (ATP),4 human serum albumin (HSA),5 heparin,6 anti-HSA7,8 and urease.9 The field of biosensors and analytical chemistry using conjugated polymers has experienced a considerable development during recent years.10–12
The possibility to use the polymer for electrically controllable delivery of incorporated ions is highly interesting for biomedical devices. Work on the controlled release of biologically relevant ions from PPy during redox was first published by Miller and Zinger,13 and later continued over the coming decades.14–16 This work has recently been taken up again,17,18 and also used to stimulate the neural systems in rodents, where release of glutamate by an ion pump helps to modify the neural response in the auditory system.19,20
Interfacing cells and conjugated polymers is a topic that has been developed by Langer et al.21,22 and Wallace23 over the last decades. The idea of using PPy versions as biomaterials emerged in the nineties.4,24,25 Williams and Doherty25 demonstrated the cytocompatibility of PPy in vitro and suggested that the conducting material could be used as a nerve guidance channel and as a material for carrying stimulation currents simultaneously.
Hodgson et al.24 showed that protein could be trapped within PPy thus forming a biofunctional and conducting material able to support cell growth. Many studies evaluating PPy/biomolecule materials for tissue engineering purposes would follow. For instance PPy with incorporated heparin was suggested as a suitable substrate for endothelial cells.23 Collier et al.26 incorporated hyaluronic acid (HA) into PPy material and showed that coated implants induced an increase in angiogenesis in tissue in comparison to controls.
In 2001, conducting polymers for the improvement of neural interfaces emerged as a field of interest.27,28 The same principles used to entrap biological molecules for biosensor and tissue engineering applications were proving their usefulness to this field. It was found that conducting polymer coatings on regular electrodes could be a route to immobilize important adhesion cues on the electrode surface without compromising the requirements on low interfacial impedance. As an additional benefit it was demonstrated that the polymer could act as a reservoir of charge allowing more efficient stimulation from miniaturized electrodes.30 Further developments of CPs relevant to neural interfaces (from 2001 and forward) are reviewed at appropriate location in coming sections.
Fig. 1 Schematic representation of a neuron and an action potential of Hodgkin–Huxley type.33 The ca. 1 ms voltage excursion is due to sodium influx during the rising phase of the depolarisation and potassium efflux during the falling phase of repolarisation. The change in intracellular potential is greater than 100 mV, the extracellular signal declines with distance and is substantially smaller even for short distances between neuron and electrode (see Fig. 2). |
To compensate for high impedance the applied potential can be increased in order to generate a satisfactory current density for stimulation. However, for high potentials, applied to the electrode, there are electrochemical considerations that have to be taken into account. Charge transfer reactions at the interface, due to elevated potentials when stimulating with the electrode, involve electrochemical oxidation or reduction of different species in the electrolyte leading to a change of chemical composition of the electrolyte, corrosion of the electrode, or even gas formation at the interface.29 Either of these effects may affect the biocompatibility of the electrode in a negative way which can be detrimental to the function of the interface. Reducing such deleterious electrochemical reactions is thus essential. Besides electrochemical charge transfer reactions, current may pass the interface as capacitive charging current. The capacitive charging will be present at potentials even too small to drive electrochemical reactions.30 The use of capacitive current thus circumvents electrochemical reactions and any negative impact these reactions would have on the electrode or tissue.
Besides impedance, a consideration that has to be taken into account for communication is the electrode–neuronal coupling. Insulating scar formation is commonly seen which increases distance and efficiently cut off communication between neuron and electrode.31,32 As an increase in distance will decrease the signal strength, the distance between the neuron and the electrode is a determinant for good recordings of neural activity. Distance is also an important parameter for stimulation as it is favourable to reduce required potential and thereby electrochemical side effects (Fig. 2a). Another aspect is that more neurons will come into view the farther away the electrode is acting, thus decreasing selectivity (Fig. 2b). The release of drugs or biomolecules that modulate the immune response or neuronal outgrowth and attachment are strategies for creating a good electrode–neuronal coupling.
Fig. 2 (a) The radial decline of the potential from the surface of a spherical electrode with unit diameter, x-axis scaling in electrode diameters. At a distance of one diameter from the electrode the potential has declined to a value less than 45% of the value at the electrode surface. (b) Increasing the stimulus output from α to β also increases the number of neurons affected by the stimulation, making the stimulus less selective. |
A feature of polymer electrodes is the possibility to controllably transport small molecules such as neurotransmitters in their ionic form.19 In the future the electrode could be used as an artificial synapse or as a means for neuromodulation. In these approaches the primary effect would be relying on a chemical interaction as opposed to influence of the electrical field. Chemical interfacing will also be dependent on the electrode–neuron distance as diffusion will have a major influence for larger distances.
Fig. 3 Polymerization of (a) PPy and (b) PEDOT from its respective monomer. The counterion (CI) is incorporated into the polymer film. |
Although there are numerous other routes besides electrochemical polymerization, this method has dominated the field of neural interfaces for several reasons. Compared to chemical polymerization this process has the advantage of limiting the coating to the underlying electrode, combining the fabrication and geometrical patterning step into one.27 The formed polymer is tightly bound to the underlying conducting surface. In addition, it provides convenient control of film topography and thickness through several process parameters.
The applied deposition charge, counterion concentration, solvent influence and electrodeposition method, galvanostatic or potentiostatic, influence physical parameters of the formed film.27,28,34–37 In general, the more charge that is applied during the process the more polymer growth is achieved and, up to a certain point, this can be correlated to an increase in surface roughness and a sharp decrease in impedance (Fig. 4). It has been shown that for extended deposition times the morphology of the film transforms from nodules to clusters27,28,37,38 leading to an increase in impedance at continued deposition. These transition stages have also been shown to correlate well with mechanical properties of the film, where the films providing the lowest impedance were those that were the most compliant.37
Fig. 4 Impedance magnitude at 1 kHz of PPy electropolymerized with a synthetic protein polymer SLPF for increasing deposition charge. Cartoons show how the transformation of the surface from flat metal to a hairy morphology and eventually a smoothing effect as the growing film fills the pores, and its correlation to impedance. Cartoons can be compared to SEM images shown in Fig. 7. Reprinted from Cui et al.,28Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 2001, by permission of John Wiley & Sons. |
A major coating process used is that of pyrrole electropolymerization (Fig. 3a)27,28,39 even though a shift to the use of ethylenedioxythiophene (EDOT) (Fig. 3b), due to its superior stability, can be noticed.30,34,40–42 Other materials used include EDOT derivatives43,44 and polyaniline.45
The nature of the counterion influences physical properties of the formed material e.g. softness, stability, surface structure, permeability and wettability.46–48 When the resulting material is intended for biomedical applications, with some exceptions, the undoubtedly most common solvent is water. If the solubility of the monomer in water is poor, as is the case with EDOT (below 0.01 M), surfactants are often suggested as counterions. Common surfactants are polystyrene sulfonate (PSS) and dodecylbenzenesulfonate (DBS) and it has been shown that their presence indeed facilitate electropolymerization from aqueous solutions.46,49,50 Furthermore, the incorporated counterion influences swelling at oxidation/reduction as described in detail by Jager et al.51
Apart from the physical functionality of the material, cellular interaction with the material surface is of equal importance for the neural interface. The incorporation of the counterion is in fact an excellent opportunity to build biological functionality into the polymer matrix, as will be described in detail in Section 5.
Additionally, topography of the polymer surface can readily be altered and some examples on this will be given in Section 5.6. It has also been suggested that similarities between the chemical structure of PPy and naturally occurring hemoproteins and pigments like melanin give promise for future biocompatibility of conjugated polymers. In short, conducting polymers give the opportunity to create electrode materials mechanically and chemically more similar to neural tissue than metals and silicon, which indicates that they might also stand better chance to stably interface with neurons over time.
Biological tests in vitro and in vivo are essential parts of biomaterial development and testing. It has been demonstrated by many that relevant cell types can be successfully cultured on top of PEDOT and PPy films. Although such preliminary work, together with the many arguments stated in this section, speaks in favor of PPy and PEDOT biocompatibility, it is important to remember that more comprehensive biological testing still remains to be performed. Following is a short summary of the work presented this far, concerning in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility of PPy and PEDOT, in the context of neuroprosthetic applications.
A handful of studies describe extensive experimental work assessing PPy biocompatibility in tests relevant for neuroprosthetic applications. Williams et al.25 found that PPy inflicted minimal tissue response in situ (rat model, 4 weeks). Schmidt et al.22 investigated inflammatory tissue response to PPy upon intramuscular or subcutaneous implantation (rodent, up to 14 weeks of implantation) and found that inflammation was less severe compared to the response inflicted by poly(L-lactic acid). Collier et al.26 implanted PPy subcutaneously in rats and found no significant long-term inflammation after 6 weeks. Wang et al.56 investigated systemic toxicity of PPy through a battery of tests addressing acute and subacute toxicity, cytotoxicity, pyretogenesis, hemolysis, allergic reactions and a mutagenesis test, all according to standard methods described in ISO 10993 and ASTM F41748-82. All test results pointed out biocompatibility of PPy in these aspects. It was also shown that rodent sciatic nerve regeneration through a PPy/silicone guidance tube was slightly better than in a plain silicone tube further stressing its compatibility with neurons. Biomolecule-containing PPy has also been shown to promote neuron attachment to electrodes in guinea pig cortex.57
George et al.58 studied reactions surrounding stand-alone PPy films implanted in rodent cortex. Evaluation of tissue was performed after three and six weeks respectively and comparisons were made to Teflon implants of similar size and shape. Based on their results the authors stated that neural tissue had a high degree of tolerance for PPy and it was determined to be at least as biocompatible as Teflon. Furthermore, PPy has been shown to promote sciatic nerve regeneration for eight weeks in rats59 and the material caused “no acute or active chronic inflammatory infiltrate, or tissue damage in the surrounding tissues”.
Additional information on PPy compatibility with various cell types can be found in the numerous studies reporting successful cell culture on top of PPy surfaces. The most common cell line model system to evaluate neuron compatibility of these polymers has been the PC12 neuroendocrine tumor cell line, and many papers have confirmed attachment, viability and neurite extension of PC12 cells on different PPy surfaces (Table 1). PPy has also been shown to support cell growth of fibroblasts, endothelial cells, primary neurons, glial cells and neuroblastoma cell lines (Table 1).
Study | Cell type |
Pheochromocytoma cells | |
Hodgson et al., 199424 | PC12 |
Schmidt et al., 199722 | PC12 |
Collier et al., 200026 | PC12 |
Cen et al., 2004106 | PC12 |
George et al., 200676 | PC12 |
Gomez and Schmidt, 200767 | PC12 |
Kim et al., 200765 | PC12 |
Park et al., 200766 | PC12 |
Fonner et al., 200847 | PC12 |
Fibroblasts | |
Williams et al., 199425 | L929 |
Endothelial cells | |
Garner et al., 199923 | Hum. umbilical vein endothelial cells |
Wong et al., 199421 | Bovine aortic endothelial cells |
Primary neurons | |
Schmidt et al., 199722 | Chicken sciatic nerve explants |
Evans et al., 200973 | Spiral ganglion neural explants |
George et al., 200558 | Dissociated cortical neurons |
Gomez et al., 200735 | Embryonic hippocampal neurons |
Richardson et al., 200772 | Auditory neuron explants |
Stauffer and Cui, 200664 | Rodent primary neurons |
Thompson et al., 200974 | Cochlear neural explants |
Neuroblastoma cells | |
Cui et al., 200128 | SH-SY5Y |
Williams and Doherty, 199425 | Neuro2a |
Glial cells | |
Cui et al., 200128 | C6 rodent glial |
Huang et al., 2009107 | Primary rodent Schwann cells |
Fonner et al., 200847 | Primary rodent Schwann cells |
The biological response to PEDOT is, to this date, not as extensively studied as PPy. A couple of studies describe biocompatibility of PEDOT in vivo. Luo et al.61 implanted PEDOT subcutaneously in mice and reported no inflammatory response after 1 week of implantation and only thin layers of tissue capsule after 28 days of implantation. Asplund et al.62 evaluated tissue reaction to PEDOT coated platinum pieces in rodent cortex. Response was similar to that of bare platinum but further testing would be needed to fully support this conclusion.
Numerous studies do, however, report cell cultures on top of various types of PEDOT films e.g. PC12 cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, neuroblastoma cells, glial cells and a cortical neuron cell line. Details can be found in Table 2. No reports of negative influence of the polymer on cell attachment or proliferation can be found in these studies. On the contrary, a common observation was that cells even selectively grew on the coated electrodes compared to bare surfaces when certain biomolecules were incorporated into the polymer.34,43,63
Study | Cell type |
Pheochromocytoma cells | |
Xiao et al., 200869 | PC12 |
Green et al., 200948 | PC12 |
Green et al., 200963 | PC12 |
Che et al., 200871 | PC12 |
Kim et al., 200765 | PC12 |
Fibroblasts | |
Luo et al., 200861 | NIH3T3 |
Asplund et al., 200962 | L929 |
Epithelial cells | |
Svennersten et al., 2009108 | MDCK |
Cortical neuron cell line | |
Isaksson et al., 200717 | HCN2 |
Neuroblastoma cells | |
Xiao et al., 200643 | SH-SY5Y |
Asplund et al., 200962 | SH-SY5Y |
Yang et al., 200536 | SH-SY5Y |
Hepatocarcinoma cells | |
Luo et al., 200861 | HepG2 |
Glial cells | |
Cui and Martin, 200334 | C6 rodent glial |
Evidently, there is a need for more work to confirm biocompatibility of conducting polymers in different situations. Especially there is a need for more information on PEDOT. It is also important to recognize that alterations in fabrication protocols will call for renewed assessments of the formed materials. For instance Fonner et al.47 presented a detailed study on how different deposition parameters influenced interaction of the polymer surface with cultured PC12 and Schwann cells. As will be shown in the following sections there are numerous degrees of freedom to vary the formed polymer, wherefore the material singled out for such extensive testing should be chosen wisely.
There are dual reasons why incorporation of bioactive species in the electrode material is of interest for the neural interface. Firstly, it comprises a route to immobilize molecules on the surface of the electrode that can e.g. attract and encourage attachment of neurons and discourage adverse immunological response. Secondly, the incorporated molecule can either passively leak from the material or actively be released through electrochemical activation enabling controlled delivery from the polymer bulk. For further details on the chemistry of the conducting polymer backbone the reader is referred to the review by Guimard et al.60 which provides a more thorough analysis of the conjugated polymer backbone and its interaction with dopants. More details can also be found in the review by Cosnier.10
Numerous studies concerning incorporation of biomolecules in PPy to provide a biocompatible and biofunctional electrode surface for the cells have followed. Stauffer and Cui64 continued the investigation of laminin fragments incorporated in PPy. They compared PPy electropolymerized with CDPGYIGSR and PPy:RNIAEIIKDI, the latter considered to be a neurite outgrowth promoting laminin domain, with conventional PPy:PSS. Neuron growth and neurite extension were clearly improved for primary cells cultured on the PPy:peptide coatings compared to PPy:PSS coatings. This effect was also more pronounced for PPy:RNIAEIIKDI. Furthermore, there was less astrocytic adhesion on PPy in general, compared to gold surfaces, which should be an additional benefit of the PPy surface.
Kim et al.65 used neural growth factor (NGF) and collagen as a co-dopant in the polymerization of PPy. An electrolyte of PBS or PSS was used together with the biomolecules to support polymerization. Films containing NGF did indeed induce differentiation of PC12 cells in culture indicating conserved bioactivity of NGF in the process and that incorporated NGF was accessible to cells. Cells did also adhere well to the PEDOT:PBS:collagen films but not to PEDOT:PBS controls which was taken as an indication of successful collagen incorporation.
Park et al.66 deposited PPy with heparin entrapped from aqueous solution containing only pyrrole and heparin salt. The formed material was tested with PC12 cell line and it was found that the heparin containing PPy more successfully attached PC12 cells and supported neurite extension, and stimulation through the PPy:heparin coating encouraged differentiation of cells further. In addition it was found that the amount of heparin available for reaction within the polymer increased with increasing deposition charge, and that the entrapped heparin was not released upon reduction of the material. Based on these findings the material was suggested as an interesting material for nerve guidance channels. The alternative strategy to entrapment of biomolecules is immobilization of biomolecules on top of the polymer surface. Gomez and Schmidt67 reported on immobilization of NGF on top of PPy films by a photolinker. The immobilized NGF was able to encourage neurite extension of PC12 cells and it was reported that conductivity was not affected.
A similar study to the work presented by Cui et al.,28,57 using the same peptide sequence (DCDPGYIGSR) paired with PEDOT, addressed the need for a more stable alternative to PPy.34 Although it was feasible to deposit PEDOT containing these fragments it was reported that the poor solubility of EDOT in water called for a modification of the original protocol for the process to be successful. A solvent mixture of acetonitrile and H2O was used instead. The bioactivity of the resulting polymer:peptide film was confirmed through cell culture studies and a comparison was made between cell attachment on PEDOT:DCDPGYIGSR and PEDOT:PSS, where the former had anchored significantly more cells than the latter.
PEDOT:DCDPGYIGSR deposited with a similar protocol has also been investigated by Green et al.48,63 as well as another peptide dopant, DEDEDYFQRYLI. They compared physical as well as biological properties of the polymer:peptide with bare platinum and conventional PEDOT:paratoluene sulfonate (PEDOT:pTS). The impact of an additional laminin coating applied on top of the polymer was also studied. Although cell attachment (PC12) was improved by all the polymer coatings, an unexpected finding was that cell attachment on PEDOT:pTS was superior to the polymer:peptide coatings. In contrast to this, neurite extension was improved by the polymer:peptides. Laminin coatings on top of surfaces increased cell attachment and neurite outgrowth further.
Whereas the ligand YIGSR improves cell attachment, the ligand YFQRYLI is expected to promote neurite outgrowth as well as mediate attachment. This relation was also reflected in their results indicating that the YIGSR containing films anchored more cells while YFQRYLI films gave a higher proportion of neurite outgrowth. These results point out that both peptides are accessible and active in their respective coatings but their concentration seems to be insufficient to fully encourage cell attachment and growth as shown by the improved results from an additional laminin coating.
Despite the solubility limitations of EDOT some studies show successful incorporation of biomolecules using only aqueous solution of biomolecule and EDOT.68,69 Asplund et al.68 showed that heparin, hyaluronic acid and fibrinogen could be used as counterions in the electropolymerization of PEDOT using only aqueous solution and no surfactants. The formed PEDOT:heparin had electrochemical performance similar to PEDOT:PSS and also PEDOT:HA showed similar impedance behaviour. Due to fast adsorption of fibrinogen to the metal surface, PEDOT:fibrinogen films were hard to form on bare platinum electrodes. A layering approach, where an electropolymerized coating of PEDOT:NaCl was applied prior to polymerization of PEDOT:fibrinogen, similar to the one described by Thompson et al.,70 allowed the formation of PEDOT films containing fibrinogen.
Xiao et al.69 reported successful incorporation of adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) into PEDOT from aqueous monomer ATP solution. ATP release from the film to solution was confirmed for the first two days whereafter it declined. After a two week period no further release was seen indicating a stable ATP content in the film. Cultured PC12 cells responded positively to the incorporated ATP which provided better cell attachment than controls of PEDOT:LiClO4.
An ion exchange method to incorporate glutamate, a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, into PEDOT was employed by Che et al.71 PEDOT:TSNa was initially deposited followed by strong reduction of the formed film in NaCl solution. In the final step the electrode was immersed in water containing Glu and oxidized leading to electrostatically bound Glu being incorporated into the polymer matrix. Cell spreading on the surface was confirmed and compared to cell attachment on PEDOT:TSNa coatings, with improved growth on the former.
Thompson and co-workers have extensively investigated the release of neurotrophins from PPy coatings to improve the survival of SGNs after cochlear implant insertion. Incorporation and release of neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) were achieved through electropolymerization from a pTS–Py aqueous monomer solution with added NT-3.70 A primary layer of PPy:pTS was deposited to facilitate polymerization from the solution containing the biomolecule. Release behaviour of the formed films was studied over a 7 day period and it was found that an initial burst of NT-3 release over the first 24 h was followed by more modest release during the following 6 days. Stimulation through the polymer film increased the release rate more than threefold. Further studies by Richardson et al.72 confirmed that the bound NT-3 was able to interact with spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) and promoted neurite outgrowth. The same protocol used for NT-3 incorporation was subsequently tested substituting NT-3 with brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).73 These studies were followed by a paper74 concerning the effect of incorporating both NT-3 and BDNF through the same procedure described earlier.70 Release of both neurotrophins was confirmed although the presence of one neurotrophin significantly influenced the release dynamics of the other. The PPy/dual neurotrophin films encouraged neurite outgrowth from cochlear neural explants and presented an improvement from the PPy:single neurotrophin coatings studied in previous papers. Guinea pigs implanted with cochlear electrode arrays coated with the PPy/pTS/NT3, and stimulated through these electrodes over a two week period, exhibited lower electrically evoked brain stem response thresholds.18
The anti-inflammatory drug Dexamethasone (Dex) has been incorporated into PPy without the use of any concomitant dopant.75In vitro studies demonstrated the potential of the released drug from the film to reduce the number of reactive astrocytes without any detrimental effect on co-cultured neurons. In fact, the release of Dex in lower concentrations seemed to have a positive effect on neurite outgrowth.
An alternate route to incorporate the biomolecule directly is to use a dopant molecule that can in turn bind to the biomolecule after polymerization. George et al.76 describe a method where biotin is successfully incorporated as dopant into PPy. The PPy:biotin films were incubated with streptavidin yielding a surface readily accessible for attachment of a biotinylated compound. Incubation with biotinylated NGF resulted in a polymer film with immobilized NGF that could be released upon electrical activation. The bioactivity of NGF after release was confirmed through studying its effect on differentiation of PC12 cells. This approach should be applicable for a wide set of biomolecules making this protocol clearly attractive.
Another hybrid approach using entrapment and subsequent immobilization of biomolecules was presented by Song et al.77 Poly-L-glutamic acid (pGlu) was first incorporated in the PPy film through electropolymerization, thereby introducing carboxylic acid groups that can in turn be available for covalent immobilization of biomolecules. The method was tested for poly-L-lysine and laminin and it was shown that DRG neurons responded to the attached biomolecules. The method is described to be superior to simple entrapment since biomolecules are confined to, and strongly bound to, the surface of the material. It is also reported to give better control of the surface concentration of the bioactive molecules.
Ion-exchange of PPy:TSNa surfaces has been used to incorporate ATP for controlled release. Following deposition, two intermediate steps in NaCl using cyclic voltammetry and potential reduction were used to prepare the polymer for oxidation in the ATP solution. After ion-exchange, ATP remained stable in the film but was released upon stimulation.78
A sophisticated approach to incorporate Dex for controlled release was presented by Abidian et al.79 Nanofibers of poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) or poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) applied prior to polymerization were used to grow tubular PEDOT structures (Fig. 5). Dex incorporated in the PLGA fibres could be released either by hydrolytic degradation of the fibres or controllably by contraction of the surrounding PEDOT shell through polymer reduction.79 Another intricate drug delivery surface was subsequently reported from the same group.80 Biodegradable nanofibres with drug incorporated were electrospun on top of the electrode array and dip coated with alginate gel. Electropolymerization of PEDOT:LiClO4 was performed through the fiber–gel layer. The delayed release of Dex to the polymer matrix, due to degradation dependent delivery from the fibres, inhibited the initial burst effect reported by others.70
Fig. 5 SEM images of PEDOT nanotubes at different magnifications. Nanotubes are produced by electropolymerization around PLGA nanofibres and subsequent dissolution of the core fibre leaving only the PEDOT shell. Reproduced from Abidian et al.,79 “Conducting-polymer nanotubes for controlled drug release”, Advanced Materials, 2006 (18). Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Reproduced with permission. |
Many authors use impedance spectroscopy to study the influence of incorporated biomolecules on electrochemical properties of the polymer. A common assumption is that signals in the range of 1 kHz are the most important for neural communication and discussions regarding impedance are therefore often focussed on impedance behaviour close to this frequency, commonly 300 Hz to 1 kHz. However, it should be noted that behaviour over the whole frequency range can give interesting clues to material permeability and porosity as well as composition.46
It is considered sufficient by many authors to confirm that the applied polymer layer lowers impedance as compared to the bare gold electrode. Thus, while many reports include impedance spectroscopy data relatively few provide a comparison to polymer films deposited using more conventional counterions. Green et al.48,63 reported that the incorporation of biomolecules (peptides and NGF) does not significantly alter impedance magnitude in the important high frequency range (300 Hz to 10 kHz) compared to polymer films deposited using pTS. Asplund et al.68 show similar results for PEDOT:HA and PEDOT:heparin compared to PEDOT:PSS. In contrast, PPy polymerized with SLPF,28 PEDOT–MeOH polymerized with peptide,44 and PEDOT with fibrinogen68 all had significantly higher impedance magnitude than the corresponding polymer deposited with PSS. Ion exchange from TSNa to ATP into PPy or TSNa to Glu into PEDOT did increase impedance magnitude.71,78 It should, however, be noted that optimal deposition charge for minimized impedance might differ for different counterions and direct comparisons might therefore not always be appropriate.65
Nyquist plots can be used to reveal differences in impedance characteristics (Fig. 6). An observation when larger counterions are used is the formation of a high frequency semi-circle in the Nyquist plot.28,64,68 Tentative explanations given are increased ionic resistance of the film and/or slow charge transfer over the polymer/electrolyte interface. It is plausible that some biomolecules are not incorporated into the polymer matrix through electrostatic interactions but rather as passive adsorption to the polymer surface during deposition. If that is the case, it can be expected that the formed polymer matrix will contain a non-conducting phase limiting charge transfer within the film.68
Fig. 6 Nyquist plots revealing differences in impedance spectra between PEDOT polymerized with different counterions, PSS shown as (×), heparin (□), HA (○) and fibrinogen (△). A high frequency semi-circle can be seen for PEDOT:fibrinogen and also the beginning of such a circle for PEDOT:HA. Reprinted with permission from Asplund et al.,68 Copyright 2008, American Institute of Physics. |
To enable polymer–peptide formation from aqueous solutions a modification to the EDOT molecule has been suggested44 according to a protocol previously described by Stéphan et al.82 A pendant hydroxymethyl group was added as side chain to the EDOT yielding a polar monomer with higher solubility in water, EDOT–MeOH.44 PEDOT–MeOH:PSS could readily be deposited from aqueous solution and yielded more uniform coatings than had previously been seen for regular PEDOT:PSS. It was also possible to deposit PEDOT–MeOH:CDPGYIGSR coatings from aqueous solutions without the introduction of additional solvents. A follow up study43 continued this work and showed that cells (SH-SY5Y cell line) preferentially grew on PEDOT–MeOH/CDPGYIGSR covered electrodes compared to uncoated gold sites.
Varying deposition time is one way to control morphology. The polymer growth follows a time course where an initial increase of roughness is followed by a smoothing when these cavities are in turn filled by the growing polymer (Fig. 4 and 7).28,36,78 In addition, if the process is driven galvanostatically or potentiostatically as well as the concentration of the counterion used and the applied current can have a dramatic effect on film topography.34,35 Film growth conditions are therefore important factors to take into account.
Fig. 7 SEM images of PPy/SLPF-coated electrodes for increasing deposition time from (a) to (d). Reprinted from Cui et al.,28Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 2001, by permission of John Wiley & Sons. |
The nature of the counterion can also be a way to tailor surface morphology. For instance TSNa has been shown to yield PPy coatings with nano-tentacle morphology under the right circumstances.78 The inclusion of large biological molecules like SLPF in the film can, besides being a route to biofunctionalization, provide the surface with a fibrillar morphology as can be seen in Fig. 7.28
Control of topography through e-beam lithography of the underlying conducting substrate has been suggested as a possible route to create conducting polymer patterns in the size range 1–2 µm.35 Produced patterns were found to have a significant influence on the growth of embryonic hippocampal neurons.
Apart from alterations in deposition parameters there is also a range of techniques described where different templates are used to create polymer films with well defined nano- and microscale features. For instance PEDOT and PPy with micropores have been produced through electrochemical deposition around self-assembled layers of latex spheres. Spheres in the range 100–485 nm in diameter were used and the latex templates could subsequently be dissolved, leaving a highly porous polymer material (Fig. 8).83,84
Fig. 8 Microporous PEDOT:LiCLO4 films produced through deposition around polystyrene latex sphere templates. Spheres were subsequently removed leaving a highly porous PEDOT film. Morphology for increasing deposition charge as follows: (a) 0 µC; (b) 0.36 µC; (c) 0.6 µC; (d) 1.2 µC; (e) 1.8 µC and (f) 3.6 µC. Reprinted from Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 101, Yang and Martin,83 “Microporous conducting polymers on neural microelectrode arrays: I electrochemical deposition”, Copyright (2004), with permission from Elsevier. |
Polymerization of PEDOT from a gel containing monomer, counterion and the surfactant poly(oxyethylene)10–oelyl ether has been shown to provide highly ordered PEDOT films on neural probes.36 The cytotoxic surfactant was removed after polymerization through several washing steps. The surfactant templated film showed improved stability and higher charge capacity compared to PEDOT deposited without surfactant template. Cell culture (SH-SY5Y) on top of the films was possible although bare platinum surfaces provided a better substrate for cell adhesion and proliferation. Possible explanations for the less cell friendly surface provided by the polymer could be microstructural changes and failure to remove residual surfactants from the film.
The same procedure used to produce PEDOT nanotubes for controlled delivery (see Section 5.5) has also been employed as a templating method. Electropolymerization around PLLA nanofibres produced highly fibrillar polymer films and the template fibres could easily be removed. EIS and equivalent circuit modelling showed that electrolyte diffusion in the film was improved by the open morphology created by the template.85 Such nanofibrous PEDOT has also recently proven its usefulness long term (7 weeks) in vivo, where electrode sites covered with PEDOT nanotubes registered high quality unit activity more often (30% more sites) than uncoated gold sites.86
An innovative approach to templated electropolymerization was described by Richardson-Burns et al.,87 where PEDOT was allowed to grow around living neural cells cultured on the electrode site. Cells could be removed from the polymer and left a surface with cell shaped cavities. In vitro studies showed that freshly added cells preferred the cell templated films compared to conventional PEDOT and that some cells indeed repopulated the cavities. Although not shown in the paper, the authors hope that the cytomimetic topology might encourage cell growth into the cavities upon implantation.
These are just some examples of how templates can be used to control film morphology. It should, however, be kept in mind that subsequently treating the polymer films with solvents to remove templates reduces the possibility of retaining viable biomolecules in the films simultaneously.78 Templates not requiring aggressive solvents for dissolution are therefore preferable for applications where incorporated biomolecules should be part of the material design.
Another approach to increase surface roughness is by depositing polystyrene latex spheres, used as a template for polymer growth, and dissolving the spheres after polymerization (Fig. 8).83,84 Access of the electrolyte to the conducting polymer framework is thus greatly enhanced. In an analogous manner carbon nanofibers have been used as the template for coating with PPy.39 In this case the template is not removed but used as a hairy framework, with inherently large surface area, for the polymer coating.
An additional route for decreasing the impedance is to increase the ionic permeability of the polymer material and thus provides access to the internal surface area of the electrode bulk. In this manner the height of the electrode becomes a parameter for decreasing impedance. One strategy used is to grow the polymer in a pre-deposited non-conducting hydrogel network on the electrode.54 Another approach to grow a conducting hydrogel electrode is by trapping dispersed particles of PEDOT–PSS in a conducting scaffold of PPy or PEDOT.30,40 In the latter case the extent of the hydrogel electrode is fully defined by the electropolymerization process.
Recently, conducting polymer hydrogel electrodes have been used in acute experiments as a means of increasing signal quality of electrodes coated with hydrogels.88 The distance between the electrode material and the neuronal signal source is increased by the hydrogel layer as the layer is deposited on the electrode in this case. The benefits of the hydrogel layer may be as a depository for drugs that can be released, especially anti-inflammatory agents to decrease capsule formation, or as a means of tailoring the mechanical modulus of the probe. For both polymer coated and especially hydrogel coated electrodes the distance to the neural signal source is of paramount importance. Even though low impedance is beneficial for recording purposes it cannot outweigh the importance of keeping the neurons close to the electrode.
Comparisons of conducting polymer coatings to conventional electrode materials of platinum and iridium oxide place the polymer coatings comparable or better at lowering the impedance of neural electrodes at 1 kHz.30,42,89 A concern, for all materials intended as long-term stimulation electrodes, is the stability of the coatings when subjected to repeated stimulation pulses. As the electrode part of a neuroprosthetic device is implanted in intimate contact with nervous tissue, and there may be a risk of damaging the tissue upon implantation or replacement of broken electrodes, a long lifespan of the electrodes is preferable, years or decades. The stability of PEDOT coatings has been reported to surpass that of iridium oxide for physiologically relevant stimulation.89 However, more extensive tests have shown a tendency for thicker PEDOT films to crack and delaminate after continuous stimulation cycling for days.42 Inherent stress in the film, increasing with film thickness, has been pointed out as one of the failure mechanisms,42 volume changes due to ion transport could also be factor behind delamination.97 Conducting polymer coatings have been successfully used to stimulate neurons in neural cell cultures40 and brain slices.39 Polymer hydrogel coated indium tin oxide (ITO) electrodes showed a clear increase in evoked potentials from cultured cerebral neural networks as compared to non-coated ITO electrodes for stimulus voltages less than |0.5| volts40 (Fig. 9). The low stimulus voltages minimize the contribution of the electrochemical reactions at the interface to the total current, and instead counterions are pushed in and out of the film as a response to the changing charge on the polymer backbone. In this in vitro application 4 months of interfacing were reported possible.
Fig. 9 Polymer hydrogel electrodes used for evaluating the stimulation efficacy of cultured neurons. The round electrodes to the left were higher than the square electrodes on the right resulting in neurons preferentially following the circumference of the electrode as opposed to the square electrodes where processes grow on top of the electrode. Reprinted from Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 160, Nyberg et al.,40 “Ion conducting polymer microelectrodes for interfacing with neural networks”, Copyright (2007), with permission from Elsevier. |
An interesting combination is the coating of carbon nanofibres with PPy for interfacing with hippocampal brain slices.39 In this case the electrodes consist of brushes of nanofibres, with inherently large surface area, that are electrochemically coated with PPy. The brain slice was placed on top of the electrode array. Comparison with uncoated nanofibres showed a decrease of the smallest voltage necessary to evoke a neural response of field potentials for the coated fibres and a stronger short time latency response.39
For in vivo use the combined effect of polymer coated electrodes for stimulation of the cochlea with release of NT3 was studied by Richardson et al.18 Platinum arrays for cochlear stimulation were coated with Ppy/pTS/NT3 and implanted for two weeks. Electrical stimulation combined with the release of NT3 promoted neuronal survival and gave a low threshold for stimulation which is beneficial for reducing stimulation voltages. The superiority of this system compared to other drug-eluting electrodes is that the conducting polymer coating does not impede current flow from the electrode.18
If a neural interface for evoking action potentials is to be realized using chemical interfacing the requirement is that the target neurons are in close proximity to the chemical electrode as the transport through diffusion and electrical field driven transport is short on the timescale appropriate for neural signalling. Preferably the neuronal tissue should have synapses on the electrode to allow for efficient communication; however, an intricate strategy of biochemical tailoring of the electrode would be needed to induce the neurons to synapse with the electrode.
Many parameters can be expected to influence polymer stability, which also complicates direct comparison of data from different studies. The counterions used, the procedure used for polymer deposition, the method of evaluation as well as the chosen test environment vary widely. Predicting survival time in vivo based on data from in vitro simulations is also not trivial. A short summary of what is reported on PPy and PEDOT stability within the field of neural electrodes can be found in Table 3 and the results are discussed in detail in the following section.
Study | Additional load | Material | Evaluation method | Duration | Results |
a Estimated from figure presented in paper. b Deduced from sweep rate used. c ST = surface templated. | |||||
PBS or saline, no load | |||||
Fonner et al., 200847 | PPy:PSS | Conductance meas. | 2 weeks | ∼80% conduct. losta | |
PPy:ToS | ∼100% conduct. losta | ||||
PPy:Cl | ∼100% conduct. losta | ||||
Xiao et al., 200869 | PEDOT:ATP | EIS | 18 days | ∼10% increase of Za | |
Thaning et al., 201092 | 37 °C | PEDOT:PSS | CV and light spectroscopy | 5–6 weeks | 83% electroact. remaining |
PEDOT:heparin | 76% electroact. remaining | ||||
PBS or saline with load | |||||
Yang and Martin, 200484 | CV −0.9 to 0.5 V vs. SCE | PPy:LiClO4 microporous | CV | 120 sweeps, <1 hb | 30% electroact. lost |
PEDOT:LiClO4 microporous | 5% electroact. lost | ||||
Green et al., 200963 | CV −0.8 to 0.6 V vs. Ag:AgCl | PEDOT:pTS | CV | 400 sweeps, ∼1.5 hb | 12% electroact. lost |
PEDOT:peptide | 17–19% electroact. lost | ||||
Green et al., 200948 | −0.8 to 0.6 V vs. Ag:AgCl | PEDOT:pTS:NGF | CV | 400 sweeps, ∼1.5 hb | 12% electroact. losta |
PEDOT:peptide:NGF | 39–51% electroact. losta | ||||
Wilks et al., 200989 | 5 mC cm−2, pulse 100 Hz | PEDOT:PSS | CV | 2 h | 5% electroact. lost |
Jan et al., 200995 | CV −0.9 to 0.5 V vs. Ag:AgCl | PEDOT | CV | 300 sweeps, <3 hb | 15% electroact. lost |
Cui and Martin, 200334 | CV −0.9 to 0.5 V vs. SCE | PPy:PSS | CV | 400 sweeps, > 3 hb | All electroact. lost |
PEDOT:PSS | Stable after first 3 cycles | ||||
Yang et al., 200536 | CV −0.9 to 0.5 V vs. SCE | PEDOT:TEAP | CV | 1000 cycles, ∼8 hb | 15% electroact. lost |
STcPEDOT:TEAP | 10% electroact. lost | ||||
Yamato et al., 199594 | Const.polar. 0.4 V vs. Ag:AgCl | PPy:PSS | CV | 16 h | 5% electroact. remain |
PEDOT:PSS | 80 h | 76% electroact. remain | |||
Cui and Zhou, 200742 | 1 mC cm−2, pulse 50 Hz | PEDOT:PSS | Microscopy and EIS | 2 weeks | Cracks/delamin. 5−9 days |
Thaning et al., 201092 | ±0.2 V, 50 ms per pulse | PEDOT:PSS | CV and light spectroscopy | 11 days | 94% electroact. remain |
PEDOT:heparin | 86% electroact. remain | ||||
GSH 10 mM | |||||
Xiao et al., 200738 | PPy:TSNa | Reduction potential change | 6–9 days | 20 mV per day deterioration | |
PEDOT:TSNa | 5 mV per day deterioration | ||||
Che et al., 200871 | PEDOT:glutamate | CV | 14 days | 12% of electroact. lost | |
Xiao et al., 200869 | PPy:ATP | EIS | 11 days | ∼150% increase of Za | |
PEDOT:ATP | 18 days | ∼40% increase of Za | |||
H 2 O2 10 mM | |||||
Thaning et al., 201092 | 37 °C | PEDOT:PSS | CV and light spectroscopy | 18 days | All electroact. lost |
PEDOT:Heparin | 18 days | All electroact. lost |
A few long term (80 h to 6 weeks) studies of polymer electroactivity in saline have also been published. Yamato et al.94 investigated electroactivity of PPy:PSS and PEDOT:PSS after constant polarization for up to 80 h. Whereas 76% of the original electroactivity was preserved for PEDOT:PSS after 80 h, only 5% of PPy:PSS electroactivity remained after 16 h.
Two long term studies consider repetitive pulsing of PEDOT electrodes in PBS over a two week period.42,92 Cui and Zhou reported that cracks and delamination of film occur within 5–9 days and this also correlated with a large increase in impedance. However, Thaning et al.92 reported that pulsing for eleven days did not have a significant impact on electroactivity. Different substrates (platinum vs. gold) and different pulsing protocols are probable reasons for the discrepancy in results.
Three studies describe changes upon immersion in saline (PBS or NaCl) without any additional voltage load.47,69,92 From data presented in Fonner et al.47 it can be seen that 80–100% of the original conductance of PPy is lost after 14 days of immersion in PBS and most is lost within the first three days. An estimated impedance increase of ∼10%† over 18 days is seen for PEDOT69 and data in Thaning et al.92 show that ∼80% of electroactivity remains after five weeks. The latter study also used elevated temperature (37 °C) which should give a better approximation to the real situation in vivo.
Several authors have studied the influence of the biologically relevant reducing agent glutathione (GSH) at a concentration of 10 mM. Xiao et al.38 studied the change in reduction potential of PPy:TSNa and PEDOT:TSNa. The reduction potential of PPy deteriorated 20 mV per day whereas the corresponding value for PEDOT was 5 mV per day. In a later study Xiao et al.69 found that PPy:ATP lost its conducting properties completely within 18 days of passive exposure. Even PEDOT was not resistant to GSH reduction, and although more stable than PPy, impedance increased an estimated 40% after 18 days† to be compared with 10% in pure saline. Che et al.71 reported that PEDOT:glutamate had lost 12% of its electroactivity after 12 days.
Thaning et al.92 addressed the influence of the oxidant H2O2 which can be expected to be present at the implant site in the case of inflammatory responses. Complete loss of electroactivity was seen within 22 days of passive exposure to 10 mM H2O2 for PEDOT. It should be noted that this concentration was about ten times of what could be expected in the physiological setting so these data present an accelerated degradation.
Nyberg et al.40 successfully used PEDOT:PSS hydrogel electrodes for stimulation and recording from neural networks in vitro for four months. Cui et al.57 used PPy:peptide electrodes to record signals from rat cortex for two weeks but reported an increase in impedance after the first week. In a 6 weeks study by Ludwig et al.,41 surfactant templated PEDOT:TEAP was proven adequate for signal recording in rodent cortex.
The longest time period reported for successful use of polymer electrodes in vivo is PEDOT nanotube electrodes implanted in rodent cortex. Electrodes were used for effective recording of neural signals over 49 days.86 This information is valuable since in vivo methods take into account the effect of immune system responses on the degradation of the material as well as protein adsorption to the material surface.
Green et al.48,63 addressed the question of how biomolecule incorporation affected electrochemical and mechanical stabilities of the polymer. Their investigations focused on PEDOT polymerized in the presence of large peptide sequences, DEDEDYFQRYLI or DCDPGYIGSR, and compared properties like stability, morphology, hardness, film adhesion and impedance to conventional PEDOT:pTS. Among their findings the counterion appeared to have a strong influence on the mechanical performance of the polymer. The peptide doped films were softer and also clearly less adherent. Furthermore, they showed that the introduction of the second biomolecule, NGF, into the film further deteriorated mechanical performance.48
Electrochemical stability was also reduced upon the inclusion of biomolecules and especially when both peptide and NGF were used. Decline of electroactivity in saline over 400 CV sweeps was 12% for the non-biological counterion pTS, to be compared with 17% and 19% for the peptide counterions DCDPGYIGSR and DEDEDYFQRYLI.63 If NGF was included in the films the corresponding decline was 12%, 39% and 51% respectively.48 The suggested mechanism is that with a smaller dopant, like pTS, the PEDOT matrix can still form efficiently, whereas a larger dopant like the peptides limits this formation making the PEDOT matrix more vulnerable to the influence of a second large non-doping molecule like NGF. Smaller co-dopants, biological or inorganic, are therefore suggested as a possible way to optimize film performance in this aspect.48,63 This will be especially important to consider if the material should contain multiple biomolecules. It should be noted that the inclusion of dual biomolecules did not alter impedance data significantly in the high frequency region (above 300 Hz).
Thaning et al.92 performed a thorough study on PEDOT stability explicitly comparing performance of PEDOT:heparin to PEDOT:PSS during a 6 week period upon immersion in deionized water, PBS and H2O2, and samples in PBS with additional voltage pulsing over a two week period. The biomolecule doped PEDOT performed less stable than conventional PEDOT:PSS, both upon immersion in PBS and in diluted hydrogen peroxide. It should be noted that partial loss of electroactivity was seen for both types of films and although clearly statistically significant, there was not a large difference between the two materials (17% and 24% decline in PBS for PEDOT:PSS and PEDOT:heparin respectively).
These kinds of estimations are naturally very imprecise. Firstly, simulations are only crude approximations of the in vivo milieu. There is reason to believe that the materials would show both smaller and greater stability in an in vivo setting. Degrading attacks from the immune system speak for the former while deposition of serum albumin on the material could have protective ability, as already shown for platinum in protein solution.96
Not solely the electrochemical stability needs further investigation. The problems with polymer adhesion reported by several authors42,48,63,92 can be a substantial challenge for polymer electrode implants. Hence, understanding and improving film adhesion might be a crucial part in future developments. Cui and Martin showed that electrodeposited gold, providing a more roughened surface for the polymer to attach to, could be one way to improve adhesion.97
On the other hand, some applications may not be depending on the polymer to function long term. The conducting polymer can still be an attractive way to immobilize important biomolecules without compromising low impedance. In that case a polymer designed to be biodegradable might be a suitable choice to ensure that no reminiscent film is left to insulate the electrode once conductivity is lost.
Firstly, long term biocompatibility of specific conducting polymer coatings remains to be proven. Such work is time consuming but is a prerequisite for future use of conducting polymers in clinical applications. The majority of the work published this far evaluates material compatibility with cultured cells but more studies are needed that take interaction with the immune system into account. Possible negative consequences on surrounding tissue from debris and degradation products also need to be evaluated. For an implant to be considered safe it is important that possible risks concerning implant related infections have been evaluated. A porous surface might be desirable from the electrochemical and tissue interaction perspective, but can also be a surface with increased risk of bacterial infection and proliferation. It is well known that dead spaces, not readily accessible for blood borne immune cells, are a risk factor for such infections. It is therefore possible that the most relevant biomolecules to incorporate in the material are antimicrobial and not growth factors.
Secondly, although PEDOT is reported to be the most stable electrically conducting polymer available,98 its electroactivity can be expected to have a limited lifetime in vivo. Long term benefits of the implant must be of substantial impact to motivate the risk taken by the surgical procedure. The intention with introducing conducting polymers to the field of neural electrodes is to improve stability of the neuron/electrode coupling through increasing charge delivery capacity, enhancing compatibility with neurons and reduce glial scar formation. If, on the other hand, the favourable properties of the polymer do not persist for the expected lifetime of the implant, this must be taken into consideration when designing the device. Replacing one stability issue with another is hardly the way to proceed.
Either conducting polymer stability must be improved or the consequences of degradation must be dealt with accordingly. It is not clear whether temporary improvements during the first month of implantation are sufficient to reduce glial scar formation and rescue neurons long term. If that is the case, a conducting polymer coat, designed to enhance biocompatibility at an early stage and subsequently be degraded, could be an acceptable solution. If so the remaining function of the implant, after the electroactivity of the conducting polymer is lost, must still be sufficient for device functionality.
However, one issue of considerable importance remains that clearly speaks in favor of using PEDOT. Most neuroprosthetic devices are aimed for long term function and the conductivity of PPy can be expected to diminish rather quickly in the biological environment.
Similar studies exist and, although these do not explicitly evaluate the effect on stability, they report on other benefits of nanotube incorporation. Forests of carbon nanofibres grown vertically on electrodes create a three dimensional conductive surface highly accessible to the electrolyte. These vertically aligned carbon nanofibres (VACNFs) can in turn be embedded in a conducting polymer (Fig. 10). Nguyen-Vu et al.100 reported that a PPy shell did not only provide a dramatic increase of specific capacitance but also supported the freestanding structure preventing the VACNFs from collapsing into bundles. The difference in topography between the microbundles and the stabilized fibres that remained vertically aligned greatly influenced morphology of PC12 cell networks cultured on top.101 Such PPy-coated VACNFs were also found superior for the stimulation of hippocampal brain slices in comparison to platinum electrodes or VACNFs without PPy.39
Fig. 10 SEM images of VACNF arrays (a) as-grown VACNF, (b) same type as shown in (a) but after soaking and drying, (c and d) VACNFs embedded in PPy. (a) and (c) are 45° perspective views, scale bars of 500 nm, (b) and (d) show top views, scale bars of 1.0 µm. Reprinted from Nguyen-Vu et al.100, Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanofiber Arrays: An Advance Toward Electrical-Neural Interfaces, Small, 2006. Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Reproduced with permission. |
There is to date little data on long term performance of such CNT conducting polymer composite films but there is a possibility that such hybrids can provide neural interfaces with the best of two worlds. Conducting polymers would function as a conductive material for improved biological interaction in terms of softness and biofunctionalization as well as stabilization of the CNTs, while the CNTs would create an integrated conducting structure in the material less vulnerable to degrading attacks from surrounding tissue.
In 2007, a publication from the University of Michigan103 showed that it is possible to electropolymerize PEDOT within living tissue forming a conductive polymer network infiltrating the surrounding tissue (Fig. 11). It was further shown that cells in the tissue remained intact throughout polymerization and at least three hours thereafter. These results open up intriguing possibilities to modify an electrode after implantation. The authors suggested this could be a possible route to bypass the glial scar and bring the electrode closer to viable neurons. This also implies that the polymer electrodes can be refilled in situ which could be a new way to address the problem of polymer stability. The idea of being able to modify the implant even after implantation is therefore exciting for multiple reasons.
Fig. 11 PEDOT electropolymerized into a mouse brain slice. (a) Electrochemical setup with slice embedded in gelatin for stability, (b) brain slice with PEDOT electropolymerized in three zones representing three different deposition charges, (c) higher magnification of image in (b), and (d) optical micrograph revealing structure of formed PEDOT microfilaments. Reprinted from Journal of Neural Engineering, Richardson-Burns et al.,103 “Electrochemical polymerization of conducting polymers in living neural tissue”, (2007), by permission of IOP Publishing. |
One example on how polymer actuators can indeed be useful within this field is described in Zhou et al.105 A PPy bilayer-based actuator was applied to facilitate curling of a common cochlear electrode implant. Electrically controllable curling of the implant is expected to facilitate navigation inside the spiralling cochlea. Presumably, this could be made of use for other neuroprosthetic implants as well. For instance one problem that would be interesting to address using electroactive polymers is the need for an implant with switchable mechanical properties. To cause minimal volume displacement of tissue the implant should be as thin as possible and, to be able to penetrate the tissue, the inserted material must therefore be rather rigid. Once inserted, it is on the other hand desirable to have an implant with flexibility in the same range as the surrounding tissue. Through successful implementation of a material with electronically controllable stiffness, it might be possible to replace the stiffer silicon arrays with truly flexible polymer arrays in the future. Whether conducting polymers can contribute to the solution to this problem is an open question.
The cost for these improvements is less experience of long term performance of these materials in vivo compared to already established biomaterials. One might argue that the most important feature of the polymer coating is to entrap essential biomolecules at the electrode surface. In that respect, the binding of biomolecules inside the conducting polymer matrix is more beneficial than binding molecules in insulating material risking to distort or diminish the signal. The prospect of releasing entrapped biomolecules and drugs to mitigate the immune response and attract neurons to the interface presents a potential tool for realizing stable interfaces.
Footnote |
† Estimated from figure presented in paper. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010 |