Shengye Jina, Jung-Cheng Hsiangb, Haiming Zhua, Nianhui Songa, Robert M. Dicksonb and Tianquan Lian*a
aDepartment of Chemistry, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA. E-mail:
bSchool of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0400, USA
First published on 31st August 2010
The electron transfer (ET) dynamics from core/multi-shell (CdSe/CdS3MLZnCdS2MLZnS2ML) quantum dots (QDs) to adsorbed Fluorescein (F27) molecules have been studied by single particle spectroscopy to probe the relationship between single QD interfacial electron transfer and blinking dynamics. Electron transfer from the QD to F27 and the subsequent recombination were directly observed by ensemble-averaged transient absorption spectroscopy. Single QD-F27 complexes show correlated fluctuation of fluorescence intensity and lifetime, similar to those observed in free QDs. With an increasing ET rate (controlled by F27-to-QD ratio), the lifetime of on states decreases and relative contribution of off states increases. It was shown that ET is active for QDs in on states, the excited state lifetime of which reflects the ET rate, whereas in the off state QD excitons decay by Auger relaxation and ET is not a competitive quenching pathway. Thus, the blinking dynamics of single QDs modulate their interfacial ET activity. Furthermore, interfacial ET provides an additional pathway for generating off states, leading to correlated single QD interfacial ET and blinking dynamics in QD-acceptor complexes. Because blinking is a general phenomenon of single QDs, it appears that the correlated interfacial ET and blinking and the resulting intermittent ET activity are general phenomena for single QDs.
Single QDs exhibit correlated fluctuation of fluorescence intensity (i.e.“blinking”) and lifetime.32–53 It was shown that states with higher fluorescence intensity (on state) have longer exciton lifetimes, and states of low intensity (off state) have shorter lifetimes, suggesting a fluctuation of the nonradiative decay rate. For most QDs, the probabilities of the QD remaining in the on and off states obey a power-law dependence with an exponent of ∼ 1.5.33,40,49,53 The formation of off states has been attributed to photoinduced charging of QDs by Auger ionization and/or charge transfer to trap states in QDs and the surrounding matrix.32–35,39,43,52,53 The trapped charge can recombine with the charged QD, returning it to the on state. The power-law dependence in the on- and off-time distributions suggests a broad distribution and fluctuation of the transition rates between the on and off states. Although the nature of the trap states and the microscopic origin of these fluctuating transition rates remains unclear, models assuming diffusion-controlled ET33,46–49 and fluctuating tunneling barriers for ET to and from trap states39,52 can account for the power-law on- and off-time distribution functions. These insights have led to the development of novel materials and schemes for suppressing the blinking of QDs.31,53–60
Recently, we and others have shown that in single QD-molecular electron acceptor complexes the blinking dynamics and lifetime fluctuations persist, suggesting intermittent ET activities.28,29 The origin of the intermittent ET activity remains unclear. Two possibilities exist. In the first case, the fluctuating lifetime may be caused by a corresponding fluctuation of ET rates. As a result, states with short and long lifetimes have fast and slow ET rates, respectively.28,29 In the second scenario, the lifetime of the off states is dominated by the Auger relaxation process in charged QDs, similar to single QDs on ET inactive substrates. In these off states, exciton quenching by ET is not competitive with Auger relaxation and QDs become ET inactive.30 If the latter model is correct, the intermittent ET activity is a general characteristic of single QDs because most of them have been shown to undergo blinking under continuous illumination.32–43,45–60 In a more recent study of single QDs on TiO2, we compared ensemble-averaged and single QD fluorescence decays and suggested that the second scenario described above is the origin of the intermittent ET activities of single QDs.30 Unfortunately, in that system, the ET process was not directly identified and cannot be readily controlled to assess the validity of the model.
In this paper, we compare ensemble-averaged and single QD ET dynamics of QD-Fluorescein 27 (F27) complexes. The ET rates in these complexes can be varied by adjusting the number of adsorbates on QDs. The rates of charge separation and charge recombination are directly studied by ensemble-averaged transient absorption and fluorescence decay. On the single QD level, blinking dynamics persist in these complexes, showing correlated fluorescence fluctuations of lifetime and intensity, consistent with our previous report.28 With increased ET rate, the on state probability density of single QDs decreases and the off state probability density increases. We show that both the ensemble-averaged and single QD fluorescence decay can be described by a model that assumes a Poisson distribution of the number of adsorbates on QDs. The lifetime of the on states of single QDs correlates with the charge separation rates whereas the lifetime of the off states is dominated by Auger relaxation. ET activity is modulated due to the blinking dynamics of the QDs. Furthermore, interfacial ET produces positively charged (optically dark) QDs and reduced adsorbates, providing another pathway for generating off states and leading to correlated single QD blinking and interfacial ET dynamics.
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Here, QD*[1S(e), 1S(h)] denotes an excited QD with an electron in the 1S(e) level and a hole in the 1S(h) level, and QD+[h] denotes an oxidized QD with a hole in the valence band or a trap state.
To directly probe the ET process, we have compared transient absorption spectra of free QDs and QD-F27 complexes. Shown in Fig. 1a are the TA spectra of QD-F27 complexes (sample B) at different delay times. These samples were excited at 400 nm, which selectively excited QDs (see Figure S1†). Similar TA spectra for free QDs and sample A are shown in Figure S3.† These spectra show an initial bleach and subsequent recovery of the exciton bands. The exciton bleach results from the filling of the 1S electron level in excited QDs.7,18 The bleach formation is instrument response time (0.5 ns) limited in this measurement. Subpicosecond transient absorption studies of similar samples (shown in Figure S4†) shows QD exciton bleach formation on the subpicosecond time scale and negligible bleach recovery in the first 500 ps. As shown in Fig. 1b, the exciton bleach recovery of these samples (probed around 605 nm) occurs on the few nanosecond time scale and the bleach recovery rate increases in samples with higher F27-to-QD ratios. This trend can be attributed to ET from the QD to F27, which reduces the lifetime of the 1S electron and leads to a faster QD 1S exciton bleach recovery.
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Fig. 1 (a) Transient absorption spectra at indicated delay times following 400 nm excitation of QDs-F27 complexes (sample B). The black solid line is the ground state absorption spectrum of QD-F27 complex (inverted for better comparison). (b) Transient absorption (TA, solid lines) kinetics at ∼ 605 nm (averaged from 601 to 610 nm) and ensemble averaged fluorescence (FL, open symbols) decays of free QDs and QD-F27 complexes. The FL kinetics have been inverted and normalized for better comparison with the TA kinetics. (c) Transient spectra of F27 in sample B obtained by subtracting the QDs signals (see text for details). Also shown is the ground state absorption spectrum of F27 (black solid line, inverted for better comparison). (d) The kinetics of F27 bleach at ∼525 nm (averaged from 521∼530 nm) for sample A (green solid circles) and sample B (red open circles). |
Furthermore, the ET process should also lead to the depletion of F27 ground state and the formation of reduced F27. The latter has a spectral feature at ∼390 nm and is not observed in this study due to the limited spectral range of the white light probe.62 The bleach of F27 ground state absorption can be observed in the 450∼540 nm region for the QD-F27 complex. Because the amplitudes of the F27 signals are much smaller than those of the QD, we have subtracted out the QD signal to produce transient spectra that contain the contribution of the F27 signal only, as shown in Fig. 1c. In the subtraction procedure, the free QD signal has been scaled such that its bleach amplitude matches that of QD-F27 at 605 nm (where the signal is caused by QD exciton bleach only) and the scaled QD signal has been subtracted from the total signal shown Fig. 1a. The kinetics of F27 bleach formation and recovery are shown in Fig. 1d. The kinetics of F27 bleach formation follows the QD exciton bleach recovery, reflecting the forward ET process. These kinetics deviate from each other after 10 ns due to the presence of back ET from F27 to QDs. The recombination of electrons in F27 with the holes in the QD leads to the regeneration of the F27 (and QD) ground state and can be monitored by the F27 bleach recovery kinetics at 525 nm. As shown in Fig. 1d, the recovery of the F27 bleach is non-single-exponential, with half lifetimes of 0.8 and 0.7 μs for sample A and B, respectively. It should be noted that the bleach recovery contains a small but non-negligible component that is slower than the 10 μs observation window of this transient absorption study.
As shown in Fig. 1b, the exciton bleach recovery kinetics are in good agreement with the ensemble-averaged fluorescence decay of these samples, suggesting that fluorescence quenching also results from ET and that the fluorescence lifetime provides a reliable measurement of ET dynamics in these samples. This agreement enables the study of ET dynamics in single QD-F27 complexes using single QD fluorescence decays, which will be discussed later. Furthermore, these transient absorption and fluorescence decay measurements show that the ET rate from QD to F27 increases in QDs with more adsorbed F27. Comparison of the bleach recovery of free QD vs. QD-F27 complexes allows an estimate of the ensemble-averaged ET time. As will be further discussed below, ET in this system occurs on the few to 10s of nanosecond timescale. This ET rate is considerably slower than those from core only CdSe QDs to other molecular adsorbates, such as rhodamine B and methylene blue, in which ET occurs on the few to 10s of picosecond time scales.27,63 The slower rate in this system can be attributed to a smaller driving force for ET and a smaller electronic coupling strength between the QD and adsorbate (due to the presence of ZnS shells).
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Fig. 2 ai) Typical fluorescence intensity (black, blue or green) and lifetime (red) trajectories, bi) histograms of fluorescence intensity, ci) histograms of fluorescence lifetime, and di) fluorescence intensity vs. lifetime for a typical single QD from each sample i (i = 1 for free QDs, and i = 2, and 3 for low and high ratio QD-F27 complexes, respectively). The dashed lines in panels b1–b3 indicate the thresholds separating the on and off states. The black bars in lifetime histograms (panels c1–c3) indicate the occurrence of low-fluorescence intensity points along the trajectories, for which the lifetimes have been assumed to be < 0.5 ns. In panels d1–d3, the blue solid lines are linear fits and the dashed lines indicate the intensity and lifetime thresholds separating the on and off states. |
As shown in Fig. 2 b1, the intensity distribution of this free QD (without F27) shows two peaks at ∼12 kHz and 0.54 kHz (background level). The high-intensity peak has been assigned to the QD on state and the low-intensity peak to the off state.33–41,43,45–57,64 The fluorescence intensity trajectories of QD-F27 complexes shows considerably more off states in the intensity histogram, as shown in Fig. 2 b2 and b3. To determine the threshold intensity that separates the on and off states, the distribution was fit by a sum of two Gaussian functions. The points where these two Gaussians cross were taken as the threshold intensity, which for QDs shown in panels a1, a2, a3 of Fig. 2 are at 4.0, 1.4 and 1.6 kHz, respectively. Any point in the trajectory with intensity above (below) the threshold level was assigned to on (off) state. The same analysis was applied to all studied QDs in sample 1 (45 QDs), 2 (47 QD-F27 complexes) and 3 (42 QD-F27 complexes) to determine their individual threshold values and occurrence of on and off states.
To quantify the occurrence of on and off states for each sample, we calculate probability densities P(t) of QDs at on or off states for a duration time of t:40
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Pi(t) = Bit−αiexp(−Γit) (i = on or off) | (3) |
Sample # | αon | 1/Γon/s | αoff | 1/Γoff/s |
1 | 1.20 ± 0.05 | 20 ± 3 | 1.80 ± 0.1 | 10 ± 3 |
2 | 1.35 ± 0.02 | 17 ± 2 | 1.51 ± 0.06 | 13 ± 2 |
3 | 1.50 ± 0.07 | 13 ± 2 | 1.38 ± 0.06 | 20 ± 4 |
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Fig. 3 Probability density of (a) on states (Pon(t)) and (b) off states (Poff(t)) of the ensembles of single QDs from sample 1 (blue squares), sample 2 (green diamonds) and sample 3 (red circles). The solid lines are the best fits to eqn (3) (see text). These curves have been displaced vertically for clarity. |
As shown in panels a1–a3 and d1–d3 in Fig. 2, the fluctuations in fluorescence intensity are accompanied by positively correlated fluctuations in lifetime for both single QDs and QD-F27 complexes, consistent with previously reported blinking dynamics in QDs and QD-ET acceptor complexes.28,37,43,51 Due to a limited number of photons, when the fluorescence intensity is near the background level, the lifetimes could not be accurately determined and were assumed to be < 0.5 ns on the basis of the positive correlation. The total decay rate (1/lifetime) histogram (H′(k)) for the ensembles of single QDs in samples 1, 2 and 3 are shown in panels a, b and c in Fig. 4, respectively. These histograms are the summation of the decay rate histograms for all single QDs in these samples. The peaks at 2 ns−1 (1/500 ps) indicates the occurrence of low fluorescence intensity (background) points whose lifetimes are assumed to be <500 ps. For comparison we also plotted the on state decay rate histograms (H(k)) which differ from the total decay rate histograms at > ∼0.2 ns−1. It is clear that as the F27-to-QD ratio increases, the on state rate distributions shift to higher rates and broaden, while the relative contribution of off states increases. The increase (decrease) of relative contributions of off (on) states with F27-to-QD ratio is consistent with the trends of the on and off state probability densities shown in Fig. 3. These results suggest a correlation between the single QD blinking dynamics and interfacial ET dynamics in QD-F27 complexes.
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Fig. 4 Total (H′(k), red solid lines) and on state (H(k), black, blue and green bars) decay rate (1/lifetime) histograms of single QDs in (a) sample 1, (b) sample 2, and (c) sample 3. The peaks at 2 ns−1 indicate the occurrences of low fluorescence intensity points whose lifetimes are assumed to be <0.5 ns. |
The total fluorescence decay rate (k0) of free QDs is a sum of radiative (kr) and nonradiative (knr) decay rates. The fluorescence decay rate distribution I(k0) of free QDs in Fig. 4a indicates the variation of k0 among different QDs and at different times. For QD-F27 complexes, the fluorescence decay rate is given by k = k0+kET, where kET is the interfacial ET rate. The measured distributions of decay rates of QD-F27 complexes (H(k) and H′(k)) are dependent on both the distributions of the interfacial ET rates (F(k) and F′(k)) and the intrinsic decay rates of QDs (I(k0)):
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From the measured total (H′(k)) and on state (H(k)) decay rate distributions, and using the on state decay rate distribution of free QDs (I(k0)), ET rate distributions F′(kET) and F(kET) for samples 2 and 3 can be obtained according to eqn (4), as shown in Fig. 5b and c.
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Fig. 5 (a) Ensemble-averaged fluorescence decays of free QDs (black circle) and QD-F27 complexes from samples A′ (blue square) and B′ (green triangle) obtained under the same experimental conditions (on glass cover slip and dried in air) as single QD measurements. Solid lines are fits according to eqn (8). Distributions of ET rates in single QD-F27 complexes from sample 2 (b) and 3 (c). On state (green open diamonds in panel b and red open triangles in panel c) and total ET rate (black solid circles) distributions are obtained from on state (H(k)) and total (H′(k)) rate distributions. Solid lines are fits according to eqn (7). The insets show the expanded view of the distributions at higher rates. The best fits to a, b, and c yield k1 = 0.03 ns−1 and w = 0.06 ns−1. |
To provide further evidence for the assignment of the on and off state lifetimes in QD-F27 complexes and to gain insight into the heterogeneous distribution of ET rates, we propose the following model to describe both the single QD and ensemble-averaged fluorescence decay rates. In our previous studies of ensemble-averaged electron or hole transfer dynamics between QDs and adsorbed molecules, we have shown that there is a distribution of the number of adsorbates on QDs.63,67 If the adsorption process is random, then the number of adsorbed molecules per QD should obey the Poisson distribution:63,67,68
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The ensemble fluorescence decay of QD-F27 complexes on glass cover slips, and single QD-F27 ET on state ET rate distributions, F(kET), for samples 2 and 3 are fit by eqn (8) and (7), respectively. The same k1 and w values, and different m values (to account for different adsorbate/QD ratios) are used in these fits. As shown in Fig. 5a, b and c, these data can be well fit by this model, yielding average F27-to-QD ratios of 0.7, 2.6, 0.3 and 0.9 for samples A, B, 2, and 3, respectively, and an averaged ET rate k1 of 0.03 ns−1 and a width w of 0.06 ns−1. This result suggests that the on state decay rate distribution in QD-F27 complexes can be well described by considering interfacial ET in addition to the intrinsic decay of free QDs.
However, the total ET rate distributions, F′(kET), which includes the contribution of both on and off states, cannot be fit by eqn (7). The discrepancy is caused by the much larger off state contribution in QD-F27 complexes than in free QDs, as shown in the insets in Fig. 5 b and c. If the off state decay rate is dominated by interfacial ET, it would require a ET rate of > 2 ns−1, which is not observed in the ensemble averaged transient absorption and fluorescence decay measurements, as shown in Fig. 1 and S4.† Thus the off state decay rate is dominated by other nonradiative decay pathways.
As shown in Fig. 6, the off state of free QDs has been attributed to positively charged QDs, which are formed by photoinduced Auger ionization of neutral QDs, producing a hole in the QD and an electron trapped on the QD surface or the surrounding materials.32,34 Optical excitation of the positively charged QDs generates a positive trion (an exciton plus a hole), which can undergo fast nonradiative Auger relaxation. The biexciton Auger relaxation time for CdSe QDs with radius of 2.3 nm has been reported to be ∼ 45 ps.69 The Auger relaxation of trions in these core/multi-shell quasi type II structures has not been extensively studied. They are expected to be slower than those in core-only QDs of similar size due to the reduced electron/hole overlap.70
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Fig. 6 A model for on and off states in single QD-F27 complexes. In free QDs, on states correspond to those in neutral QDs, and off states are positively charged QDs formed by Auger ionization. In QD-acceptor complexes, ET from QDs to acceptors provides an additional pathway for forming off states, leading to correlated single QD interfacial ET and blinking dynamics. |
Photoinduced electron transfer from the QD to F27 generates a reduced F27 and a QD with a valence band hole, as shown in Fig. 6. Optical excitation of the QDs in the charge-separated state also generates positive trions in the QDs, which are similar to those formed by Auger ionization of free QDs. These trion states should also be short-lived and optically dark under single QD conditions. Thus interfacial ET provides an effective additional pathway for producing off states. The lifetime of these off states is determined by the charge recombination rate between the reduced adsorbate and the QD. As shown in Fig. 1d, although the majority of the recombination occurs on the ∼1-μs time scale, this process is not completed by 10 μs. It is possible that the charge-separated state can have finite probability at the 50-ms to 10-s timescale that was probed in the single QD studies. Thus, the interfacial ET process reduces (increases) the on (off) time probability density, affecting the single QD blinking dynamics. With the increase of ET rates, the probability of creating an off state increases, leading to higher contribution of off states in samples with higher F27-to-QD ratios, as shown in Fig. 4 and 6.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Absorption spectra, single molecule image, and transient spectra. See DOI: 10.1039/c0sc00334d |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010 |