M. S. R. N.
Katarzyna A.
Andrew D.
*b and
Gautam R.
aSolid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 560 012, India. E-mail:
bDepartment of Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 560 012, India. E-mail:
cDepartment of Physics and Chemistry, University of Southern Denmark, 5230, Odense, Denmark. E-mail:
First published on 25th August 2011
Nanoindentation is applied to the two polymorphs of aspirin to examine and differentiate their interaction anisotropy and shear instability. Aspirin provides an excellent test system for the technique because: (i) polymorphs I and II exhibit structural similarity in two dimensions, thereby facilitating clear examination of the differences in mechanical response in relation to well-defined differences between the two crystal structures; (ii) single crystals of the metastable polymorph II have only recently become accessible; (iii) shear instability has been proposed for II. Different elastic moduli and hardness values determined for the two polymorphs are correlated with their crystal structures, and the interpretation is supported by measured thermal expansion coefficients. The stress-induced transformation of the metastable polymorph II to the stable polymorph I can be brought about rapidly by mechanical milling, and proceeds via a slip mechanism. This work establishes that nanoindentation provides “signature” responses for the two aspirin polymorphs, despite their very similar crystal structures. It also demonstrates the value of the technique to quantify stability relationships and phase transformations in molecular crystals, enabling a deeper understanding of polymorphism in the context of crystal engineering.
Nanoindentation is established as an effective method to assess the mechanical response of solids with high precision, and on extremely small volumes.8 A limited number of studies have been made on organic crystals,9–18 including our own report on saccharin,19 and there have been other attempts to link measured values of elastic modulus and hardness to molecular and crystal structures.20–23 However, very little has been done with polymorphs of molecular crystals—indeed, we are aware of only one other published report where nanoindentation has been explicitly applied to a polymorphic molecular system.24 Thus, there exists a clear opportunity for advancement in this area, since polymorphic systems should provide an ideal basis to establish correlations between crystal structure and mechanical response. In this work, we apply nanoindentation to the two polymorphs of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). Aspirin provides an excellent test case for several reasons: (i) the two polymorphs (I and II) exhibit structural similarity in two dimensions, thereby facilitating clear examination of the differences in mechanical response in relation to well-defined differences between the two crystal structures; (ii) single crystals of aspirin form II have become accessible only recently; (iii) the mechanical properties of form II are thought to be implicated in its apparent metastability. In this paper, we use the comparative data established by nanoindentation to suggest a rational explanation for the observed phase stability and transformation between the two crystal forms. Our study establishes that nanoindentation can provide “signature” responses for the two aspirin polymorphs, despite their very similar crystal structures, and it demonstrates also the value of the technique for application to chemical problems associated with polymorphism in the context of crystal engineering.
A brief summary of the structural situation is as follows: aspirin molecules are linked into centrosymmetric dimers by O–H⋯O hydrogen bonds between their carboxyl groups, and these dimers are arranged into 2-dimensional layers parallel to the (100) planes that are essentially identical in the two polymorphs. The distinction between forms I and II is the manner in which the layers are arranged relative to each other. The form I structure is related to that of form II by a relative shift of adjacent layers parallel to one of the crystallographic axes (specifically ½c in Fig. 1). Previous computational estimates of the lattice energies at various levels of theory have all concluded that the energetic difference between the two polymorphs is insignificantly small.28,35,36
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Fig. 1 Crystal structures of the aspirin polymorphs: (a) form I, (b) form II. In the two figures, the grey slabs highlight planes parallel to {001} or {10![]() ![]() |
With regard to the crystallisation of aspirin, some of us have reported that form II domains can be systematically introduced into aspirin crystals by solution crystallization in the presence of aspirin anhydride.37 By extension, single crystals were obtained that appear to be structurally pure aspirin form II—that is, without form I domains or any apparent disordered regions—within the detection limits of laboratory CCD X-ray instruments. The isolated single crystals were found to be stable under ambient conditions for months, as well as under the application of hydrostatic pressure up to 2.2 GPa.37 Nonetheless, it is apparent that form II is metastable with respect to form I, since we have observed transformation of form II bulk powders under ambient conditions during our studies of the compound.‡ It has been suggested that instability of form II may arise because of a low shear modulus.28 This has been questioned by Bauer et al. on the basis of experimentally measured elastic constants for form I and predicted constants for form II,35 which showed no reason to suspect shear instability. Recourse to predictions for form II was a requirement in the absence of samples for experimental study, and the question regarding shear instability therefore remains open.
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Fig. 2 Images of the nanoindentation indents: (a) {001} of I; (b) {10![]() |
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Fig. 3 Representative P–h curves for all three faces examined, with pop-ins indicated by arrows for the loading curve of {100} of I. |
All of the P–h curves (Fig. 3) show large residual depths upon unloading, which is a manifestation of significant plastic deformation undergone by the crystals during indentation. The loading parts of the P–h curves obtained for both {001} of I and {10} of II are smooth, while distinct displacement bursts are evident for {100} of I. These displacement bursts, which indicate heterogeneous deformation, occur consistently at penetration depths of 0.434, 0.564, 0.680 and 0.770 ± 0.02 μm, with the magnitude of the pop-in length being either 23 ± 4 nm at lower loads, or 35 ± 4 nm at higher loads. The latter implies that the pop-ins are related to the underlying crystal packing since they are integral multiples of d100 (11.373 Å). Similar correlation of pop-in lengths with dhkl was observed for saccharin.19 For I, the indent impression on {100} shows significant “pile-up”, which arises from incompressible plastic deformation of material from beneath the indenter to the top surface along the edges of the indenter. Cracking is also observed specifically along <010> at higher loads. Fracture or significant pile-up is not observed for either {001} of I or {10
} of II. The maximum penetration depth, hmax, for {10
} of II is higher than {001} of I, indicating a softer nature for form II compared to I. The average values of hardness (H) and elastic modulus (E) for the examined faces are shown in Table 1. Most notably, the mechanical properties of the two polymorphs are found to be significantly different for indentation along the potential shearing direction: {001} of I is stiffer and harder than {10
} of II, with a difference of 48% for the elastic moduli and 37% for the hardness indices.
H (GPa) | E (GPa) | |
a See ESI† for details of the determination of these values. | ||
{100} of I | 0.257 ± 0.007 | 5.97 ± 0.291 |
{001} of I | 0.240 ± 0.008 | 9.57 ± 0.201 |
{10![]() |
0.152 ± 0.004 | 4.96 ± 0.226 |
Recently, Haware et al. have examined elastic properties of single crystals of aspirin form I in directions normal to the (100), (010) and (001) planes using powder X-ray diffraction and an in situ compression stage.39 Measurement of changes in d-spacing gave values of 1.3(3), 1.6(6) and 4.6(8) GPa, respectively, for the elastic modulus along each direction. The trend in these values was in line with an accompanying computational estimation. Our observation for I that {001} has a greater modulus than {100} is consistent with these assessments. In another recent study, Olusanmi et al. have reported nanoindentation analyses on aspirin form I,40 which gave average elastic modulus values of 5.02 ± 0.57 GPa and 2.95 ± 0.13 GPa for indentation on the {100} and {001} faces, respectively. These measurements refer to indentation depths of ∼6 μm at a maximum load of 100 mN. The trend in these values is neither consistent with the results of Haware et al. nor our results. This could be due to several factors, most notable being the following two: (i) Olusanmi et al. have used as-received particles whereas we have used carefully grown single crystals. Images given by them suggest that the particles they have used may have experienced considerable surface damage (Fig. 1b and 12 of their paper40) and also that they may contain significant porosity (Figs. 11 and 13); (ii) the indentation loads applied by them are considerably higher that the loads that we have applied, which led to cracking along <010> during indentation on the {100} face. We have also observed cracking on {100} of I at higher loads (Fig. 2c), but not under the conditions from which our modulus values are derived. As is well known, cracking makes a material considerably compliant and hence tests for modulus measurements should be performed in a such a way that cracking does not occur during loading. Certainly, we note that the P–h curve reported by Olusanmi et al. for indentation on the {100} face of I (Fig. 9 in ref. 40) appears highly atypical compared to others reported in the literature.
Since the hydrogen-bonded dimer layers within I and II are identical, the interactions between molecules within these layers should have closely comparable characteristics in the two forms. The differences described for the crystal structures exist in the regions between the layers, and mechanical differences should therefore be expected when molecules in neighbouring layers move relative to each other. Considering adjacent layers moving relative to each other along eee222: it is evident from Fig. 1a that one of the two distinct stabilising interlayer interactions (say A1) formed by a given molecule in I is compressed while the other (B1) is elongated. For molecules in the next plane parallel to {001}, the situation is reversed; motion in the same direction along eee222 serves to elongate interaction A2 and compress interaction B2. Since the interaction types (A and B) and associated potential energy profiles are different, a given molecule must favour one of the two possible circumstances, and there exists some hindrance in I for relative motion of adjacent hydrogen-bonded layers parallel to eee222. In a typical nanoindentation experiment, several thousands of such molecular layers are involved. Thus, even if the hindrance between a pair of adjacent layers is small, the cumulative effect has a significant influence on the elastic modulus. The same hindrance does not exist for II because the two significantly stabilising interlayer interactions made by a given molecule are symmetrically equivalent (Fig. 1b), and the same compression and elongation of the interlayer interactions is therefore experienced by all molecules for relative motion in either direction along eee222. For interlayer stretching parallel to ee33 there is also little distinction between the two structures so that no great difference should be expected for relative interlayer motion in this direction.
The expectation of hindrance to the relative molecular motion along eee222 in I is corroborated by measurements of the thermal expansion, derived from lattice constants of form I and II single crystals at temperatures in the range 100–298 K (Fig. 4 and Supplementary Tables S10–S13†). The anisotropy of the thermal expansion is much more pronounced for I than for II, and the thermal expansion parallel to eee222 for I is about half that of any other direction in the two polymorphs.
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Fig. 4 Thermal expansion measured for single crystals of aspirin I and II. The expansion is referred to the Cartesian reference system ee33 ‖ c, eee222 ‖ b, ee11 ‖ eee222 × ee33, and the lines drawn between data points provide a guide to the eye. (a) The expansion in I is highly anisotropic, with expansion along eee222 approximately half as large as any other direction in either polymorph. This result is in agreement with an assessment made previously by Bauer et al.35 (b) The expansion in II is considerably less anisotropic. |
For indentation on the {001} face of I or the {10} face of II, the established elastic moduli probe a combination of the elastic deformation characteristics along the principal indentation direction parallel to ee33 and inclined to it by virtue of the pyramidal indenter shape. The latter directions can be decomposed into a component along ee33 plus some component along ee11 and/or eee222. On the basis of the preceding analysis, the two polymorphs would be expected to show minimal difference for elastic deformation along ee33 and for any component along ee11, but any component of the elastic deformation along eee222 should be significantly more restricted for I. This is consistent with the measured elastic moduli for indentation on the {001}/{10
} faces, since II is observed to have a smaller modulus than I. Thus, the elastic moduli and thermal expansion coefficients of the two polymorphs reflect inherent differences between the nature and symmetries of the intermolecular interactions in the two structures along the {100} planes; it is the component of the elastic deformation along eee222 that accounts principally for the significantly different values. Both the elastic modulus and the coefficient of thermal expansion are directly dependent on the intermolecular interactions and are inversely related to each other. Hence, the observation that thermal expansion parallel to eee222 for I is about 50% lower than that of any other direction is consistent with the elastic modulus of {001} of I being nearly twice that of either {10
} of II or {100} of I.
Crucially, the larger magnitude of plastic deformation, and hence lower hardness, measured for {10} of II compared to {001} of I suggests that slip in II occurs more readily. The chemical implications are that the transformation from form II to form I takes place through slip along the system {100}<001>. We have observed that the transformation can occur under stress-free and ambient conditions, which implies that the activation energy barrier for the II → I transformation is small, although it proceeds over a relatively long time scale—commonly, we observe periods of several months for complete transformation to occur in crystalline powders.‡ Our nanoindentation results, however, imply that the transformation should be rapid when shear stress is applied. To verify this hypothesis, crystalline powders of form II were subjected to mechanical grinding. Powder X-ray diffraction (See Supplementary Fig. S2†) establishes that the diagnostic peaks (19.9 and 25.5° 2θ for Cu-Kα radiation) for form II are absent after grinding, thereby demonstrating that II → I transformation does indeed take place quickly under the influence of shear stress.
In their study of form I, Olusanmi et al. also propose {100} as the slip planes, but suggest that the likely direction of slip is along <010>, since this has the shortest lattice translation (b ≈ 6.5 Å).40 However, it is crucial in the case of aspirin to realise that slip along <001> provides a shorter translation (½c ≈ 5.75 Å). Although this is not a lattice translation for form I, it is an energetically viable translation that transforms form I to form II. Thus, it is more reasonable that {100}<001> should be the most probable slip system.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental details, including crystallisation protocols and a full description of the nanoindentation studies; tables of calculated attachment energies and intermolecular interaction energies; residual indent impressions for {100} of II. Crystallographic data for form II at 123 and 298 K have been deposited with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre. CCDC reference numbers 820697 and 820698. For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see DOI: 10.1039/c1sc00430a |
‡ We have observed this transformation using powder X-ray diffraction for numerous bulk samples stored under ambient conditions in our laboratories. The diagnostic peaks for form II diminish with time and are typically absent after a period of months. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 |