C. R.
Department of Chemistry, Kookmin University, Seoul, 136-702, South Korea. E-mail: sgyim@kookmin.ac.kr; Fax: +82-2-910-4415; Tel: +82-2-910-4734
First published on 24th November 2011
In this work, zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPc) nanorods with various aspect ratios were effectively fabricated by spraying acetone/water mixed solvents onto the surface of ZnPc thin films. The lengths of the nanorods formed varied with the composition of the solvents used. The electronic absorption band of the film was broadened by the treatment, but it was almost completely recovered by post-annealing the film at 200 °C. This spray method is very simple compared to conventional surface nanostructuring technologies such as nanoimprinting and applicable to most organic films since the amount and composition of the solvents used are easily controllable.
In this work, we developed an alternative simple solvent spray method, which can be utilized as a more general way to fabricate surface nanostructures of organic thin films. This method is expected to be applicable to most organic films since the amount of treating solvents is easily controllable. Here, we subjected the surfaces of zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPc) thin films to the solvent spray treatment using solvent mixtures of varying amounts and compositions. The related change of surface morphology, i.e. the formation of nanorods with various dimensions, and electronic absorption property of the films were observed. The effect of post-annealing on spray-treated films was also investigated.
For the solvent spray treatment, the film was positioned on a Petri dish and various solvents were sprayed onto the surface of the film. Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of the solvent spray system used for treatment. A spray nozzle (1/4JNSS, Spraying Systems Co.) system contained two supply routes and valves for solvent mixture and N2 flow gas, which can easily control the amount of solvents. The distance between the sample and the nozzle was maintained at 20 cm, which corresponded to a spray rate of 30 ml m−2 s. After the spray treatment, solvents were volatilized for 12 h at room temperature under N2 atmosphere. The surface morphology of the samples was analyzed using a field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) (JEOL JSM 740F) and atomic force microscope (AFM) (SII SPA 400), and the electronic absorption of the films was recorded using an ultraviolet(UV)-visible spectrophotometer (Scinco S-3100).
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Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the solvent-spray system used in this study. |
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Fig. 2 FE-SEM images of the 50 nm thick ZnPc films (a) as-deposited and spray-treated using actone/water mixed solvents at acetone contents (vol%) of (b) 50%, (c) 70%, (d) 86%, (e) 94% and (f) 100%. |
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Fig. 3 Cross-sectional FE-SEM images of the 50 nm thick ZnPc films (a) as-deposited, (b) acetone/water (94![]() ![]() |
Electronic absorption spectra recorded for the as-deposited ZnPc thin film and the films treated with various solvent sprays are shown in Fig. 4. The absorption of the as-deposited film (Fig. 4a) was indicative of the characteristic α-phase ZnPc. The absorption band, known as the Q-band of phthalocyanine films,21 could be deconvoluted into overlapping four Gaussian curves using the nonlinear least-squares-fitting method. The absorption maxima of three main sub-bands centered at 623 nm, 706 nm, and 747 nm corresponded to the QS, QM, and QL band, respectively.21 The small sub-band at a shorter wavelength of 574 nm was assigned as the vibrationally coupled satellite band.22 The existence of these sub-Q bands was explained by molecular stacking within the phthalocyanine thin films. The QS and QL sub-band corresponded to face-to-face (H-aggregates) and edge-to-edge (J-aggregates) aggregation, respectively.23 The QM band exhibited medium transition aggregates. As shown in Fig. 4(b)–4(e) and the inset in the figure, a gradual change in relative intensities of the sub-bands was observed as the acetone content increased. The intensity of the QS band centered at 623 nm gradually decreased and that of the QL band centered at 747 nm increased. This indicated that a part of the ZnPc molecules in the film was dissolved in acetone and their stacking was alternated toward edge-to-edge aggregation. As shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, the change in the composition of the solvent mixture resulted in a different dimension and orientation of the nanorods. Regarding the orientation, treatment with water-containing acetone (Fig. 3b) was more favorable than treatment with pure acetone (Fig. 3c) since the vertical nanorods are more efficient for the transport of charge carriers in OPV cells.18 However, the remaining water molecules in the film might accelerate the degradation of the cells; thus, post-annealing treatment of the spray-treated films was conducted at temperatures of 100 °C, 200 °C, and 300 °C, for 1 h under high vacuum (base pressure of ∼2 × 10−8 torr) in order to eliminate the remaining solvent molecules. The AFM images of the non-treated and spray-treated ZnPc thin films at various post-annealing temperatures are presented in Fig. 5(a)–5(c) and Fig. 5(d)–5(f), respectively. All images were taken with the same scan area of 3 μm × 3 μm. The morphology of the as-deposited sample (Fig. 5a) was characterized by tiny spherical crystallites with a root mean square (rms) roughness of 3.77 nm, which is typical of the α-ZnPc polymorph.20 No apparent differences in surface morphology and rms roughness were observed for the samples annealed at 200 °C for 1 h as shown in Fig. 5(b). The longer annealing hardly affected the surface morphology at the annealing temperature up to 200 °C, which is consistent with previous reports for other planar Pc thin films.24,25 In contrast, the film annealed at 300 °C for 1 h contained islands of larger and slightly elongated crystals, indicating that there was a phase transition from α to β polymorph at this annealing temperature (Fig. 5c). AFM images of spray-treated and subsequently post-annealed samples (Fig. 5d–5f) were significantly different from those of non-treated samples. The morphology of the film treated with acetone/water (94:
6 vol%) spray (Fig. 5d) was characterized by bundles of nanorods with a rms roughness of 19.7 nm, which was around 5 times larger than that of as-deposited film. Whereas this morphology was retained after post-annealing up to 200 °C (Fig. 5d), the surface of the film annealed at 300 °C was covered with elongated, needle-like crystallites as shown in Fig. 5(f). The variation of electronic absorption for non-treated and spray-treated films after post-annealing is shown in Fig. 6(a)–6(d) and Fig. 6(e)–6(h), respectively. In the case of the non-treated films, little change in peak position and band shape was observed in the spectra for the samples annealed up to 200 °C. In contrast, the spectrum recorded for films annealed at 300 °C showed a peak shift to longer wavelengths, 645 nm and 749 nm, and inversion of the relative intensity (Fig. 6d), which is indicative of a phase transition to β polymorph. In the case of acetone/water (94
6 vol%) spray-treated samples (Fig. 6e), however, annealing at even low temperatures, i.e. 100 °C and 200 °C, led to changes in electronic absorption (Fig. 6f and 6g). As annealing proceeded, the relative intensity of QL sub-band at 747 nm decreased and that of QS sub-band at 623 nm increased. This indicated that some molecules that had stacked edge-to-edge during spray-treatment recovered their initial face-to-face stacking. However, even after 200 °C annealing, the QL sub-band did not disappear completely. We confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) that the film was dried thoroughly and no oxygen peak was detected. These results indicated that some ZnPc molecules alternated their stacking by solvent spray treatment and the new stacking was stable enough to be retained even after the solvents were dried. For the spray-treated and subsequently 300 °C post-annealed ZnPc thin film, a phase transition to β polymorph was observed (Fig. 6h) as in the case of the non-treated film (Fig. 6d).
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Fig. 4 Electronic absorption spectra recorded for the 50 nm thick ZnPc films (a) as-deposited and spray-treated using acetone/water mixed solvents with acetone contents (vol%) of (b) 50%, (c) 70%, (d) 94% and (e) 100%. Example of the deconvolution for the spectrum (a) into four overlapping Gaussian sub-bands is shown. The inset also shows the area% of the three Q sub-bands as a function of acetone content (vol%) in the solvent mixture used. |
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Fig. 5
AFM images of the 50 nm thick ZnPc films (a) grown at room temperature and annealed (a) for 1 h at (b) 200 °C and (c) 300 °C, and (d) acetone/water (94![]() ![]() |
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Fig. 6
Electronic absorption spectra recorded for the 50 nm thick ZnPc films (a) grown at room temperature and annealed (a) for 1 h at (b) 100 °C, (c) 200 °C and (d) 300 °C, and (e) acetone/water (94![]() ![]() |
In conclusion, we developed a novel solvent spray method to fabricate surface nanostructures on molecular thin films. This method is simple and can be applied to most organic films since the composition and amount of solvents are easily controllable. In this work, ZnPc nanorods with various dimensions and orientations were fabricated using the spray of acetone–water mixed solvents with various compositions. In addition to the morphological change, variations in the electronic absorption of the films, i.e. decrease of QS sub-band and increase of QL sub-band, were observed, indicating that a part of ZnPc molecules alternated their stacking from face-to-face to edge-to-edge aggregations. Post-annealing treatment of the spray-treated samples at temperatures up to 200 °C resulted in the recovery of the electronic absorption properties except for a slight increase in the QL sub-band. In contrast, the surface nanostructures formed by the solvent spray treatment were retained even after post-annealing at 200 °C. As a consequence, it is expected that the surface nanostructures of organic thin films can be simply fabricated without a significant change in the light absorption properties.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 |