*a and
aDepartment of Chemistry and Kanbar Laboratory for Nanomaterials, Center for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel. E-mail:; Fax: +972-3-7369928; Tel: +972-3-5318315
bThe Biofilm Research Laboratory, Center for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, The Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel. E-mail:; Fax: +972-3-7384053; Tel: +972-3-5317288
First published on 26th January 2012
Nanotechnology is providing new ways to manipulate the structure and chemistry of surfaces to inhibit bacterial colonization. In this study, we evaluated the ability of glass slides coated with zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles to restrict the biofilm formation of common bacterial pathogens. The generation of hydroxyl radicals, originating from the coated surface, was found to play a key role in antibiofilm activity. Furthermore, we evaluated the ability of the nanoparticle coating to enhance the antibacterial activity of commonly-used antibiotics. The ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized and deposited on the surface of glass slides using a one-step ultrasound irradiation process. Several physico-chemical surface characterization methods were performed to prove the long-term stability and homogenity of the coated films. Collectively, our findings may open a new door for utilizing ZnO nanoparticle films as antibiofilm coating of surfaces, thus providing a versatile platform for a wide range of applications both in medical and industrial settings, all of which are prone to bacterial colonization.
Sonochemical irradiation has been proven as an effective technique for the synthesis of nanophased materials, as well as for their deposition on various polymeric matrices in a one-step process.22 Furthermore, sonochemical irradiation fulfils the requirement of minimizing the use of toxic chemicals, solvents, energy, etc. and therefore is regarded as a “green” chemistry approach. The chemical effects of ultrasound arise from acoustic cavitation phenomena, i.e., the formation, growth, and implosive collapse of bubbles in a liquid medium. In this technique, when the created bubbles collapse near a solid surface, they produce enormous amounts of energy from the conversion of the kinetic energy of the motion of the liquid into heating the contents of the bubble. The compression of the bubbles during cavitation is more rapid than the thermal transport, which generates short-lived, localized hotspot bubbles with a temperature of around 5000 K, a pressure of roughly 1000 atm, and heating and cooling rates above 1 × 1010 K s−1. High-velocity fluid agitation and shock waves are also created during the compression of the bubbles near solid surfaces. These energetic jets throw the newly-synthesized NPs onto the surface at a very high speed (>100 m s−1), causing the NPs to adhere strongly to the solid surface. 23,24
Previous works demonstrated the use of sonochemistry as a perspective method to coat various substrates such as paper,25 glass surfaces,26 and fabrics27 with ZnO NPs. The activity of ZnO NP-coated surfaces as an antibacterial agent was investigated and their excellent bactericidal effect was demonstrated on the free-living bacterial community. In the present work, we took several steps forward and evaluated the antibiofilm activity of the coated surfaces. The antibiofilm tests were performed using two common nosocomial biofilm-forming pathogens, i.e., Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). In addition, in the present study, using electron spin resonance (ESR) coupled with the spin-trapping technique and attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR), we demonstrate the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) emerging from the coated glass surface. We also were able to show that a short pre-exposure to the ZnO NP-coated surface enhances the susceptibility of bacteria to antibiotic activity. Finally, supplementary physicochemical and surface characterization methods such as focused ion beam (FIB) assisted cross-sectional analysis, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), were added as a continuance to our previous work to verify the long-term stability of the coated film.
Measurements of the coating thickness and nanoparticle penetration depth into the bulk of the glass were done by a focused ion beam (FIB) using a FEI Helios 600 system.
ToF-SIMS analysis was conducted by a time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometer (PHI TRIFT II) on ZnO-coated glass slides. The Ga+ primary ion beam was operated at 25 keV and 20 nA. Positive secondary ion spectra were acquired from 50 × 50 μm2 areas of the surfaces. Sputtering was performed by Ga+ ions for 1 s followed by spectrum acquisition. The sputtering area is 150 × 150 μm2.
Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS) microbeam analysis was performed with a 3.0 MeV He+ beam generated by a Tandetron 1.7 MV accelerator of High Voltage Engineering Europe. The conditions of RBS analysis on the microbeam scanning system (model OM 2000, Oxford Micro beams, Ltd.) were: spatial resolution, about 2 μm; current density, 1 nA; mapping area of 500 × 500 μm2. The analysis of results was done by converting the units of at/cm2 to nm using the weighted mean of the atomic densities of detected zinc oxide at the surface of the sample, which “diffused” into the glass film.
Spin trapping measurements, coupled with electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy detection, used the ESR spin-trapping technique utilizing the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO, 0.02 M) (Sigma, St. Louis, MO). The aqueous medium in which square pieces (1 cm × 1 cm) of a ZnO-coated glass slide were placed and the appropriate spin trap were drawn by a syringe into a gas permeable Teflon capillary (Zeus Industries, Raritan, NJ) and inserted into a narrow quartz tube that was kept open at both ends. The tube was then placed in the ESR cavity and the spectra were recorded on a Bruker ESR 100d X–band spectrometer. The ESR measurement conditions were as follows: frequency, 9.74 GHz; microwave power, 20 mW; scan width, 65 G; resolution, 1024; receiver gain, 2 × 105; conversion time, 82 ms; time constant, 655 ms; sweep time, 84 s; scans, 2; modulation frequency, 100 kHz. After acquisition, the spectrum was processed using Bruker WIN-ESR software version 2.11 for baseline correction. The peak intensity was calculated by double integration of the peak signals, and the intensity was expressed in arbitrary units.
Attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) was obtained on a Bruker Vector 22 spectrometer. Spectra of the as-deposited films were collected using a 60 × 20 × 0.45 mm Si parallelogram prism prepared in-house by polishing the two short edges of a freshly cut, double-side polished silicon wafer to a 45° angle. The background data were collected following piranha treatment of the cleaned ATR prism, and the sample data were collected after the deposition of the monolayer. The background spectrum of the clean ATR prism was subtracted from each sample spectra. Typically, 44 sample scans were collected, at a nominal resolution of 4 cm−1.
For the microscopic examination of biofilm formation, a flow cell system was implemented. The biofilm system is composed of a polycarbonate chamber into which the tested glass coupons (ZnO coated and uncoated) are inserted. Using a Watson Marlow peristaltic pump and silicon manifold tubing (0.8 mm diameter), the growth medium is pumped at a constant rate (10 ml h−1) through the chamber. The flow cell was initially inoculated with a 0.3 OD595cell culture of either E. coli or S. aureus (this approximately corresponds to 3×108CFU ml−1 (CFU; colony-forming units)) under domestic lamplight. The flow was initiated after 1 h incubation at room temperature (flow rate of 10 ml h−1), and 1% TSB or 1% TSB-Glu (diluted in double distilled water; DDW) was used as a growth medium for E. coli and S. aureus, respectively. After 24 h the glass slides were removed from the experimental flow cell and washed with DDW to remove unattached cells. For imaging, the slides were stained using the Live/Dead BacLight kit (Molecular Probes, Invitrogen, manufacturer protocol). A SYTO9/propidium iodide mixture stain was dissolved in a mixture of 3% DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide) and DDW (15 min incubation). Viable bacteria with intact cell membranes are stained in green, whereas dead bacteria with damaged membranes are stained in red. Both excitation/emission maxima for these two dyes are 480/500 nm for the SYTO9 stain, and 490/635 nm for the propidium iodide. Biofilm formation was monitored using a confocal scanning laser microscope (Leica SPE, San Diego, California, United States). Obtained images were further processed by the Imaris Image Analysis software (Imaris v.6.0, Bitplane Scientific Software) and represent the general trend seen in three independent experiments. The biofilm biomass was also quantified by a viable count. Glass slides washed with DDW and the biofilm cells were detached by exposure to a low energy sonication water bath (TRANSSONIC 460, ELMA) for 1 min and centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 5 min to form pellet cells. Cells were re-suspended and serial dilutions were plated on Luria Bertani (Difco) agar plates to enumerate the viable cells. The experiment was conducted in triplicate and was repeated three times independently. The results were found to be reproducible (P < 0.05).
Minimal inhibitory assay. Test tubes containing a nutrient broth with different concentrations of purified antibiotics were inoculated with 100 μl of the bacterial suspension (105CFU ml−1). Inoculated tubes were incubated for 24 h at 37 °C and growth was observed by measuring OD at 660 nm. MIC is the minimal antibiotic concentration at which no growth was detected. All tests were carried out in duplicate.
The antibiotics used in this study included chloramphenicol (CP), nalidixic acid (NA), Ampicillin (AM), for both stains; Erythromycin (ER) for E. coli 1313 and Tobramycin (TO) for S. aureus 195 (Both bacterial isolates were obtained from the Bacteriological Laboratory of the Meir Hospital, Kfar Sava, Israel28). Two types of agar medium were prepared: (1) an agar medium without antibiotics that was used as a “non-selective medium”; (2) an agar medium containing one of the antibiotics at half of the MIC, termed “selective medium”. A typical procedure was as follows: cultures of the bacteria were grown on nutrient agar (Difco, Detroit, MI) overnight. These cultures were then transferred into a nutrient broth (NB) at an initial optical density (OD) of 0.1 at 660 nm and allowed to grow at 37 °C with aeration. When the cultures reached an optical density of 0.3 OD at 660 nm (the onset of the logarithmic phase), they were centrifuged and washed twice with saline at pH 6.5 to yield a final bacterial concentration of approximately 108CFU ml−1. An aliquot of 4.5 ml of a saline solution containing the impregnated glass (sized 1 × 1 cm) was poured into a vial with an inner diameter of 2.5 cm. 500 μl of the strain cells was then pipetted into the vial. The initial bacterial concentration in the vial was approximately 107CFU ml−1. Bacterial suspensions were incubated within the saline solution containing the impregnated glass and shaken at 150 rotations a minute at 37 °C for up to 10 min. Samples, each of 100 μl, were taken at a specified time, diluted tenfold in saline, and plated onto the selective and non-selective nutrient agar plates. The plates were allowed to grow for 24 h at 37 °C, and then counted for viable bacteria. The viable bacteria were monitored by counting the number of CFU from the appropriate dilution on nutrient agar plates, and comparing the number of colonies on the selective and non-selective media. To ensure that any decrease in bacterial number was likely to be due to exposure to coated-glass treatment, two controls were included in the experiment: the first with saline (without any glass), and the second with saline with an uncoated glass. In these tests, the plating out of each dilution was duplicated, and the whole assay was repeated five times independently. The results were found to be reproducible (P < 0.05).
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Fig. 1 Scheme of the sonochemical deposition of ZnO NPs on the solid substrate. |
Since the sample preparation procedure requires the deposition of platinum over the sample prior to sectioning by FIB, the measured samples show a rather smooth metallic layer over the top of the deposited platinum. At the edges of the sections, the ZnO can be seen as the bright regions beneath the platinum layer. Notably, FIB analysis of the sample (Fig. 2) showed the presence of more than one layer of ZnO coating under the platinum layer, with a thickness of 40–70 nm for each layer. The NPs were deposited very close to each other, forming a continuous layer. This was also in accordance with the SEM and AFM results, which verified a relative homogenous deposition.
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Fig. 2 FIB cross-sectional images of ZnO-coated glass (that was covered for protection by platinum). a) The scale bar is 300 nm. b) A closer examination of the ZnO layers sized 40–70 nm; the scale bar is 400 nm. |
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Fig. 3 RBS of a glass slide coated with ZnO NPs. The red line is the ZnO NPs and the blue line stands for the glass components (Si, O, Na, Mg). No signal of ZnO was detected for the uncoated glass (data not shown). |
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Fig. 4 Spectrum of DMPO–OH derived from ZnO NP coating in the presence of the spin trap, DMPO. |
To address this, we performed attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy at ambient air settings, looking for on-surface absorbed hydroxyl groups. Interestingly, the characterization depicted in Figure S2 ESI,† showed a band at ∼1600 cm−1 that could be attributed to the absorbed water originating from ambient moisture, on the substrate surface. A broad band (3100–3700 cm−1) centered at around 3400 cm−1, characteristic of a –OH functional group (free and hydrogen bonded), was also observed. These peaks did not exist for the uncoated substrate.24,32,33
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Fig. 5 Antibiofilm activity of ZnO NP coating on glass surfaces. a) CLSM images showing results from bacteria (E. coli and S. aureus) viability stains; the green and red stains respectively indicate living bacteria and membrane-compromised bacteria. Images obtained by confocal laser scanning microscopy represent the general trend seen in three independent experiments. b) Viable count of the biofilm cells. Control refers to the biofilm development on uncoated surfaces. Data represent the mean values of three independent experiments conducted in triplicate. c) Effect of Zn+2 on biofilm development. E. coli and S. aureus grown for 10 days in flow cells on glass surfaces (experimental setup and growth conditions described in the Methods section) with Zn+2 (50 mg L−1). Green and red staining represents live and dead bacterial cells, respectively. |
The results of this viability test imply that ZnO glass coating inhibits biofilm for both E. coli and S. aureus, consistent with previous reports of its antibacterial properties.
Generally, sparsely-distributed microbes, many of which are dead (the red dots in Fig. 5a) appear on the coated glass slides, compared with the unmodified glass slides which allowed the formation of a continuous biofilm layer (stained green; control). As depicted in Fig. 5b, these data are also supported by viable counts obtained directly from the biofilm formed on the surfaces. Uncoated glass surfaces supported a massive biofilm formation (∼3.2 × 1011 and ∼5.8 × 1010CFU cm−2 for E. coli and S. aureus, respectively, for the 10th day), while ZnO-coated surfaces dramatically restricted bacterial colonization (∼20 and ∼0 CFU cm−2 for E. coli and S. aureus respectively, on the last day). It is noteworthy that we have already excluded the possibility that zinc ions existing in the ZnO NPs aqueous suspension were responsible for the antibacterial activity11 (see also ref. 12). In the current study, we conducted a control experiment with Zn2+ at a concentration of 50 mg L−1, which is more than 10 times the solubility of ZnO. No effect on the biofilm growth could be observed for either bacterial strain (∼1.8 × 1010 and ∼3.4 × 1010CFU cm−2 for E. coli and S. aureus, respectively, for the 10th day; Fig. 5c). We also examined the viability of planktonic bacteria in the chamber to exclude killing during the incubation time before flow activating. No significant reduction could be observed when ∼1.2 × 106CFU ml−1 and ∼2.3 × 106CFU ml−1 were counted for E. coli and S. aureus, respectively. Hence, the reduction in biofilm formation was likely related to the reduction in bacterial proliferation on the coated surface caused by exposure to the NPs rather than to dissolved ions. Taking into consideration the continuous bacterial challenge of the coated glass slides during the experiment, these results further confirm the long-term stability and effectiveness of the coating as it does not lose its antibacterial effect over time due to the lower release rates of oxyradicals from the coated surface, nor suffers from reduced mechanical properties by the formation of voids after leaching.
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Fig. 6 Effect of ZnO glass coating and candidate antibiotics against E. coli and S. aureus. The antibacterial effect was evaluated with non selective medium, selective media and selective media following short exposure to ZnO glass coating a) E. coli b) S. aureus. (CP: Chloramphenicol; AM: Ampicillin; ER: Erythromycin). |
CP functions by inhibiting the peptidyl transferase activity of the bacterial 50S subunit of the ribosome, thus preventing protein synthesis. AM inhibits the third and final stage of bacterial cell-wall synthesis. It can be hypothesized that the short pre-treatment of the bacteria with the ZnO coating induces non-lethal bacterial membrane damage, which may increase the permeation and absorption of the antibiotics into the bacterial cell, thus improving the efficacy of the antibiotics. However, the exact mechanism underlying these enhanced antibiotics actions and the reason for the difference in the antibiotics efficacies are not clear and merit further investigation.
Footnote |
† Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c2ra00602b/ |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 |