Gulaim A.
b and
Vadim G.
aDepartment of Chemistry, SLU BioCenter, Box 7015, 75007 Uppsala, Sweden. E-mail:
bDepartment of Plant Biology and Forest Pathology, SLU BioCenter, Box 7082, 75007 Uppsala, Sweden
cDepartment of Toxicology, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Box 210, 17177 Stockholm, Sweden
First published on 27th March 2012
Dispersions of small TiO2 nanoparticles in alcohol, stabilized by surface complexation with protonated triethanolamine ligands, are proposed as bio-encapsulation matrices. They were characterized by TEM and EXAFS spectroscopy, and DLS was used to investigate the nanoparticles stability over time in their pure form and after insertion into aqueous medium. This study reveals unusual structural features that explain the recently demonstrated facile formation of dense encapsulates on the surface of biological objects. In the view of the potentially broad application of this already industrially available material in agriculture as an encapsulation matrix for biocontrol organisms, its potential health and environmental effects were characterized by employing a number of model systems. The potential health effects of the produced stable aqueous dispersions were studied in vitro using A549 and U1810 lung carcinoma cell lines. The nanotitania in the environment is partly bio-digested with the formation of citrate and lactate complexes. The effects on the growth of tobacco pollen grains by the nanotitania and of the ammonium lactato-oxo-titanate (TiBALDH, a product already broadly used in biomineralization studies) were investigated to gain insight into the impact of these materials on the environment and specifically on plant reproduction. TiBALDH was used as a model product of the bio-digestion and its structure has been probed in this work by X-ray powder diffraction and EXAFS spectroscopy. No acute negative bio-effects could be observed for the studied materials at significantly high concentrations, such as 50 μg ml−1 for the viability of human lung cancer cells and up to about 120 μg ml−1 for the growth of pollen grains, corresponding to the conditions of proposed field applications. This observation was contrasted by the apparently high toxicity of the LaAlO3 based nanophosphor which was applied as a positive control.
A number of studies have demonstrated that titanium dioxide is non-toxic for many species of microorganisms5 with limited effect on the biochemical balance in soil associated with removal of phosphorus and even of nitrogen.7a In fact, several types of microorganisms have skeletons that consist mostly of titania, while magnetic iron titanate, FeTiO3 ilmenite, is used within the organs of orientation in a variety of species.7b An attractive titania-based nanomaterial for environmental applications is CaptiGel, a solution of uniform TiO2 nanoparticles (4 ± 1 nm) stabilized by electrostatic charges from surface capping with triethanol-ammonium cations.8 It was demonstrated to be able to preserve biomaterials and microorganisms through the formation of dense coatings via aggregation of nanoparticles. The titania particles coalesce, producing dense membranes on the surface of living cells. It was originally supposed that the driving force in this process was the electrostatic interaction between the positive charges on the surface of the modified titania particles and the effective negative charges of phosphate head groups in the membrane lipids.5a It is important to get a better insight into its structure and trace the potential transformation of this material in aqueous medium, especially in view of the recent data that positively charged nanoparticles can damage cell membranes.9 We sought also to trace longer term effects that can be caused by this type of material on broader scale applications. We focus on two types of possible impact, the first on human health through exposure via the respiratory tract, and the second on plant reproduction by influencing viability and growth of the pollen grains. It also appeared important to identify the chemical nature of the bio-digestion products of nano-titania and evaluate their own potential environmental impact.
The solutions were measured on a Malvern Zetasizer DLS to obtain information about size distribution and surface charge of the particles. Polymer electrolyte titrations were carried out at the Polymer Chemistry Department of the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. Electrospray mass-spectrometry measurements were carried out with a Bruker Esquire-LC.
The solutions were dried in air for 2 weeks under a hood and the produced solids were investigated with an optical MOTIC digital microscope and a TM-1000-μ-DeX SEM-EDS. TEM images were obtained with a TOPCON EM002B operating at 200 kV (at the Laboratory of Multimaterials and Interfaces, CNRS UMR 5615, University Claude Bernard Lyon-1). The samples were analyzed by X-ray powder diffraction using a Bruker SMART Apex-II diffractometer (sealed-tube Mo-Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å) as-obtained and after thermal treatment at 500 °C in 1 h. Rietveld refinement of powder data was carried out using an EXPO 2009 program package.11 The thermal decomposition of the as-obtained dried samples was followed by TG-FTIR analysis using a Perkin-Elmer Pyris-1 Spectrum 100 combined installation, using a heating rate of 10 °C min−1 up to a final temperature of 600 °C. The phase composition of the heat-treated samples was established using a Bruker EVA program package.
EXAFS-Data collection. Titanium K edge X-ray absorption spectra were recorded at the wiggler beam line I811 at the MAXLab, Lund University, Sweden. The EXAFS station was equipped with a Si [111] double crystal monochromator. The data collection was performed in luminescence mode. Higher order harmonics were reduced by detuning the second monochromator to 30% of the maximum intensity at the end of the scans. The energy scale of the X-ray absorption spectra were calibrated by assigning the first inflection point of the K edge of a titanium foil to 4966 eV.12 The IFEFFIT program package13 was used for the data treatment.
Mature stamens covered with pollen were collected from flowering N. tabacum plants, which were kept in growth chambers under standard conditions (16 h illumination per day at 23 °C; night temperature: 20 °C). The stamens were transferred into a growth medium and stirred to release pollen. The pollen suspension was filtered through a grid to remove anthers and mixed with different concentrations of CaptiGel or TiBALDH to test the toxicity. 400 μl of the pollen suspension with different particles concentrations were added to a plate with 24 wells. The cells were kept at room temperature in the dark for 2.5 h before analysis. Then the pollen tubes were imaged using an epifluorescence microscope. Microscope pictures were taken with 2.5× magnification and afterwards the length of the pollen tubes was measured. To look more carefully at the pollen some pictures were also taken at 10× magnification. For the TiBALDH-containing samples it was also possible to count the number of germinated pollen after 1.5 h. Addition of CaptiGel produced in the growth medium a non-transparent gel, so the following treatment was applied to produce samples permitting observation: 1 ml of TiO2 solution was added to 1 ml CaCl2 (1M) and 8 ml water in a tube and mixed. A TiO2 gel was formed, giving a white suspension. The evolved clumps were centrifuged for 15 min (1800 rpm) and the supernatant, which was a transparent solution, was poured out. The precipitate was washed three times with 10 ml water and ground mechanically with a spatula. After pouring out the supernatant the precipitate was mixed with 10 ml water and subjected to ultrasound treatment to get a suspension of TiO2 particles for observation under the optical microscope.
The introduction of LaAlO3 nanoparticles was made by shooting a portion of the suspension onto a filter with collected pollen grains with subsequent desorption and dilution until the desired concentration was achieved (see ESI†).
The stability of the suspensions produced by immersion of CaptiGel into a 10-fold excess of isotonic NaCl solution is much lower: considerable opalescence appears after 2 h and complete gelation of the whole solution occurs within 24 h. Gelation in the presence of a CaCl2 solution occurs within 15 min. The reason for this behaviour is apparently charge compensation through adsorption of cations.
According to TEM observations (see Fig. 1) the non-heat-treated gels consist of strongly aggregated TiO2 particles with a size of about 5 nm. The material is amorphous under X-rays, but the distance between fringes in the high-resolution TEM and the selected area diffraction patterns (see ref. 5 for the latter) indicate that the particles have an anatase structure in the core, but are covered with an amorphous shell. The small size of the structurally coherent region precludes obtainment of the X-ray diffraction pattern. The air-dried gel contains high amounts of organic stabilizer, tri-ethanolamine and tri-ethanol ammonium salt, and residual water (weight loss of 55% upon heat treatment, see Fig. FS1†). Heat treatment at 500 °C provides a mixture of anatase and rutile phases (Fig. FS2†) indicating typical behavior for strongly aggregated small anatase particles that facilitates phase transition into rutile.14 When the gels were prepared using isotonic NaCl instead of water, the resulting xerogels contained relatively large, 30–50 nm, single crystals of NaCl. Hindered nucleation of salts in inorganic gels, resulting in the formation of single crystals was reported earlier for the drying of silica gel droplets.15
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Fig. 1 Air-dried gel produced from CaptiGel diluted by water (a, b) and via gelation in isotonic NaCl solution (c, d). The cubic NaCl crystals are visible in C as phase-separated inclusions. |
The EXAFS study of the CaptiGel xerogel reveals a striking difference between this material, bulk, and well-crystallized nano-sized anatase16 (see Fig. FS3†). The spectrum of anatase can be distinguished as a weaker contributing component. The strongest signals, however, indicate a shortened Ti–O distance (testifying decreased average coordination number) and also drastically weakened signals in the area corresponding to Ti–Ti interactions, which are apparently quenched by the truly amorphous structure. It is probably the latter that is behind the ability of CaptiGel particles to coalesce and form dense TiO2-shells on the surface of biological objects.5 The ability to adhere to the surface of biomembranes may also be explained by the enhanced strength of surface complexation of phosphate entities in phospholipids with the amorphous titania.6,17
It was previously reported that nano-titania is bio-digestible and dissolves in the presence of chelating carboxylate ligands such as citrate or lactate. The reaction in the presence of an excess of such ligands should lead to tris-carboxylato-titanate species that are reported and well structurally characterized in literature for environmentally relevant conditions.18 However, application of the CaptiGel material is proposed for field conditions with relatively low concentrations of lactic acid, e.g. in soil, and should lead to a product with lower Ti:
lactate ratio. Such a compound is commercially available under the trivial name TiBALDH, which stands for titanium bis-ammonium lactato-dihydroxide. It appeared logical to use this product as a model for investigating the potential environmental effects of bio-digested nano-titania. We felt that it needed further chemical characterization since a tentative chemical formula from following from its common name was apparently erroneous. In spite of the relatively broad application of this product in the synthesis of titanium dioxide19 and even drawings of it's “structure” in quite serious journals20 the latter has never before been investigated. Moreover, it is well-known that titanium cations do not form stable hydroxide species in aqueous media and not a single reliably defined structure of titanium(IV) species with two hydroxide groups attached to one and the same Ti atom can be found in the Cambridge Structural Database.
A DLS study of TiBALDH indicated the presence of well-defined nanoparticles with a size of about 10 nm. Slow drying the 50 wt% solution in air provided a material that looked like a combination of a polycrystalline material and an opalescent gel/glassy solid under the microscope (Fig. 2a). The TGA study indicated weight loss of 71 wt% (Fig. FS4†), which reasonably correlated with the proposed C6H18N2O8Ti formula. The Rietveld refinement of the obtained X-ray powder data (Fig. 2b) is in agreement with a monoclinic unit cell a = 11.8685(2), b = 13.2396(2), c = 19.9578(2) Å, β = 107.718(3)°, Space group P21/c. These data closely resemble the unit cell parameters and symmetry settings for the ammonium titanyl oxalate, (NH4)8[Ti4O4(C2O4)8](H2O)4 (a = 13.473(2), b = 11.329(1), c = 17.646(2) Å, β = 126.66(1)°, Space group P21/n), which also has an analogous chemical composition.21 The phase-corrected Fourier-transformed EXAFS spectrum of dried crystalline TiBALDH reveals relatively strong peaks in the range corresponding to the Ti–Ti distance (about 3.5 Å), confirming the oligo-nuclear nature of this species (Fig. 2c). With the view that in principle all other known titanium carboxylates with a Ti:
L ratio lower than 1
3 are oxo-species with bridging oxygen atoms,22 this provides a very strong indication that TiBALDH has to be formulated as ammonium titanyl lactate, i.e. ammonium oxo-lactato-titanate, (NH4)8[Ti4O4(C3H5O3)8](H2O)4 (Fig. 2d). The commercial samples apparently contain a minor admixture of titania nanoparticle solutions stabilized by adsorbed lactate ligands. Thermal treatment of TiBALDH results in a pure anatase phase of TiO2 (see Fig. FS5†), which is consistent with random nucleation in decomposition of a molecular precursor.
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Fig. 2 Microscopic image of the air-dried TiBALDH sample (a), the fit of the Rietveld refinement of the powder X-ray pattern for this material (b), its phase-corrected Fourier transformed EXAFS spectrum (c), and the model of the centrosymmetric tetranuclear oxo-lactato-titanate anion (d). |
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Fig. 3 Western blot analysis of PARP-1 cleavage and p53 expression in A549 and U1810 cells treated with different concentrations of titanium oxide-based nanoparticles |
To further explore the effect of nanoparticles on the studied cells, their effect on cell viability was measured. For this purpose, the cells were treated with titanium oxide for 48 h at concentrations of 1, 5, 10 and 50 μg μl−1. The results for the highest concentration, 50 μg μl−1, presented in Fig. 4 shows the absence of cytotoxicity of titanium oxide nanoparticles.
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Fig. 4 Viability of A549 cells treated with titanium oxide nanoparticles |
In addition, cell growth was measured in cells treated for 120 h with titanium oxide nanoparticles and the DNA damaging drug, doxorubicin. The results in Fig. 5 show a 16-fold increase in cell growth in untreated cells and the same fold increase in the number of cells observed after the treatment of cancer cells with the nanoparticles. We also examined if the nanoparticles had an additive effect in combination with doxorubicin (0.5 μg μl−1). As shown in Fig. 5, doxorubicin inhibited cell growth, but its combination with the nanoparticles had no additive inhibitory effect on cell growth. Therefore, based on these experiments we can conclude that titanium oxide-derived nanoparticles are nontoxic to the studied cells.
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Fig. 5 Growth of the cells treated with titanium oxide nanoparticles (50 μg μl−1), doxorubicin (0.5 μg μl−1) or their combination. |
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Fig. 6 Growth of pollen tubes in a 100 μg ml−1 suspension of titania gel produced from CaptiGel after 3 h of exposure (a). Length of pollen tubes measured in solutions with different concentrations of titania gel (b). Growth of pollen tubes in a 600 μg ml−1 solution of TiBALDH (c). Length of pollen tubes measured in solutions with different concentrations of TiBALDH (d). |
The reliability of the applied test model was evaluated using a LaAlO3 nanophosphor as a positive control. It was surface-modified by adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) according to a procedure described in literature17 for improved solution stability (to permit it to be applied in controlled concentrations). The epifluorescence microscope images (Fig. 7a and 7b) show enhanced autofluorescence of pollen grains, supposedly caused by interaction of membrane proteins with metal oxide nanoparticles (Fig. 7a and 7b) and thus indicates the interaction of particles with the grains. The increased autoluminescence was recently observed to be a general feature in the interaction of plant cells with oxide particles smaller than 15 nm.26 It is important to note that the solution stability of the LaAlO3 suspension was rather limited and aggregation (glowing clumps) can be seen even in the images of fresh samples. Precipitation of aggregates is apparent after 1 h and the negative effect of this material is clearly visible in the areas where the precipitate is concentrated. Even at rather low total concentrations of about 10 μg ml−1 the pollen grains were dead within 4 h in the proximity of the precipitated nanomaterials (see Fig. 7c). This was probably caused by the evolution of Al3+ cations, which are known to be highly toxic for plant cells, upon partial dissolution of the nanoparticles.
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Fig. 7 Pollen grains incubated with LaAlO3 nanophosphor: as-produced (a), after 2 h (b) and after 4 h (c). |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: TG curves for thermal decomposition of air-dried materials, XPD patterns for heat-treated materials, tables summarising results of DLS measurements, EXAFS spectra of CaptiGel in comparison with literature data on anatase, and details of shooting nanoparticles suspension using Bio-rad instrument. See DOI: 10.1039/c2ra20388j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 |