Bijun Wang, Shuqing Gu, Yaping Ding*, Yuliang Chu, Zhen Zhang, Xi Ba, Qiaolin Zhang and Xinru Li
Department of Chemistry, Shanghai University, Shanghai, 200444, P. R. China. E-mail:; Fax: +86 21 66132797; Tel: +86 21 66134734
First published on 31st October 2012
Perovskite-type oxide LaNiO3 nanofibers (LNFs) have been successfully synthesized by electrospinning and sequential calcinations. The electrospun LNFs modified carbon paste electrode was used to construct a nonenzymatic hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) sensor and glucose biosensor for the first time. The LNFs composition was verified by X-ray diffraction, and the morphologies were examined by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Cyclic voltammetry and amperometry were used to evaluate the catalytic activity of the LNFs modified electrode towards H2O2 and glucose. By using LNFs as electrocatalysts, the modified electrode showed high electrocatalytic activity for the oxidation of H2O2 and glucose. Under the optimized conditions, the H2O2 sensor exhibited a low detection limit down to 33.9 nM with a wide linear range from 0.05 to 1000 μM. The nonenzymatic sensor also showed fast response, long-term stability as well as a low detection limit for glucose.
Detection of glucose is crucial in many fields including clinical, food and pharmaceutical analyses, and it has been receiving attention for many years.11 Electrochemical glucose biosensors have been widely developed since first proposed by Clark and Lyons on an enzymatic electrode.12 Much research has focused on the immobilization of glucose oxidase (GOx) and other materials, such as metal nanoparticles,13 nanowires,14 graphene15 and carbon nanotubes16 on electrodes. Despite the high selectivity and sensitivity of enzymatic biosensors based on GOx, they inevitably suffer from chemical and thermal instabilities originating from the nature of enzymes.17–19 Detection of hydrogen peroxide has suffered from the same problem. Therefore, nonenzymatic biosensors for detecting glucose and H2O2 have aroused growing interest. Nanostructured materials are well known for their unique and excellent electrochemical performance due to their extremely reduced sizes, large surface-to-volume ratio, high level of crystallinity, and a Debye length λD comparable to its dimensions.20 Therefore, they are widely applied to construct nonenzymatic glucose sensors and H2O2 sensors. Typical nanostructures include nanofibers,5,21 nanotubes,22,23 nanoparticles24,25 and nanowires.26,27
Perovskite-type oxide, especially as nanomaterials, exhibits peculiar and fascinating physical and chemical characteristics, such as superconductivity, ferroelectricity, ferromagnetism, charge ordering and magnetism,28 so it is an excellent and novel material, which can be used in an electrochemical sensor to enhance catalytic performance and to construct highly sensitive sensors. Though there are a number of reports which focus on the preparation of perovskite-type materials by electrospinning,29,30 few of them use electrospun materials as electrochemical modifiers. LaNiO3 is a typical perovskite-type oxide with excellent electrocatalytic activity. Hwang et al.39 reported a gas sensor with high sensitivity and high selectivity based on LaNiO3 nanofiber mats produced by electrospinning. However, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that electrospun LaNiO3 nanofibers modified carbon paste electrode (LNFs/CPE) has been developed as a nonenzymatic H2O2 sensor and glucose sensor.
Herein, we synthesize nanofibers of nickel(II) acetate/lanthanum nitrate/polyvinyl pyrrolidone (La(NO3)3/Ni(Ac)2/PVP) by electrospinning and calcination to form LNFs. This new type of H2O2 sensor and glucose sensor is developed based on LNFs modified carbon paste electrode. Compared with other detectors, the as-synthesized sensor in this work showed excellent sensing characteristics, including a lower detection limit and higher sensitivity, to H2O2 as well as glucose.
Electrochemical measurements were carried out on a CHI 842B electrochemical workstation (CHI, China). A conventional three-electrode cell was used to conduct electrochemical tests, consisting of a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) as the reference electrode, a Pt wire as the counter electrode and a CPE as the working electrode (3 mm in diameter).
A morphology study of the nanofibers on the CPE surface was carried out with a scanning electron microscopy (SEM, JSM-6700F, 15.0 kV) and a transmission electron microscopy (TEM, JEM-2100, 200.0 kV) with fast Fourier transformation and selected area electron diffraction. The synthesized sample of LaNiO3 nanofibers was characterized by X-ray diffraction. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were obtained by Rigaku DLMAX-2200 X-ray diffraction using Kα radiation (λ = 1.5418 Å, 40 kV, 40 mA; scanning rate: 0.08° s−1) from 10° to 80°.
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Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the electrospinning apparatus. |
To make LNFs/CPE, 1 mg LNFs were dispersed in 1 mL double distilled water by ultrasonic agitation for 2 h to give a homogenous gray suspension. Then, 10 μL of the LNFs suspension (1 mg mL−1) was cast on the surface of the well-polished bare CPE and the modified electrode was allowed to dry under an infrared lamp.
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Fig. 2 (A) XRD pattern of electrospun LaNiO3 nanofibers; (B) SEM images of electrospun La(NO3)3/Ni(Ac)2/PVP composite nanofibers; (C) SEM images of electrospun LaNiO3 nanofibers; and (D) TEM images of electrospun LaNiO3 nanofibers under low magnification (inset: under high magnification). |
Typical SEM images of La(NO3)3/Ni(Ac)2/PVP composite nanofibers and LNFs obtained after calcination at 700 °C are shown in Fig. 2(B) and (C), respectively. In Fig. 2(B), the precursor nanofibers have smooth surfaces and no obvious difference in overall morphologies of La(NO3)3/Ni(Ac)2/PVP composite nanofibers was found. Fig. 2(C) shows the as-prepared samples, the morphologies of which are maintained after the degradation of PVP and decomposition of La(NO3)3 and Ni(Ac)2, while the average diameter of nanofibers decreases from 400 nm to 140 nm (calculated from 50 randomly selected nanofibers under SEM imaging). It is clear that the LNFs are no longer smooth, which provides a larger accessible surface area for the subsequent electrochemical catalytic reaction of glucose and H2O2. After 2 h ultrasonic treatment, the nanofibers still maintain the fiber shape observed by SEM.
The shape and microstructure of the sample are further examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). As shown in the low magnification TEM image (Fig. 2(D)), the synthesized sample was composed of LaNiO3 nanoparticles. Under high magnification the TEM image (Fig. 2(D) inset), the irregular spherical LaNiO3 nanoparticles become obvious and make nanofibers with an average size of 20 nm.
H2O2 + NiII ↔ NiIII + OH˙ + OH− | (1) |
OH− + H2O2 ↔ HO2− + H2O | (2) |
HO2− + NiIII ↔ HO2˙ + NiII | (3) |
HO2˙ + OH˙ → H2O + O2 | (4) |
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Fig. 3 CVs recorded on the bare CPE (a) and LNFs/CPE without H2O2 (b) and with H2O2 (c) in 0.1 M NaOH. Scan rate: 100 mV s−1. Inset: amperometric response obtained on bare CPE and LNFs/CPE upon successive addition of 50 μM H2O2 into 0.1 M NaOH with applied potential at 0.6 V. |
Amperometric detection was performed to compare the current response between LNFs/CPE and bare CPE towards 50 μM H2O2. As shown in Fig. 3 inset, the average faradic current obtained on the modified CPE was 2.441 mA, which was 37.3 times larger than 0.0654 mA obtained on bare CPE, so that the sensor showed excellent electrocatalytic activity of LNFs/CPE.
To improve the performance of the H2O2 sensor, some important influence factors were optimized, including the applied potential (Fig. S1(A) in ESI†), the concentrations of NaOH (Fig. S1(B) in ESI†) and the concentrations of modifier (Fig. S1(C) in ESI†).
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Fig. 4 (A) Amperometric response obtained on the modified CPE upon successive addition of H2O2 of different concentration to 0.1 M NaOH with applied potential at 0.6 V. Inset: calibration curves of H2O2 sensor. (B) 50 μM H2O2 at different stages and on addition of 10 μM AA, 20 μM DA and 20 μM UA to 0.1 M NaOH with applied potential at 0.6 V. |
Reproducibility, stability and selectivity of the sensor are important factors and have been studied. The relative standard deviation (R.S.D.) of reproducibility was calculated to be 3.18% for 10 successive determinations of 50 μM H2O2 at one modified electrode. When the modified electrode was stored at room temperature for 4 weeks, the catalytic current response remained at 94.6% of its original value for H2O2 determination, reflecting the good stability of the modified electrode. The selectivity of the sensor was also evaluated against ascorbic acid (AA), dopamine (DA) and uric acid (UA), which are commonly present in the physiological samples. Fig. 4(B) shows amperometric response of the modified electrode for H2O2, AA, DA and UA in 0.1 M NaOH at an applied potential of 0.6 V. There is an obvious current response to the addition of 50 μM H2O2. However, the current response was little affected when adding 10 μM AA, 20 μM DA and 20 μM UA in the same sample, indicating that the LNFs/CPE shows very high selectivity towards the determination of H2O2.
Table 1 shows the comparison between the as-prepared sensor and some previously reported sensors which are modified with other types of Ni-compound for the determination of H2O2 as linear working range, detection limit and sensitivity. It can be clearly seen that the LNFs/CPE has a lower determination limit and higher sensitivity because the electrospun LNFs provide abundant active sites for sensing of H2O2. Therefore, this perovskite-type oxide is a good electrode material for oxidation of H2O2.
Type of electrode | Linear working range (μM) | Detection limit (μM) | Sensitivity (μA mM−1 cm2) | Ref. |
a Nickel hexacyanoferrate/chitosan/carbon nanotubes/nickel net.b Silicon nanowires.c Ni(II)/poly(m-toluidine)/modified carbon paste electrode.d Thionine/nano-nickel oxide/glassy carbon electrode.e Celestine blue.f Layered double hydroxides. | ||||
NiHCF/CS/CNTs/NNa | 40–5600 | 0.28 | 654 | 34 |
Ni(OH)2/SiNWsb electrode | 0–5500 | 3.2 | 3310 | 35 |
Ni/PMT/MCPEc | 8–100 | 6.5 | — | 36 |
100–20![]() | 22.4 | |||
TH/nano-NiOx/GCEd | 1–10![]() | 0.36 | 131.85 | 37 |
CBe/nano-NiOx/GCE | 5–20![]() | 1.67 | 242.68 | 37 |
Ni/Al-LDHsf/GCE | 0.036–175 | 0.009 | 595.7 | 38 |
LNFs/CPE | 0.05–1000 | 0.0339 | 1135.88 | This work |
NiII ↔ NiIII + e− | (5) |
NiIII + glucose → NiII + glucolactone | (6) |
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Fig. 5 CVs recorded on the bare CPE (a) and LNFs/CPE without glucose (b) and with glucose (c) in 0.1 M NaOH. Scan rate: 100 mV s−1. Inset: amperometric response obtained on bare CPE and LNFs/CPE upon successive addition of 50 μM glucose into 0.1 M NaOH with applied potential at 0.6 V. |
The amperometric detection of 50 μM glucose was also performed on LNFs/CPE and bare CPE. As shown in Fig. 5 inset, the bare electrode has almost no current response towards glucose. However, the modified CPE displays obvious current change when adding glucose. Therefore, the electrospun LNFs are satisfactory modifiers to detect glucose.
Some important factors influencing the reaction were optimized to improve the performance of the glucose sensor, for example, the applied potential (Fig. S2(A) in ESI†), the concentrations of NaOH (Fig. S2(B) in ESI†) and the concentrations of modifier (Fig. S2(C) in ESI†).
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Fig. 6 Amperometric response obtained on the LNFs/CPE upon successive addition of glucose at different concentrations to 0.1 M NaOH with applied potential at 0.6 V. Inset: calibration curves of the glucose sensor. (B) 50 μM glucose at different stages and on addition of 5 μM AA, 5 μM DA and 5 μM UA to the solution of 0.1 M NaOH with applied potential at 0.6 V. |
The reproducibility and stability of the glucose sensor was calculated by using the same method as the H2O2 sensor. The R.S.D. of reproducibility was 5.23%. The sensor kept 92.9% of its original value for glucose determination after 4 weeks. Fig. 6(B) shows the selectivity of the sensor in the determination of glucose by adding 5 μM AA, 5 μM DA and 5 μM UA, respectively. The result shows that these concentrations of AA, DA and UA have negligible interference on glucose.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c2an35989h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 |