Kang R.
E. Alan
James J.
De Yoreo
*b and
S. Roger
aPhysical and Life Sciences Directorate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94551, USA. E-mail: qiu2@llnl.gov
bDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. E-mail: yhuang@seas.ucla.edu
cMolecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
dDepartment of Chemistry, University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama 36688, USA
First published on 11th September 2012
The inhibitory effect of linear enantiomers of L- and D-Asp6 on the growth of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystal has been investigated using in situ atomic force microscopy. The inhibitory magnitude of D-Asp6 on the growth of the [00] step on the (010) face is about 10% larger than that of L-Asp6. While no chiral effect is observed or expected on the growth of the [
] step on the (
01) face by both enantiomers, their inhibitory effect on this step is much stronger than that on the [
00] step on the (010) face. In both cases, the step morphology indicates that these enantiomers create the impurity pinning along the steps, while the dependence of step speed on supersaturation shows that they also produce a reduction of the step kinetic coefficients. Analysis of the step speed data within the context of an existing model for step pinning and kink blocking shows that the major impact of Asp6 is to block active kink sites. The larger inhibition of the [
00] step growth by D-Asp6 over L-Asp6 and the substantially larger inhibition of the [
] step over the [
00] step by both enantiomers both result from larger affinity for adsorption to the (010) face and the (
01) face, respectively. This is because the larger adsorption leads to a higher density of blocking kink sites along the steps. The estimated difference in binding energy of L- and D-Asp6 to the respective faces from the kinetics model is consistent with the trend predicted by our molecular modeling of the enantiomer binding to the faces.
Both clinical and physical studies have shown that small molecules like citrate,6–8,12,15–17 as well as macromolecules such as osteopontin11,12,16 and Tamm–Horsfall protein,8,9 all of which contain acidic functional groups, suppress the formation of COM crystals. For example, previous studies12,15 showed that citrate, a small molecule with three carboxylic acid groups, and osteopontin, with an abundance of carboxylic acid groups, modified the growth of COM crystal by asymmetrically attacking existing faces through step-specific interactions. When COM crystals, for which the typical equilibrium habit expresses three distinct faces, namely the {01}, {010}, and {120} (see Fig. 1A, the assignment of these faces was adopted from the Deganello notation),30 were grown in the presence of citrate, growth on the (
01) face was strongly inhibited while growth on the (010) face was hardly affected. In contrast, under osteopontin, growth on the (010) face was strongly inhibited while growth on the (
01) face was hardly affected.
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Fig. 1 (A) Schematic 3D sketch of a typical equilibrium habit of a calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM) crystal showing the commonly expressed planes {![]() ![]() |
A recent study18 utilizing linear 27-residue synthetic peptides designed to mimic the acidic domain of osteopontin found that these long chain peptides exhibited diverse functionalities in regulating COM crystal growth. Depending on the reaction conditions and local environments, they acted like a set of “switches, throttles and brakes” by interacting with specific steps on existing crystal faces to turn growth on and off, accelerate its speed, or slow it down. Other crystal model systems, such as calcite, with short acidic peptides, have also shown similar step-specific interactions.31 Studies of COM crystal growth with synthetic poly-aspartic acids are thus likely to provide insights into the role of aspartic acid rich domains of the biomolecules that regulate the growth of COM.
In this study, we investigate the growth of COM under the influence of 6-residue linear aspartic acid (Asp6) peptides whose molecular size and weight lie between those of citrate and the 27-mers. By performing studies with both L-Asp6 and D-Asp6, we also explored the effects of their chirality on regulating the growth of COM.
Similar to our previous studies, we investigated the effects of L-Asp6 and D-Asp6 on the growth of COM crystal using in situ atomic force microscopy (AFM). We found that Asp6 enantiomers affected growth of steps on both the (010) and (01) faces. While the effects on the (
01) face were inhibitory, the effects on the (010) face depended on the step direction, leading to inhibition of the <100> step and slight acceleration of the <001> step.
To understand the source of the inhibition exerted by L-Asp6 and D-Asp6, we applied a step kinetic model recently developed by Weaver et al.17 to the step speed data. This model was previously used to successfully explain the inhibitory effects of citrate on the growth of COM. Here we show that the growth kinetics of COM in the presence of L-Asp6 and D-Asp6 is also successfully described by this model. From the values of model parameters obtained by fitting the model to the step speed data, we estimate the differences in binding energies of the Asp6 enantiomers to the faces and steps, and compare the values of the binding energies to those predicted on the basis of molecular modeling as described in detail in the Experimental Methods section.
The Asp6 enantiomers played dual roles in modulating step growth on the (010) face. While slightly accelerating growth of the <001> steps, they produced modest inhibition of growth on the <100> steps. Here we focus upon the inhibitory effects at the [00] step, which is crystallographically equivalent to the [100] step. Fig. 2A shows the step speed of the [
00] quadruple unit-height step in pure, 2 μM L-Asp6 and 2 μM D-Asp6 solutions over a range of calcium activities (
). Based on the activity at which the [
00] step speed crosses zero in the pure and Asp6-containing systems, we conclude that the addition of 2 μM of either enantiomer has negligible effects on the equilibrium calcium concentration, which was 0.095 ± 0.005 mM for all three systems. From this data, we obtained the equilibrium calcium activity (
), 0.042 mM and the equilibrium solubility, Ksp = 1.76 × 10−9 M2 by using Visual Minteq as described in the Experimental Methods section on Activity of ions and supersaturation of solutions. The obtained Ksp for the pure system is very close to the reported values of 1.56 × 10−9 M2 by Weaver et al.17 and 1.66 × 10−9 M2 by Tomazic et al.35
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Fig. 2 Dependence of step velocities on Ca2+ activities in pure, L-Asp6-, and D-Asp6-containing solutions. (A) [![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
As shown in the step speed plots (Fig. 2A), the slopes for both Asp6-containing systems are all smaller than the slope for the pure system, indicating that both enantiomers inhibit growth of the [00] step on the (010) face. Moreover, for the same peptide concentration in solutions, the addition of D-Asp6 results in about 10% larger step speed reduction than that of L-Asp6 throughout the entire range of calcium activities, demonstrating that D-Asp6 is a slightly stronger inhibitor than L-Asp6.
The effect of L-Asp6 concentration on the kinetics and morphology of the [00] quadruple unit-height step was investigated at σ = 0.93. Fig. 3 shows the step speed in the L-Asp6-bearing solution (Vi) relative to that for the pure solution (V0) as a function of L-Asp6 concentration (see unfilled black circles). As shown in the figure, the relative step speed decreased with increasing peptide concentration, dropping relatively faster at low peptide concentrations and leveling off starting at ∼2 μM L-Asp6. The morphological evolution of the growth hillocks with increasing peptide concentration corresponding to the step speed data is shown in Fig. 4. Under the influence of L-Asp6, the [
00] steps roughened, developing cusps and a serrated form indicative of step pinning, while the inter-step distance dropped slightly.
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Fig. 3 Relative step velocity (Vi/V0) as a function of Asp6 concentration (Ci) in COM solution at a fixed supersaturation of σ = 0.93. Unfilled black circle: Vi/V0 of the [![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Fig. 4 Sequential in situ AFM images showing the effects of the concentration of L-Asp6 on the growth of the [![]() ![]() ![]() |
The effects of D-Asp6 concentration (unfilled square in Fig. 3) on the step speed of the [00] quadruple unit-height step was also investigated at σ = 0.93 and were similar to those seen using L-Asp6. As Fig. 3 and 5 show, similar dependencies of the relative step speed and morphology on peptide concentration were obtained. However, D-Asp6 was a somewhat better inhibitor than was L-Asp6, with the reduction in step speed being about 10% greater over the entire concentration range (Fig. 3) and the steps being a little rougher and the inter-step distance slightly smaller at equal peptide concentrations. The underlying reasons for the observed differences between the effect of the L- and D-enantiomers are explored in the Discussion section.
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Fig. 5
In situ AFM images showing the effects of the concentration of D-Asp6 on the growth of [![]() ![]() |
For some of the hillocks on the (01) face, the [
] step was observed to grow continuously as a single unit-height step of ∼0.4 nm. More typically, however, newly born steps were double unit-height steps with a measured height of 0.57 nm. The double unit-height step could be resulted from the merge of a fast growing single step of 0.2 nm and the unit-height step of ∼0.4 nm. The measured height is consistent with the molecular structure of COM on the (010) face as discussed in ref. 15 which contains two sub-layers of oxalate when viewing along the [010] direction. An example of a double step is indicated by a blue arrow in Fig. 1C.
Fig. 2B shows the velocities of the [0
] double unit-height step in pure, 0.3 μM L-Asp6-, and 0.3 μM D-Asp6-bearing solutions over a range of calcium activities. Examining the plots, we find that, as expected from the results for the [
00] step on the (010) face, the data give an equilibrium calcium concentration of 0.095 ± 0.005, which translates to an equilibrium calcium activity of 0.042 mM.
Fig. 2B also shows that, when 0.3 μM L-Asp6 or 0.3 μM D-Asp6 was added to the growth solutions, the [0
] step velocity decreased dramatically at all calcium activities above the equilibrium calcium activity. This result is in stark contrast to that obtained for the [
00] step on the (010) face as shown in Fig. 2A. Moreover, unlike the [
00] step where D-Asp6 caused about 10% larger inhibition than L-Asp6, the [
] step was equally inhibited by L-Asp6 and D-Asp6. This is expected, as there is no symmetry element in the [
] step that can produce a chiral effect.36 Moreover, the strong reduction in the step velocity on the [
] step occurred at a much smaller peptide concentration (0.3 μM) than that on the [
00] step (2 μM), a nearly 7-fold difference. This further shows that both enantiomers inhibited the [
] step on the (
01) face much more effectively than they did the [
00] step on the (010) face. The effects of peptide concentration on growth of the [
] step and the physical basis for the observed differences between both the morphological and kinetic effects at the [
] and [
00] steps are discussed below and in the Discussion section.
Because the D-Asp6 and L-Asp6 enantiomers had the same or very similar effects in modifying the step kinetics (Fig. 2B) and morphology of the [0
] step on (
01) face, we used only D-Asp6 to investigate the peptide concentration effects. As with the experiments on the (010) face, the solution supersaturation was held constant at σ = 0.93. The relative step speed of the [
] double unit-height step as a function of D-Asp6 concentration is shown in Fig. 3 and the evolution of the [
] step morphology is shown in Fig. 6. As discussed above, because the [
] step moved at a speed that was fast relative to that of all other steps (e.g., 27 nm s−1 for the [
] vs. 1.6 nm s−1 for the [
00] step at σ = 0.93) in pure solution (Fig. 6A), the apparent [
] step morphology was significantly distorted from its true morphology illustrated by the inset in Fig. 1C. In contrast, because of the steep drop in [
] step speed upon introduction of peptide-containing solution (e.g., 27 nm s−1 in pure solution vs. 1.5 nm s−1 at 0.3 μM D- or L-Asp6), the images shown in Fig. 6, B–F are very close to their true morphology.
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Fig. 6 Sequential in situ AFM images showing the effects of the concentration of D-Asp6 on the growth of [![]() ![]() ![]() |
In stark contrast to the moderate reduction of the [00] step velocity on the (010) face, D-Asp6 drastically reduced the growth of the [101] step. As shown in Fig. 6B, upon 0.05 μM D-Asp6 addition, the [
] step already roughened significantly, showing the typical features of step pinning. As the concentration was increased further, this roughening also increased and the steps along all other directions began to express a similar morphology. At peptide concentrations above 0.2 μM (Fig. 6D), the steps lost their lateral stability, having become highly convoluted and exhibiting step bunching. As was the case for the (010) face, on which the peptide effect approached saturation starting at a peptide concentration ∼2 μM, the effect of the peptide on this face approached saturation beyond about 0.3 μM, both in terms of step inhibition and roughening.
The resulting growth hillocks were ellipsoidal, with the major axis slanting a few tens of degrees from the [0
] direction. A similar morphology was observed under the influence of citrate.12,15 However, in that case, the hillocks were more disk-shaped and the major axis was co-aligned with the [
] direction. The difference can be attributed to the structural disparity between citrate and the D-Asp6 enantiomer. While citrate inhibited both the [
20] and [
0] steps equally, as we will show in a separate paper to be submitted, the D-Asp6 enantiomer showed preferential inhibition of the [
20] over the [
0] step, while the L-enantiomer produced the inverse effect. As discussed in that paper, this chiral dependence is a result of preferential binding of the enantiomers to steps that are related by mirror symmetry and it causes the off-[
] orientation of the ellipsoidal hillock.
![]() | (1) |
Here Ci is the impurity concentration in the solution, σ is as defined above, B is the product of three unit-less proportionality constants: 1) the fraction of adsorbed impurities that actually stick to the step and pin it, 2) the geometric factor relating linear impurity spacing to areal density, and 3) the percolation threshold for a step to move through a field of blocking sites derived by Potapenko,38α is step-edge free energy per unit step height, h is step height, ω is molecular volume in the crystal, kB is Boltzmann's constant, T is absolute temperature, kA and kD are the adsorption and desorption rate coefficients, a is the molecular spacing along the step line, and nk,0 is kink density in the absence of impurities.
In eqn (1), Vi/V0 is expressed in terms of three fitting parameters A1, A2, and A3, which are controlled by three fundamental parameters of the system α, kA/kD and nk,0. The term in the first set of curly brackets in eqn (1), determines the active kink density and therefore the kinetic coefficient, while the term in the second curly brackets reflects the Gibbs–Thomson effect and thus the supersaturation below which no growth occurs as a result of the step curvature imposed by impurity pinning. As Fig. 2A and B show, the main impact of the peptides is to reduce the kinetic coefficient, thus A2 and A3 are the most important fitting parameters in controlling the observed inhibition. The lines in Fig. 3 are fits of eqn (1) to our experimental data for Vi/V0 at σ = 0.93. The fitting parameters A1, A2, and A3 are shown in Table 1.
Impurity | Step and face | A 1 | A 2 (μM−1) | A 3 |
L-Asp6 | [![]() |
0.782 | 0.053 | 8.53 × 10−11 |
D-Asp6 | [![]() |
0.533 | 0.293 | 2.42 × 10−10 |
D-Asp6 | [![]() ![]() ![]() |
0.948 | 10.106 | 2.36 × 10−5 |
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Fig. 7 Langmuir adsorption curves of surface Asp6 coverage (θ) vs. Asp6 concentration (Ci) in COM solution. The curves are drawn using the values of Langmuir constants (A2) of Asp6 on (010) and (![]() ![]() |
While this difference in surface coverage is important, because the number of impurities that actually stick to the moving step plays a critical role in determining the level of inhibition, to further understand the difference in inhibition, we must compare the linear density (Di) of impurities along the step for the two enantiomers. Di is given by:17
![]() | (2) |
To evaluate the difference in Di for the two enantiomers, we note that, because the percolation threshold is simply a geometric term unrelated to the peptide chirality, can be replaced by
. Moreover, because the similarity of (and small changes in) the inter-step spacing indicate that the values of α are equal or nearly so in the presence of the two enantiomers,
can be replaced by
(see formula of A1 in eqn (1)). Thus
. As shown in Fig. 8 (black solid line), using the values of
calculated above (and shown in Fig. 7), and the values of A1 for the two enantiomers in Table 1, we find that the density of impurities along the step for D-Asp6 is 1.6–1.2 times larger than for L-Asp6 over the range of investigated peptide concentrations. Of course, in the limit of low peptide concentration, this difference is, in turn, controlled by the differences in binding energy for D-Asp6 and L-Asp6 to the terrace and step through
respectively where ΔET and ΔES are the differences between the D-Asp6 and L-Asp6 binding energies at the terrace and step, respectively. From this we estimate ΔET and ΔES to be ∼4 kJ mol−1 and <−1 kJ mol−1, respectively. From this analysis we conclude that the difference in inhibitory effects at the [
00] step on the (010) face is primarily due to a difference in the strength of Asp6 binding to the terrace.
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Fig. 8 Solid line represents the ratio of the linear density (Di) of D-Asp6 to that of (L-Asp)6 on [![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
These differences in binding energies and the resulting differences in peptide coverage both on the terraces and along the steps provide the underlying reason why the density of pinning sites and step roughening are so much greater for the steps on the (01) face than on the (010) face. The difference in binding affinity can, in turn, be attributed to the stark difference between the arrangements of calcium and oxalate ions on the (
01) and (010) faces and the [
] and [
00] step risers, as discussed in our previous reports on the effects of citrate12,15,17 and Asp-rich peptides18 on the growth of COM. The (010) face contains two oxalate sub-lattices, one of which extends beyond the (010) face. As a result, although overall the surface is neutral in charge, an incoming impurity sees the negatively-charged oxalate oxygens. Thus binding by the carboxylate groups of citrate, Asp, or poly-Asp molecules is greatly hindered due to the local electrostatic repulsion. On the other hand, on the (
01) face, the oxalate ions are flat-lying and their negative charge is compensated for by surface-exposed Ca2+ ions. This configuration eliminates the electrostatic repulsion of the carboxylates seen on the (010) face, while the presence of the calcium sites facilitates carboxylate binding. As is also shown in refs. 12 and 15, the arrangement of calcium and oxalate ions in the [
] step riser also differs from that in the [
00] riser and, at least in the case of citrate, provides better stereochemical matching to the distribution of carboxylate groups in the adsorbate. Given the structural similarities between poly-Asp and citrate—a linear molecule with multiple carboxylic side groups spaced along its length—we expect similar stereochemical considerations regardless of the chirality to favor Asp6 binding to the [
] step over the [
00] step.
L-Asp6 | D-Asp6 | ||
a Equivalent by symmetry to L-Asp6 on the (![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
(![]() |
−193.2 | −193.2a | |
(010) face | A-termination | −144.5 | −156.7b |
A′-termination | −151.0 | −153.6c | |
B-terminationd | −144.5 | −156.7 | |
B′-terminationd | −151.0 | −153.6 |
In agreement with experiments, our computational results also predict that chiral recognition should occur on the (010) face, with D-Asp6 binding more strongly than L-Asp6, no matter which termination of the (010) surface is actually expressed. In the case of the A and B terminations, D-Asp6 is preferred by 12 kJ mol−1, while for the A′ and B′ terminations the difference is only 2.6 kJ mol−1, as compared to the value of 4 kJ mol−1 estimated from experiments. Fig. 9 illustrates the favored binding of D-Asp6, as compared to L-Asp6, bound to the A-terminated (010) surface, with its peptide backbone nearly aligned with the c axis of COM. Chiral recognition on (010) is attributed to the geometrical compatibility which permits the D-Asp6 enantiomer to bind along a path between the upright, protruding oxalates along the c axis, while maintaining low internal dihedral strain.
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Fig. 9 Asp6 enantiomers bound to the flat (010) face of COM: (A) D-Asp6 and (B) L-Asp6. Peptides: ball and stick; COM waters and oxalates: tubes; COM calcium ions: green balls. D-Asp6: The polypeptide backbone is nearly aligned with the c axis of COM and most of the polypeptide follows a path over flat surface oxalates and between two columns of upright, protruding oxalates. The sidechain carboxylates of Asp3 and Asp5 are positioned between protruding oxalates to make favorable interactions with surface calcium ions. The sidechain carboxylate of Asp1, the terminal carboxylate of Asp6, and the carbonyl oxygens of Asp2 and Asp4 are also engaged with calcium ions along a common column, as are the sidechain carboxylates of Asp2, Asp4, and Asp6. L-Asp6: The polypeptide is not aligned with the c axis and instead follows a path passing through a column of protruding oxalates. (C) and (D): Side views along the c axis of the binding shown in (A) and (B), respectively. The A termination of the (010) surface is shown. |
To determine the equilibrium activities, we first measured the calcium and oxalate concentrations at which steps on COM crystals neither advanced nor retreated. Then and
were calculated from these experimentally-obtained equilibrium concentrations (X) and activity coefficients (γ) which were obtained from Visual Minteq by a = γX.
Molecular dynamics and energy minimizations on the COM/ L-Asp6 systems were carried out using NAMD 2.7.47 Starting from the beta-sheet conformation, the peptide was docked in several different initial orientations (20 or more) on flat COM surfaces. 3D periodic boundary conditions were imposed to match the 2D surface dimensions of the COM crystal lattice with a vacuum region above the surface (∼80 Å). An implicit water model (ε = 80) was used, and the atoms of the crystal lattice were held fixed. Optimizations were followed by short NVT dynamics (10000 steps, 1 fs step-1) successively at 100, 200, and 298 K, and then followed by a second optimization. The heating phases allowed exploration of more conformations of the peptide at the step and to permit escape from local minima. The energetically most favorable binding orientations were selected for further manual manipulation of the peptide geometry, including shifts of the peptide to similar but nonequivalent locations, followed by new optimizations.
The self energy of the fixed crystal is not included in the energy evaluation in our model; thus, a comparison of the final energies of the most stable structures directly indicates the relative binding preferences of L-Asp6 and D-Asp6. We are chiefly interested in the binding preference of say the L-Asp6 enantiomer for a particular step over the mirror-image step, and we assume that the relative free energy of binding is given by ΔΔGb ≈ ΔΔEb = E(L-Asp6/step) − E(L-Asp6/mirror-image step), with near cancellation of entropies and of thermal corrections to the enthalpies. Analogously, we are justified in comparing the energies of the enantiomers at the same step: ΔΔGb ≈ ΔΔEb = E(L-Asp6/step) − E(D-Asp6/step). As the D-Asp6 enantiomer was not explicitly modeled, the energy of D-Asp6 on a particular step was determined by modeling L-Asp6 on the corresponding mirror-image step. Our contention is that the peptide is very flexible and can fairly closely approximate the same coordination with a step or the mirror-image step, but not without introducing the subtle internal strains which are responsible for stereoselective step inhibition. For this analysis, the simple computational model we have chosen is appropriate and preferable to a more complex one involving dynamics in the presence of explicit solvent molecules and perhaps counterions. Such a complex model would greatly obscure the differential internal strains we expect to find and greatly complicate our ability to extract the key information. Moreover, regardless of either the force-field having the ability to account for such subtle strains or not, dynamical modeling will not remedy it.
The [00] step on the (010) face was inhibited modestly by both enantiomers. However, D-Asp6 had about 10% larger inhibitory effect on growth of the [
00] step than did L-Asp6 at the same Asp6 solution concentration. This difference was due to D-Asp6 having greater probability of adsorption to the crystal surface. In contrast, the data indicate that the binding affinity to the step is nearly identical for the two enantiomers. Analysis of the data gives a difference in the binding energy for D-Asp6 over L-Asp6 to the terrace and step of ∼4 kJ mol−1 and <−1 kJ mol−1, respectively. In comparison, molecular modeling predicts a difference in binding to the terrace of 2.6 or 12 kJ mol−1, depending on the choice of (010) surface termination. Although the inhibitory effects of both enantiomers increased as the Asp6 concentration in solution increased, the effects leveled off at 2 μM Asp6 with the relative step velocity (Vi/V0), being about 0.7 for the addition of D-Asp6 and about 0.8 for the addition of L-Asp6. This saturation of the effect is a reflection of the typical concentration dependence for Langmuir-type adsorption dynamics.
In contrast to the [00] step on the (010) face, the [
] step on the (
01) face was strongly inhibited by Asp6 with a negligible difference in the magnitude of inhibition for the two enantiomers. Vi/V0 of the [
] step was reduced to 0.065 at a D-Asp6 concentration of only 0.3 μM. Analysis of the data within the modified Cabrera–Vermilyea model leads to the conclusion that this severe level of inhibition is due to a high density of adsorbed Asp6 molecules to both the terrace and the step, with the high binding affinity to the terrace providing the dominant factor. The estimated difference between the binding energy to the (
01) and (010) face is 9 kJ mol−1. Molecular modeling shows that the reason for the strong difference in binding energy is a result of the strong interaction between the carboxyl groups and the surface Ca2+ ions on the (
01) face combined with the repulsive interaction of the carboxyl groups with the negatively charged oxygens of the oxalates on the (010) face.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 |