c and
Jenny J.
aCenter for Translational Cancer Research, Institute of Biosciences and Technology, Texas A&M University System Health Science Center, Houston, TX 77030, USA
bDepartment of Chemistry, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA
cDepartment of Biology, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA. E-mail: jenny@gsu.edu
First published on 26th November 2012
Calcium ion (Ca2+), the fifth most common chemical element in the earth's crust, represents the most abundant mineral in the human body. By binding to a myriad of proteins distributed in different cellular organelles, Ca2+ impacts nearly every aspect of cellular life. In prokaryotes, Ca2+ plays an important role in bacterial movement, chemotaxis, survival reactions and sporulation. In eukaryotes, Ca2+ has been chosen through evolution to function as a universal and versatile intracellular signal. Viruses, as obligate intracellular parasites, also develop smart strategies to manipulate the host Ca2+ signaling machinery to benefit their own life cycles. This review focuses on recent advances in applying both bioinformatic and experimental approaches to predict and validate Ca2+-binding proteins and their interactomes in biological systems on a genome-wide scale (termed “calciomics”). Calmodulin is used as an example of Ca2+-binding protein (CaBP) to demonstrate the role of CaBPs on the regulation of biological functions. This review is anticipated to rekindle interest in investigating Ca2+-binding proteins and Ca2+-modulated functions at the systems level in the post-genomic era.
![]() Yubin Zhou | Dr Yubin Zhou is currently an assistant professor at the Center for Translational Cancer Research, Institute of Biosciences & Technology at Texas A&M University System Health Science Center. Dr Zhou obtained his PhD and MS degrees in Biochemistry from Georgia State University and received postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School and La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology. He also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Medicine from Zhejiang University School of Medicine. His research is mainly focused on understanding how calcium ions are transported across membrane, how ion channels can be engineered to achieve tailored function, and elucidating the structure–function relationships and physiological roles of calcium channels in health and disease. |
![]() Shenghui Xue | Shenghui Xue obtained his bachelor’s degree major in Biotechnology from the School of Life Science in Lanzhou University in 2005. Now he is a PhD student in the Department of Biology of Georgia State University. His current research interests include the role of calcium in virus and design of novel protein–metal complexes for disease diagnostics and therapeutics. |
![]() Jenny J. Yang | Dr Jenny J. Yang obtained her BS and MS in Chemistry and Analytic Chemistry at Xiangtan University. She obtained her PhD in Biochemistry at Florida State University in 1992. She then conducted her postdoctoral training at the University of Oxford and Yale University. Currently, she is a full professor at the Department of Chemistry at Georgia State University and the associate director of the Center for Diagnostics & Therapeutics. Her research interests are mainly focused on the chemical, biological, material and environmental role of calcium and calcium binding proteins (termed calciomics) and development of novel tools, methods and reagents for research, diagnostics and therapeutics using protein design and engineering approaches. |
By mass, Ca2+ represents the most abundant mineral (∼1 kg) in the adult human body, with 99% in the form of calcium phosphates in bones. In mammals, a specific Ca2+ homeostatic system is evolved to set both the extracellular and intracellular Ca2+ concentrations at proper levels, and produces a steep Ca2+ gradient (>10000 times) across the plasma membrane.3 The external Ca2+, sensed by the extracellular Ca2+ sensing receptor, is maintained at 1.1–1.4 mM through the coordinated actions of three major hormones (i.e., parathyroid hormone, calcitonin and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3).4 Compared to the extracellular Ca2+ concentration of about 10−3 M, the internal Ca2+ concentration is maintained within the narrow range of 10−7 to 10−8 M in nearly all living cells. In multi-cellular eukaryotes, Ca2+ levels in different cellular compartments or organelles are tightly controlled through the molecular choreography of a repertoire of Ca2+ signaling molecules, including Ca2+ channels, Ca2+ transporters, receptors, Ca2+ buffers, and Ca2+-responsive proteins (e.g., Ca2+-sensitive enzymes and transcription factors) that are distributed in cytoplasm, endoplasmic/sarcoplasmic reticulum (ER/SR), Golgi complex, mitochondria, nucleus or the extracellular matrix (Fig. 1).5 Even in the most primitive prokaryotes, the free cytosolic Ca2+ is maintained at ∼10−7 M by using a variety of prokaryotic ion transporters (e.g., Ca2+/H+ antiporter, Ca2+/Na+ antiporter, and Ca2+-ATPase) or channels.6 Although bacteria does not possess complex intracellular organelles and Ca2+ is not extensively used as an intracellular messenger, accumulating evidence indicates that Ca2+ plays an essential role in the regulation of bacterial movements, chemotaxis, survival reactions and sporulation.3b,6c,d,7
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Fig. 1 Schematics of the Ca2+ signaling machinery, the range of Ca2+-binding affinities and the timescale of Ca2+ modulated activities. The extracellular Ca2+ homeostasis is maintained by the coordinated actions of hormones, bone cells and balanced uptake and excretion of Ca2+ in the intestine and kidney. The internal Ca2+ homeostasis is achieved through the exquisite choreography of the Ca2+ signaling toolkits. Under resting conditions, cytosolic Ca2+ is maintained at a submicromolar range by extruding Ca2+ outside of the plasma membrane via plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) and Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX), or by pumping Ca2+ back into internal stores through sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) or secretory pathway Ca2+-ATPase (SPCA). Upon extracellular stimulation, the free cytosolic Ca2+ rapidly increases by the entry of extracellular Ca2+ across the plasma membrane via Ca2+ channels, including voltage-operated channels (VOC), receptor-operated channels (ROC), transient receptor potential ion-channel (TRP) and store-operated channels (SOC), or by the release of Ca2+ from internal stores (e.g., endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi complex) through inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate receptors (IP3R) and ryanodine receptors (RyR) due to activation of membrane receptors (G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and receptor tyrosine kinase [RTK]) and the subsequent synthesis of IP3. In the mitochondria, Ca2+ can easily pass through outer mitochondrial membrane pores and cross the inner mitochondrial membrane through the membrane-embedded Ca2+ uniporter (MCU). Ca2+ exits mitochondria through the opening of a nonselective high-conductance channel permeability transition pore (PTP) in the inner mitochondrial membrane and the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX). The Ca2+ signals are delivered by affecting the activity of Ca2+ buffers, Ca2+ effectors and Ca2+-regulated enzymes. Ca2+-binding proteins have Ca2+ affinities that vary by 106-fold or more depending upon their locations and functions (left panel). Ca2+ can exert short-term effects by triggering neurotransmitter release within microseconds. The signals can also elicit “long-term” effects by modulating gene expression (right panel). |
In eukaryotic cells, Ca2+ functions as a universal and versatile signal by interacting with hundreds of proteins over a 106-fold range of affinities (nM to mM) (Fig. 1, left panel). Inside cells, Ca2+-binding proteins, such as calmodulin (CaM) or parvalbumin, possess Ca2+-binding affinities in the submicromolar range corresponding to the resting cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations at ∼100 nM. Ca2+ concentrations in organelles such as the ER, Golgi, and endocytic vacuoles are in the hundreds of μM. By modulating the activities of these proteins, Ca2+ participates in various biological processes (e.g., hormonal secretion, muscle contraction, neurotransmission and memory formation) over a wide range of timescale, ranging from milliseconds up to days (Fig. 1, right panel). Overall, the Ca2+ signaling system exhibits great versatility in speed, amplitude and spatial–temporal patterns. In this review, we focus on how integrative studies can be carried out to probe the sophisticated Ca2+ signaling network in biological systems (termed calciomics). First, we describe bioinformatics approaches tailored for predicting Ca2+-binding sites and Ca2+-modulated activities from genomic and structural information. Second, we discuss how experimental approaches can be applied to probe Ca2+-binding properties (stoichiometry, selectivity, affinity, cooperativity etc.). Finally, we present herein recent progress in identifying the interactomes of CaBPs by using CaM–target interactions as an example.
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Fig. 2 Profile HMMs for three representative continuous Ca2+-binding motifs. The numbers on top of the amino acids indicate the positions of ligands in the Ca2+-binding loop. The Pfam entries for EF-hand like (Excalibur), canonical EF-hand and pseudo EF-hand motifs are PF05901, PF00036 and PF01023, respectively. The letter size is positively correlated to the distribution probability of amino acids at each position. See the text for detailed discussions (Section 2.1 Prediction from primary sequences). |
Resource (reference) | Type of resource | Web address |
Predicting Ca2+-binding sites based on protein primary sequences | ||
CaPS10a | Webserver for prediction of EF-hand or EF-hand like Ca2+-binding motifs | http://chemistry.gsu.edu/faculty/Yang/Calciomics.htm |
EF-hand CaBPs data library | Database of sequence and structural information on EF-hand CaBPs | http://structbio.vanderbilt.edu/cabp_database/cabp.html |
EF-Handome58 | A collection of gene, mRNA and protein information of EF-hand proteins in humans, rat and mouse | Available from the authors |
MFSCa59 | A meta-functional signature algorithm for Ca2+-binding residue prediction | Available from the authors |
MetalloPred60 | Webserver for prediction of metal-binding sites using a cascade of neural networks from sequence derived features | http://www.juit.ac.in/assets/Metallopred/ |
CalPred | Web tools for EF-hand CaBP prediction and calcium binding region identification | http://www.bioinformatics.org/calpred/index.html |
Predicting Ca2+-binding sites based on protein structures (PDB entries or modeled structures) | ||
GG,23 MUG,24 MUGSR28 | Tools for predicting Ca2+-binding sites based on graph theory and geometric analyses | http://chemistry.gsu.edu/faculty/Yang/Calciomics.htm |
Fold-X18 | A computations algorithm based on empirical force field to predict the position of metal ions in protein | http://foldx.crg.es/ |
SVMProt20 | Webserver for assigning protein functions (including Ca2+-binding) with support vector machine learning | http://bidd.cz3.nus.edu.sg/cgi-bin/svmprot.cgi |
WebFEATURE26 | Webserver for automated function prediction (including Ca2+-binding sites) in protein structures with machine learning | http://feature.stanford.edu/webfeature/ |
SitePredict21 | Webserver for predicting metal ion binding sites with the Random Forest machine learning method | http://sitepredict.org/index.php |
FunFOLD61 | An integrated web resource for ligand binding site prediction | http://www.reading.ac.uk/bioinf/FunFOLD/FunFOLD_form.html |
FINDSITE-metal22 | A threading-based method to detect metal-binding sites in modeled structures by integrating evolutionary information and machine learning | http://cssb.biology.gatech.edu/findsite-metal |
MetaPocket62 | A consensus method to predict ligand binding sites by integrating LIGSITE, PASS, Q-SiteFinder and SURFNET, Fpocket, GHECOM, ConCavity and POCASA | http://projects.biotec.tu-dresden.de/metapocket/index.php |
MetSite63 | An automatic approach for detecting metal-binding residues in low-resolution 3D models with neural network classifiers | http://bioinf.cs.ucl.ac.uk/metsite |
Predicting Ca2+-modulated functions | ||
Calmodulin Target Database30 | Webserver for predicting calmodulin binding sites from protein sequences | http://calcium.uhnres.utoronto.ca/ctdb/ctdb/home.html |
MeTaDor64 | Webserver for predicting membrane targeting domains (e.g., Ca2+-dependent C2 domain) | http://proteomics.bioengr.uic.edu/metador/predict.html |
ORBIT65 | De novo design of protein sequence based on a desired backbone fold | Available from the authors |
DEZYMER66 | Design of metal binding sites by selecting suitable ligands | Available from the authors |
Given that the pattern search method simply looks for Ca2+-binding motif signatures in proteins without considering the similarity to known domains, it tends to generate false positives. Another convenient method to predict CaBPs is to search for conserved Ca2+-binding domains (CaBDs) by online resources such as the Pfam or InterPro databases.12 The Pfam database has a comprehensive collection of profile hidden Markov models (HMM),13 which contain probability-based consensus information for protein domains. The profile HMMs can be visualized by HMM Logos14 (Fig. 2) and are compatible with HMMER,15 a free and effective software package used to assign sequence similarity to a query protein sequence. This prediction strategy is based on sequence homology alignment using a known Ca2+-binding protein (such as C2 domain) against a genome. It is extremely useful for identifying non-continuous CaBPs as it allows for the identification of any homologous proteins without the restriction of any gaps in sequences. An excellent introduction to using profile HMMs to predict metalloproteomes has been recently described in a tutorial review in Metallomics.16 As a common limitation of sequence-based predictive computational approaches, one has to be aware that both methods are unlikely to detect potential CaBPs that do not contain either a known Ca2+-binding pattern or a well-established CaBD.
All these prediction methods enabled us to make a phylogenetic distribution of typical Ca2+-binding motifs or domains found in nature (Table 2). Interestingly, EF-hands or EF-hand like motifs (particularly the Excalibur motif11) are frequently present in prokaryotes in a single unit, which raises the hypothesis that the prokaryotic single EF-hand motif is likely the precursor for the paired EF-hands found in eukaryotes.9,10 In contrast, the pseudo EF-hand is almost exclusively found in vertebrates. Thus, it is reasonable to postulate that pseudo EF-hands are phylogenetically younger and have a shorter history than canonical EF-hands. Likewise, calreticulin and calsequestrin, two signature CaBPs inside ER/SR, are only found in eukaryotes given that endo-membranous structures evolved later and that the ER structure is absent in prokaryotes.
Motifs/CaBPs (Pfam entry) | Locations and functions | Organisms | ||||||
Viruses | Archaea | Bacteria | Fungi | Yeast | Plants | Metazoa | ||
a Note: the values indicate the numbers of predicted Ca2+-binding motifs in protein sequences annotated by Pfam (http://pfam.sanger.ac.uk/) as 2011. One protein sequence may contain multiple predicted motifs. b The number includes both EF-hand and EF-hand like motifs according to Zhou et al.10b | ||||||||
EF-hand like (e.g., Excalibur (PF05901)) | External: enzymes | 93b | — | 662 | — | — | — | — |
EF-hand (PF13499) | Internal: triggers, buffers, enzymes, messengers | 6 | 509 | 2303 | 192 | 3540 | 6471 | |
S100 (PF01023) | Internal or external: triggers, buffers, messengers | — | — | — | — | — | — | 393 |
C2 domains (PF00168) | Internal: membrane-linked enzymes | — | 1 | 8 | 1435 | 257 | 2180 | 6700 |
Annexins (PF00168) | Internal: binds to membrane phospholipids; triggers | — | — | 3 | 336 | — | 823 | 2765 |
Calreticulin (PF00262) | Calcium stores in reticula; chaperone | — | — | — | 106 | 20 | 158 | 352 |
Calsequestrin (PF01216) | Calcium stores in reticula | — | — | — | — | — | — | 105 |
An earlier example of using combinatory methods to predict Ca2+-binding sites is the Fold-X algorithm.18 This method combines geometric pattern matching and energy calculations based on Fold-X empirical force field, where Ca2+-binding sites are constrained to four to six ligand oxygen atoms.18 The Fold-X force field is used for energy calculation and for the optimization of the position of the predicted Ca2+. This algorithm can also coarsely predict binding affinity based on energy-optimized placement of Ca2+ to distinguish between low and high affinity sites, as well as high affinity Mg2+-binding sites. Although these results indicate higher prediction rates than previous efforts,19 this method was less successful at identifying either multiple binding sites or sites with lower coordination numbers (CN < 4).
Another commonly used predicting strategy is based on the machine learning method (e.g., SVMProt,20 SitePredict21 and FINDSITE-METAL22). Machine learning is particularly effective at classifying metal-binding ligands and determining whether the target atom is close enough for chelating the ion. In this method, a window including neighboring residues slides through the sequence so that each successive residue is viewed as a target residue in turn, to identify binding residues. The training procedures include applying the same learning machine to a training dataset consisting of sequences with known metal-binding residues. Classification features include evolutionary information, location in the primary sequence, secondary structure, metal-binding propensity, and solvent accessibility. Additional information on machine learning methods for predicting CaBPs can be found through the webservers listed in Table 1.
Toward the goal of predicting Ca2+-binding sites with improved accuracy and sensitivity, we have developed several prediction algorithms during the recent five years. The first-generation program GG (Graph theory and Geometry) presented a new approach to prediction with the combination of graph theory and geometric parameters.23 Based on the a priori statistical parameters that govern Ca2+-binding, the GG algorithm identifies oxygen clusters as the basis for predicting Ca2+-binding sites (Fig. 4). In this method, a graph G (V, E) was first constructed with oxygen atoms as its vertices and edges between two vertices if their spatial distance was no more than 6.0 Å. Oxygen clusters corresponding to cliques in G (V, E) consisting of exactly four vertices were identified, and the Ca2+ center was determined at an equidistant center within each cluster if the distance ranged from 1.8 to 3.0 Å. This algorithm did not include a procedure to merge overlapping, predicted Ca2+ locations, resulting in multiple, adjacent predicted sites near the documented Ca2+-binding site. Nonetheless, this algorithm produces rapid results, mainly due to the absence of a grid algorithm, and achieves approximately 90% site sensitivity and 80% site selectivity on testing datasets. To fully utilize the Ca2+-binding geometric properties, we have also developed the next-generation MUG (MUltiple Geometries) program, which is capable of predicting Ca2+-binding sites with different coordination numbers in proteins at atomic resolution.24 MUG requires that potential Ca2+-binding sites consisting of at least four oxygen atoms although MUG further allows oxygen atoms from either water or cofactors in addition to amino acid residues. Spatial analysis is achieved based on graph theory modeling as well as imposition of a grid system. MUG also has the capability of predicting both low coordination sites and multiple Ca2+-binding sites that share a common ligand. Very recently, we further developed the third-generation MUGC algorithm25 to predict Ca2+-binding sites in both X-ray and NMR structures with flexibility in the binding region or low occupancy in a Ca2+-binding site. Using second shell carbon atoms, and without explicit reference to side-chain oxygen ligand coordinates, MUGC is capable of achieving 94% sensitivity with 76% selectivity on a dataset of X-ray structures comprised of 43 Ca2+-binding proteins. Additionally, prediction of Ca2+-binding sites in NMR structures was obtained by MUGC using a different set of parameters determined by analysis of both Ca2+-constrained and unconstrained Ca2+-loaded structures derived from NMR data. The geometric arrangement of the second-shell carbon cluster is sufficient for both accurate identification of Ca2+-binding sites in NMR and X-ray structures, and for selective differentiation between Ca2+ and other relevant divalent cations.
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Fig. 4 Prediction of Ca2+-binding sites by the geometry and graph (GG) algorithm program. To predict Ca2+-binding sites in proteins, oxygen ions (black) from protein 3D-structure are extracted, while other types of ions are excluded. Next, the distance between any of the two oxygen ions is calculated, and an edge will be assigned if the calculated oxygen distance is below a cutoff value. A potential Ca2+-binding site contains oxygen clusters in which every oxygen ion is linked to each other with an O–O distance less than the cutoff and every oxygen ion is linked to all other oxygen atoms by the assigned edges in this oxygen cluster. The Ca2+ center is determined at an equidistant center within each oxygen cluster if the distance ranges from 1.8 to 3.0 Å. Adapted from Deng et al.,23 with permission from John Wiley and Sons. |
While the majority of the computational algorithms are tailored for predicting CaBPs in their metal-bound (holo) forms, predicting Ca2+-binding sites from apo-structures is equally important but much more challenging due to two facts: first, a large number of protein structures are determined in the absence of metal ions; second, the binding of Ca2+ may trigger conformational changes and cause the rearrangement of the binding pocket. Tremendous efforts have been directed to this end with steady progress. A FEATURE program, with machine learning that utilizes a Bayesian approach to classify potential Ca2+-binding sites, has been recently reported.26 Following the identification of distributions of predefined Ca2+-binding characteristics, the query protein structure was embedded in a 3D-grid of 2 Å grid cubes, and a score was computed for each grid (e.g., query site) based on a scoring function that uses Bayes' rule to combine prior known distributions and observed frequencies (e.g., derived from a training dataset and the query site) to indicate the likelihood of Ca2+-binding in the queried site. Besides being applied to static X-ray crystal structures, FEATURE has recently been applied to multiple conformations of the protein parvalbumin β generated from molecular dynamics (MD) simulation.27 For MD generated conformations of both holo and apo forms, FEATURE correctly identifies the Ca2+-binding sites and non-sites with some interesting fluctuations in score. The combination of machine learning techniques such as FEATURE with MD simulations may provide new insights into the Ca2+-binding affinity, persistence and the stability of Ca2+-binding sites. More recently, we have improved the MUG algorithm (MUGSR) to accurately predict CaBPs with multiple-binding sites that undergo local conformational change or side chain rotations upon Ca2+-binding.28 Given an apo (unbound) protein structure, this new approach conducts a side chain rotation procedure according to a rotamer library to find binding sites with possible side-chain movements (local conformational changes) caused by Ca2+-binding. Given an apo protein structure, MUGSR is capable of capturing Ca2+-binding sites that may undergo local conformational changes, which is validated by comparison with the corresponding holo protein structure sharing more than 98% sequence similarity with the apo protein.
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Fig. 5 The interaction of Ca2+-CaM with target proteins. Temporal and spatial changes of the Ca2+ concentration in different compartments of cells affect the regulation of cellular signaling, by modulating the activity of a large body of CaBPs. Upon binding to Ca2+, CaBP such as calmodulin (CaM) undergoes substantial conformational changes and subsequently activate or inactivate over 100 functional enzymes, cellular receptors and ion channels through direct protein–protein interactions. |
The most successful example of predicting the CaBP–target interactome is the CaM target database.30 Although low sequence identity has been observed among different sequences, CaM target peptides share some key features: the hydrophobic residues with bulky sidechains that anchor the target sequence to the hydrophobic cleft of CaM are arranged in particular spacing patterns with 2–6 positively charged residues interspersed in between. According to the distribution of anchoring residues in the continuous polypeptide sequence, the binding motifs can be divided into five classes: 1–10 class, 1–14 class, 1–16 class, IQ class and others.30,31 Among them, the first three classes have been found to interact with CaM almost exclusively in a Ca2+-dependent way. Additional binding modes of 1–7 and 1–17 for CaM interaction of the ryanodine receptor (RyR) and the NMDA receptor were identified, respectively, and were also shown to be Ca2+-dependent.32 The IQ class motifs, however, are activated or inhibited by CaM in a Ca2+-independent fashion and CaM seems to be a constitutive part of its functional unit. Recent works by Shea and Chazin's groups have shown that the C-domain of apo-CaM interacts with several voltage dependent sodium channels via binding to IQ motifs.33 In addition, there are several unclassified CaM binding motifs that interact with CaM when the four Ca2+-binding sites are only half occupied. All of these common features enable one to gain more confidence when confronted by the following three questions: (1) are the proteins under investigation capable of interacting with CaM? If so, (2) is it Ca2+-dependent or independent? and (3) how the CaM-mediated function is affected by intracellular Ca2+ concentration change? An online server dedicated to predicting CaM binding sites has been generated by Ikura's group.30 We have successful experience using this prediction algorithm to predict putative CaM target sequences in a viral protease domain,34 the gap junction protein connexins35 and the intracellular domain of the Ca2+-sensing receptor,34 and to further demonstrate the functional importance of such CaM–target interactions. CaM has been shown to use either N or C-domain to sense local or global Ca2+ concentration change to regulate a number of Ca2+ permeable channels.36 If only CaM variants with removed/decreased Ca2+-binding affinities are used, it is difficult to unambiguously distinguish between the effects of Ca2+ directly on the channel and the indirect effect of Ca2+ on its target mediated by CaM. Hence, we engineered a series of mutant CaMs to individually tune the Ca2+ affinity of each of CaM's EF-hands by increasing the number of acidic residues in Ca2+ chelating positions.37 Domain-specific Ca2+ affinities of each CaM variant were determined by equilibrium fluorescence titration. Mutations in site I (T26 > D) or II (N60 > D) in CaM's N-terminal domain had little effect on CaM Ca2+ affinity and regulation of RyR1. However, the site III mutation (N97 > D) increased the Ca2+-binding affinity of CaM's C-terminal domain and caused CaM to inhibit RyR1 at a lower Ca2+ concentration than wild type CaM. Conversely, the site IV mutation (Q135 > D) decreased the Ca2+-binding affinity of CaM's C-terminal domain and caused CaM to inhibit RyR1 at higher Ca2+ concentrations. These results support the hypothesis that Ca2+-binding to CaM's C-terminal acts as the switch converting CaM from a RyR1 activator to a channel inhibitor. These results further indicate that targeting CaM's Ca2+ affinity may be a valid strategy to tune the activation profile of CaM-regulated ion channels.37
Overall, the rapid progress in bioinformatics has led to the constant improvement and expanding of prediction algorithms, databases and tools that are rapidly becoming indispensable to the metallomics field. The availability of genomic information (both 1D sequences and 3D structures), prediction algorithms and software for modeling structural and energetic characteristics has facilitated an important new phase in calciomic research, allowing for pre-experimental evaluation of hypotheses and the rational design of experimental plans (Fig. 3).
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Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of approaches used to study calciomics. Starting from protein amino acid sequences, continuous Ca2+-binding sites can be simply detected by pattern search, whereas some non-continuous Ca2+-binding domains (CaBDs) can be predicted by domain assignment using Pfam. Complementary to these methods, prediction can be made from 3D structural information using several online webservers (e.g., MUG, as listed in Table 1). The proteome for Ca2+-binding proteins (CaBPs) can be obtained by standard proteomic approaches coupled with the use of radioactive metals (45Ca or 103Ru). Quantitative mass spectrometry techniques (e.g., ESI-MS and ICP-MS) can be further applied to characterize the metal–protein stoichiometry of CaBPs. To determine the Ca2+-binding affinities, one can use equilibrium dialysis coupled with ICP-MS (or 45Ca) under circumstances that the predicted CaBP can be readily produced to high purity while retaining its function. For continuous Ca2+-binding sites, a grafting approach can be used to probe metal binding properties without the need to purify the predicted protein. An important aspect of calciomics is to define the CaBP–target interactome by combining both computational and high-throughput experimental approaches. Next, the cellular localization of putative CaBPs can be traced by tagging the CaBP of interest with fluorescent proteins. Lastly, to establish possible functional correlations of Ca2+-modulated activities, loss-of-function experiments should be carried out by removing the predicted Ca2+-binding ligands. |
The 45Ca overlay method, first described by Maruyama et al.,38 has been widely used for detecting CaBPs from crude mixtures for almost three decades. Proteins from various sources are separated by means of either one- (1D) or two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis, transferred to a membrane (nitrocellulose or PVDF), and overlaid with radioactive 45Ca. The “Stains-all” method described by Campbell et al. provides a simple and efficient way to probe CaBPs.39 CaBPs, such as troponin C, S-100 and calsequestrin, resolved in SDS-PAGE gel can be stained as blue and purple color. The dye has a maximum absorbance at 615 nm, indicating that this dye is in the anionic sites when it associates with Ca2+-binding proteins and then forms a J complex. Interestingly, “stains-all” also interacts with native proteins with a maximal absorbance around 600 nm. Further studies showed that the “stains-all” dye could cause changes in both the UV/vis absorbance and the circular dichroism signals when it interacts with Ca2+-binding motifs.40
The advent of powerful mass spectrometry techniques further extends the applicability of this methodology to efficiently identify unknown CaBPs. This method has been recently adapted to investigate the repertoire of CaBPs associated with the plasma membrane of Arabidopsis thaliana41 or human sperm.42 These techniques have also been used to characterize CaBPs such as p95, calreticulin, synaptophysin and γ-crystallin.43 When coupled with equilibrium dialysis, the 45Ca overlay method can be further used to determine the stoichiometry and binding affinity of a Ca2+-binding protein.
The recent use of azido ruthenium (AzRu or PhotoCal) represents a new avenue of studying Ca2+-dependent processes.44 AzRu was shown to specifically interact with Ca2+-binding proteins and remain covalently bound after ultraviolet irradiation. By taking advantage of this unique feature, Israelson et al. generated an AzRu-cellulose column to purify CaBPs with affinity chromatography, and developed AzRu-based biosensor chips for identifying previously unknown CaBPs.44 Moreover, radioactive [103Ru] AzRu can be used to detect CaBPs in biological samples after SDS-PAGE and autoradiography. It is anticipated that the wide use of this reagent will pave the way for generating a comprehensive Ca2+-targeted protein database and detecting defective CaBPs implicated in various disorders and diseases associated with dysregulated Ca2+ signaling. Nonetheless, this method has two potential caveats: it has not been fully established that AzRu mimics the coordination chemistry of all known CaBPs and the metal selectivity (except for Mg2+) has not been rigorously tested.
In summary, the gel electrophoresis and autoradiography-based method is well-known for its high sensitivity and accuracy. However, its disadvantages are also obvious: first, it requires the handling of radioactive products and involves relatively labor-intensive and time-consuming procedures. Second, the amount of proteins encoded by rare genes is far from sufficient to be detected by SDS-PAGE. Third, the demanding gel electrophoresis step is likely to disrupt the native Ca2+-binding sites in protein samples. Last but critically, CaBPs with weak affinities for Ca2+ may not be readily detected with this method.
An alternative way to screen CaMBP is explored by Shen et al.53 This large-scale screening method utilizes the mRNA display technique. A mRNA-displayed enriched proteome library can be selected by biotinylated CaM, which will be further captured by streptavidin–agarose beads. Another round of selection involving six steps (PCR, in vitro transcription, crosslinking, cell-free translation and fusion, reverse transcription and affinity chromatography) can be repeated to diminish unspecific interactions. Screening of CaMBPs in the human and C. elegans proteome with this method reveals a large body of previously undetected proteins or uncharacterized proteins, such as ribosomal proteins, proteasome 26S subunits, deubiquitinating enzymes, and leucine zipper proteins.
In another method, combining affinity chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry, Berggard et al. detected 140 putative CaM binding proteins in the mouse brain.54 Recently, a protein microarray based method was used to map plant proteins that interact with Ca2+-CaM or CaM-like (CaML) protein in Arabidopsis thaliana.55 The protein array strategy overcomes at least two limitations of the above-mentioned methods. First, all the target proteins are presented in distinct locations and identification of secondary targets is minimized. Second, the protein array platform is compatible with transmembrane proteins, including GPCRs and ion channels, which are often closely implicated in Ca2+ signaling. A total of 1133 high-quality Arabidopsis proteins were screened for their capability to interact with CaM that is conjugated with Alexa Fluor 647 or Alexa Fluor 594. This medium-content array identified 173 novel CaM/CaML targets in plants. A high-content protein array has been applied to profile CaM–target interactions in the human proteome.56 This protein array contains 37200 redundant proteins and over 10
000 unique human proteins expressed from a human brain cDNA library. One of the novel findings from this study is the identification of a high-affinity interaction between CaM and the ER-resident single-pass transmembrane protein, stromal interaction molecule (STIM), which plays instrumental roles in the store operated Ca2+ entry process by translocating from the ER toward the plasma membrane to open the ORAI1 store operated Ca2+ channel.57
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c2mt20009k |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 |