Andrey M.
Timur A.
Anastasiya E.
Olga V.
Sergey E.
Nikita B.
Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, b.1-3, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:; Fax: +7 495 932 8846; Tel: +7 495 939 3635
First published on 13th September 2013
Laser-enhanced ionisation (LEI) with laser ablation (LA) into a methane–air flame was used for lithium determination in ferrites. Since there is a lack of certified reference materials matrix-matched to ferrites powders, a set of spinel samples were synthesised by means of aerosol spray pyrolysis (ASP) or by annealing the mixture of Li and Fe(III) nitrates. Characterisation by X-ray diffraction showed that the annealed ceramics contained two phases, such as either α-LiFe5O8 and Fe2O3 or α-LiFeO2 and Fe2O3, while ASP ferrites consisted mainly of α-LiFe5O8. Total lithium content in samples was certified by conventional flame photometry after dissolution. We explained the strong matrix effects on the LA-LEI signal by the discrepancy of surface microstructure (and hardness) due to the difference in the conditions of sample preparation. The optoacoustic signal and emission line of Fe I at 382 nm were recorded simultaneously with the LA-LEI signal in order to compensate for matrix effects. We suggest that the microstructure (ceramics or pellets from spherical microparticles) influences both mass removal (proportional to OA signal) and plasma temperature (proportional to AE signal). Correlation plots between OA and AE signals deviated strongly from sample to sample, which was the basis for the application of a multivariate correction procedure to reduce strong matrix effects. 3D correlation plots (LEI vs. OA + AE) for each sample were built to obtain a new analytical signal, which represented the slope of the correlation line to the plane of the OA + AE signals. This normalised signal was free from matrix effects within a concentration range of 0.6–7.5 Li%. The proposed approach allows the use of ferrites synthesised by the various techniques as reference materials in order to build a unified calibration curve.
Laser-enhanced ionisation (LEI) spectrometry allows the determination of low alkali metal contents in the presence of strongly interfering components.9 It is based on resonant excitation of atoms in a flame or plasma by means of laser radiation passed through the atomizer. An electric field applied to an electrode in the flame accelerates ions produced by collisions between the excited atoms and other particles in the reservoir. The selection of the pumping scheme, the energy of the exciting tunable laser and the spatial arrangement between a laser beam and electrode enable the achievement of an extremely low limit of detection down to 30 fg ml−1.10 At the same time, the linear dynamic range for lithium determination reaches 7 or more orders of magnitude with the use of this two-step excitation scheme.11 Another advantage of lithium determination by LEI is the negligible influence of sodium on the analytical results. For example, Zorov et al.12 have demonstrated that sodium strongly interfered with the Li signal only above the mass ratio 10000:1. Thus, LEI spectrometry is a powerful analytical tool for the determination of both traces and matrix elements.13 Despite the fact that Gravel et al.14 have tried to convert LEI into a multielement technique with an additional tunable laser source, LEI spectrometry still remains a single-element technique.
The use of laser ablation (LA) for the elemental analysis of solids can provide many advantages such as the elimination of any reagents, the reduction of sample pre-treatment, and shorter analysis times. Therefore, this microsampling technique is widely used in modern analytical techniques, such as laser-induced breakdown spectrometry,15 optical emission or mass-spectrometry with inductively-coupled plasma and LA.16 Analysis with LA requires reference samples which should be matrix-matched with the analyzed one. The matrix effects and the related phenomena observed in LA hyphenated techniques are discussed in detail elsewhere.17 Among the physical and chemical properties of a sample, the effects of grain size,18 hardness,19 microstructure,20 and surface finishes21 on the analytical signal seem to be the most valuable properties which should be considered responsible for the matrix effects caused by the difference in the production techniques of ferrites. One way to reduce these matrix effects is by using femtosecond LA.22 Unfortunately, the high cost of fs-lasers limits their analytical applications.
Another way is through the use of an internal standard. However, the applicability of internal standardization to the reduction of these difficulties seems to be questionable for a number of conventional single-element spectroscopic techniques, such as LEI, laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) or various absorption techniques. Therefore, the use of certain signals (as a kind of internal standard), the nature of which differs from an analytical one, presents an interest. These methods use the simultaneous measurement of the analytical signal and some additional signal (reference signal) during the same laser pulse. For example, the proportionality between acoustic signal and ablated mass allowed the compensation for matrix-matched changes of the total amount of ablated material.23 The Mie-scattering of light on plasma microparticles permits to estimate a loss of ablated mass due to aggregation at the measurement time.24 Other signals can be adapted to real-time plasma diagnostics. Total emission within the spectral window, background emission, and specific emission lines are examples of reference signals usually applied in emission techniques to compensate for shot-to-shot variations of plasma temperature.25 Bredice et al.26 have shown that total RC circuit current correlated with plasma electron density. The main advantage of such approaches is a reduction of matrix effects and an improvement in the figures-of-merit, especially the pulse-to-pulse repeatability. Nevertheless, a reasonable criterion to select reference signals for normalisation purposes is necessary in LA hyphenated techniques.27 Thus, the use of reference signals as internal standards in LA-LEI or LA-LIF is of interest for the analytical employment of these techniques.
Moreover, the use of available reference samples synthesized by annealing ferrite powder having a slightly different microstructure (similar to ceramics) and mechanical properties to build a calibration curve is a challenge to perform LA-LEI analytical measurements. Thus, the LEI analysis of various lithium ferrites with laser sampling into a flame is the main goal of this work. For this purpose, the optimization of experimental set-up and detection conditions is required to operate with several reference signals (optoacoustic, emission from matrix and ion probe current) and to realize the multivariate correction for LA-LEI thoroughly described for aluminium alloys analysis.28
The Li content in the synthesised ferrites was determined by means of two independent methods: by flame atomic emission spectrometry (flame photometry) and flame LEI. All reagents used for Li determination were of analytical grade. For this purpose, a pellet of ferrite was ground in an agate mortar into a dispersible fine powder. After weighing, 0.1 g of ferrite powder was placed into a Teflon cup to digest with a mixture of 5 ml of 37% HCl and 5 ml of deionised water while heating. Then the liquid was evaporated in a temperature range of 80–85 °C until the formation of wet salts. The procedure of digestion by the mixture of hydrochloric acid and deionised water during the heating process was repeated twice to avoid the formation of the insoluble oxychloride of iron(III). The residue was further diluted by deionized water in a volumetric flask until 100 ml was reached. The content of Li was determined by the method of standard additions. To prepare these solutions 0.05 g Li2CO3 was treated with a mixture of 1 ml of 37% HCl and 5 ml deionized water placed into a Teflon cup. An atomic absorption/emission flame spectrophotometer S-302 (KZAP, Ukraine) equipped with PMT was employed to perform the flame photometry measurement. The resonant emission line of Li I at 670.8 nm was used as the analytical line. To verify the accuracy, another flame analytical technique, LEI, was applied to the determination of Li content in a set of solutions. The principle of flame LEI spectrometry and the arrangement of the home-made LEI set-up are described in detail above. The two-step scheme for Li atom excitation in a flame, including the transition from ground state to a first excited state (λ = 670.8 nm) and the transition from the first state to the second excited state (λ = 610.4 nm), was chosen in accordance with the enhancement of sensitivity.30 The energy of the pumping laser was set at 54 ± 5 mJ per pulse. For both analytical methods the measurements were treated as a set of at least 5 replicate series. The comparison results of flame photometry analysis with those obtained by flame LEI are represented in Table 1. Analytical results from both methods agree within the statistical error of the measurement.
Ferrite samples description | Flame photometry, % wt Lib | Flame LEI, % wt Lib |
a ASP – aerosol spray pyrolysis technique. b Confidence intervals calculated for P = 0.99 and N = 5. | ||
LiFeO2, annealed ceramic | 7.4 ± 0.2 | 7.7 ± 0.3 |
LiFe5O8, annealed ceramic | 1.68 ± 0.07 | 1.6 ± 0.1 |
LiFe5O8, ASPa pellet, pyrolysis at 750 °C | 1.59 ± 0.05 | 1.6 ± 0.1 |
LiFe5O8, ASPa pellet, pyrolysis at 850 °C | 0.79 ± 0.03 | 0.76 ± 0.05 |
LiFe5O8, ASPa pellet, pyrolysis at 950 °C | 0.69 ± 0.03 | 0.71 ± 0.02 |
To characterize the synthesized ferrites, their X-ray powder diffraction patterns were obtained by means of diffractometer STADI P (STOE, Germany). As may be observed in Fig. 2a, an annealed sample of LiFe5O8 consists of a mixture of two phases: α-LiFe5O8 and 1–2% of α-Fe2O3, while the main components of the non-annealed samples of LiFe5O8 were α-LiFe5O8 and sodium chloride, NaCl, regardless of the temperature of pyrolysis (Fig. 2b). Note that the annealed sample of LiFeO2 consisted of two phases: α-LiFeO2 and α-Fe2O3, similar to the annealed ferrite of LiFe5O8. This was caused by both the decomposition of ferrite and the incomplete reaction between Fe2O3 and Li2CO3. Because of differences between the methods of synthesis of LiFe5O8, the annealed sample and ferrites synthesized by the ASP technique had a different microstructure and properties. Therefore, a variety of spherical microparticles, ranging in size from 0.1–1 μm, usually form a bulk sample due to the rapid evaporation of water from a droplet of aerosol produced in the ASP technique.31,32 In contrast to ASP, long annealing results in the sintering of ferrite microparticles with the formation of a rigidly related spatial structure similar to ceramics.1 Therefore, the Mohs hardness of the most ceramic ferrites is equal to ∼5–7,1 while the hardness of pressed powder consisting of particles with a diameter of ∼0.5–2 μm may be estimated as 1–2 units1 on the Mohs hardness scale. The properties of laser plasma will strongly differ between the samples, due to the difference in hardness. For example, the excitation temperatures of microplasma on the surface of annealed ceramics were more than 10 times higher than those calculated for the non-annealed sample.19 It should be noted that LiFe5O8 ferrites have a spinel structure and, hence, those compounds have magnetic properties in contrast to LiFeO2 ferrites.
Fig. 2 X-ray diffraction patterns of annealed ferrite LiFe5O8 (a) and ferrite LiFe5O8 prepared by ASP technique (b) at different temperatures in an oven. |
The propagation of the laser-induced atomic cloud leads to its “spreading”, i.e. a frontal part of the cloud containing the maximal number of analyte atoms and a long tail of the cloud are formed.30 Since the delay time between ablation and excitation pulses corresponded to illumination by the dye laser part of the atomic cloud, the best temporal conditions for the analysis of lithium ferrites were achieved by variation of the LEI signal vs. delay time. With shorter delays (from 0 to ∼400 μs) the excitation pulses of dye lasers came into the detection volume before analyte atoms. Then the LEI signal dramatically increased up to its maximal value in the frontal part of the plume followed the slow decay of Li analytical signals in a lengthy tail of an atomic cloud produced by laser ablation. The average velocity taken as a ratio of distance between the cathode and the burner to the arrival time of LEI maximum was equal to ∼19 m s−1 for ceramic ablation, while the lithium atoms produced by ablation of ASP ferrites moved twice as slowly, i.e. virtually corresponding to the velocity of the flame level.33 Optimal values of the delay time were 550 and 800 μs for ceramic ferrites and ASP ferrites, respectively.
Fig. 3 Crater profiles measured after treatment of ceramic ferrite by 1 (trace 1), 10 (trace 2) and 50 (trace 3) ablation pulses. The dotted line marks the initial level of the surface. |
To estimate the relative pulse-to-pulse variations of ablated masses, the drift of optoacoustic (OA) signal measured by the microphone was studied for both types of samples (Fig. 4a) because of the proportionality of the signal to ablated mass. The OA signal was taken as an integral value along the acoustic waveform that was described in detail elsewhere.27 Energy per pulse was fixed at 80 mJ. A fourfold decrease in the OA signal for the ablation of ASP ferrite after 1500 pulses (curve 1 in Fig. 4a) implies that the diminishing ablated mass should be taken into consideration in the depth profiling of these samples. The main reason for the decrease was probably the significantly deepened crater in relatively soft ASP ferrites. Unlike these ferrites, the values of OA signals from ceramics ablation (curve 2 in Fig. 4a) varied around an almost constant value during 1500 pulses.
Shot-to-shot drifts of the Li LEI signal normalised to the OA signal from Fig. 4a (both signals were measured for each pulse simultaneously to compensate for variations in the mass) are presented in Fig. 4b in order to check the homogeneity of the synthesized ferrite samples. The operating conditions were the same as described above; delay times were 550 μs and 800 μs for ceramic and ASP ferrites respectively, energy was 80 mJ per pulse. The sharp drop observed in the analytical signal during the first 50 laser shots caused by the ablation of ASP ferrites (curve 1 in Fig. 4b) was probably due to the intense enrichment of the vapor by lithium at the time of the crater formation and the melting of spherical microparticles. Unlike the first part of the drift curve, the lithium signal remains constant within the 100–1500 pulse range. It should be noted that other samples of ASP ferrite have demonstrated a similar behavior. The dependencies of the Li LEI signal normalised to the OA signal on the pulse number obtained with ablation of ceramic ferrites significantly differ in two cases of surface treatment: on a fresh surface of the sample (curve 2 in Fig. 4b) and after its polishing (curve 3 in Fig. 4b). The ceramic pellet remaining after laser processing a fresh surface of the sample was polished by an abrasive cloth so that a very small spot originating from the previous crater (i.e. its bottom) could be used to ablate the sample on the same spot. An increase in the Li LEI signal following a drop and a plateau may be observed after treatment of the fresh surface of the sample by the initial 600 laser pulses. Since the crater formation occurs within a 10–50 shot range (Fig. 3), the main reason for such behavior of the drift curve of the analytical signal is probably the heterogeneous distribution of lithium in subsurface layers to a depth of 12 μm (∼0.06 μm per pulse × 200 pulses). The diffusion of lithium atoms from deep layers into subsurface layers and the evaporation of volatile lithium from a surface at annealing are the most reasonable mechanisms resulting from the heterogeneity of ceramic pellets. An area depleted by lithium is stretched for ∼0.06 μm per pulse × 500 pulse = 30 μm under Li-enriched subsurface layers. The fact that the shot-to-shot drift curve obtained after sample polishing continues a trend in the initial curve may be an indirect confirmation of our suggestions. Thus, to obtain accurate analytical results in further work, the upper layers of this ASP ferrite sample must be removed by 50 “cleaning” pulses, while ceramic samples may only be polished by an abrasive cloth.
Laser energy, mJ per pulse | a | b | R 2 |
80 | 1 ± 1 | 0.7 ± 0.3 | 0.545 |
70 | 0.7 ± 0.8 | 0.6 ± 0.2 | 0.671 |
60 | 0.2 ± 0.2 | 0.35 ± 0.06 | 0.921 |
50 | 0.10 ± 0.08 | 0.20 ± 0.02 | 0.936 |
40 | 0.3 ± 0.2 | 0.02 ± 0.04 | 0.050 |
30 | 0.5 ± 0.4 | −0.1 ± 0.1 | 0.068 |
20 | 0.2 ± 0.2 | −0.02 ± 0.05 | 0.067 |
Such a response may be explained by the fact that the microstructure of ASP ferrites is quite different from that of ceramics. It is well known that softer and looser materials (such as powders) are less effectively ablated at the same laser irradiance value than solid ceramic materials. As a result, LEI signals were maximal for ceramic ablation, while an analytical signal was lower for the ablation of ASP ferrites. Sodium in ASP ferrites can certainly suppress the ionization signal of lithium. This mechanism for Li LEI signal decrease seems doubtful under our conditions since Na content was 16 times greater than Li content and the first ionization potentials of these elements differ by a value of ∼0.2 eV (methane–air flame temperature is about 0.1 eV).12 Therefore, we suggest that a main reason for Li signal decrease was microstructural differences. Note that the selection of ablation energy as a conventional method for optimization of analysis with LA was unsuitable for this study. Thus, the manifested matrix effects caused by the considerable difference between the microstructures of ferrites did not allow the use of a unified calibration curve for these samples. It is, therefore, necessary to continue searching for other approaches that do reduce the matrix effects.
In the present work, OA signal, the emission (AE) from matrix elements, i.e. iron line Fe I at 382 nm, and non-selective ionisation signal (NSI) were chosen as the reference signals. All of these signals grew monotonically with increasing energy (Fig. 5). Fluctuations of the AE signal of Fe I at λ = 382 nm will obviously be determined by random changes in ablated mass, plasma temperature and/or electron density. Since the plasma produced from ceramics is hotter than that from ASP ferrites,19 iron emission was stronger and, moreover, the threshold value of energy for AE signal formation was less than in the case of ASP ferrite (curve 1 in Fig. 5a and b). Fluctuations of OA signals were caused by changes in ablated mass and flame opacity. A nonselective ionization signal occurred because electrons and ions in plasma had been accelerated in an applied electric field. Therefore, NSI has to be proportional to plasma electron density.26 However, NSI was negligible for the ablation of powdery material (curve 3 in Fig. 5b). A similar phenomenon was explained by a slightly volatile and ionizing matrix when the pressed pellets of lithium vanadate were ablated into a flame.35 Relatively low plasma temperature for ASP may indicate that looser microstructure of non-annealed ferrites prevents the propagation of the heat wave from the plasma inside the bulk sample and leads to lower thermal ionisation of species in the laser plume. Thus, the NSI signal was not used in further investigations for the correction of matrix effects.
Fig. 5 Emission of Fe I at 382 nm (1), OA signal (2) and non-selective ionization (3) as functions of laser energy for ablation of ceramic (a) and ASP (b) ferrites. |
The coefficients of linear correlation between signals are compared in Table 3. The relationship between LEI signal and reference signal was plotted within the range of 40–80 mJ per pulse, while the OA signal was plotted against AE signal within the range of 5–80 mJ per pulse. Thus, each of the reference signals provides some orthogonality to the LEI signal. It allows the simultaneous use of these signals. Recently, we suggested the use of a coefficient B as a normalised analytical signal similar to the internal standard.27 To examine such a possibility, the variations of B from sample to sample are compared in Table 3. Li content in ferrites can be retrieved from Table 1. One may see that the parameter B (LEI vs. OA or AE) cannot reduce the microstructure effects on calibration while it worked earlier in the case of aluminium alloys. Moreover, the unexpected changes by a factor of two or three of the B parameter obtained as a slope of correlation line between OA and AE signals are obvious (see last column in Table 3). We explain the observed difference by the difference between emission signals obtained at ASP ferrites and ceramics (compare curves 1 in Fig. 5a and b). As a result, the parameter B for pairs of LEI + OA or LEI + AE may be overrated or underrated. To compensate for sample to sample changes of B we suggest taking into account the slope of correlation between OA and emission as well as the difference in thresholds for correlation plot.
Samples | N | B | ||
S 1 = LEI; S2 = OA | S 1 = LEI; S2 = AE | S 1 = OA; S2 = AE | ||
LiFeO2, ceramics | 240 | 25 ± 3 (R2 = 0.630) | 12 ± 1 (R2 = 0.734) | 0.46 ± 0.05 (R2 = 0.876) |
LiFe5O8, ceramics | 240 | 13 ± 1.5 (R2 = 0.741) | 6.7 ± 0.6 (R2 = 0.895) | 0.35 ± 0.02 (R2 = 0.918) |
LiFe5O8, ASP at t = 750 °C | 180 | 6.7 ± 0.6 (R2 = 0.848) | 2.9 ± 0.3 (R2 = 0.845) | 1.39 ± 0.25 (R2 = 0.637) |
LiFe5O8, ASP at t = 850 °C | 180 | 1.9 ± 0.3 (R2 = 0.631) | 1.4 ± 0.2 (R2 = 0.734) | 0.72 ± 0.05 (R2 = 0.876) |
LiFe5O8, ASP at t = 950 °C | 180 | 3.3 ± 0.6 (R2 = 0.741) | 1.1 ± 0.4 (R2 = 0.895) | 0.62 ± 0.06 (R2 = 0.918) |
Fig. 7 Multivariate signal as a function of Li content in ferrites. Blue lines indicate a confidence interval for P = 0.95. The parameters of linear calibration (red line) are given in the legend. |
Despite the advantages of the proposed approach to reduce matrix effects, one may note several limitations. Firstly, the resonance line of iron (a main component of lithium ferrite) as an emission signal obviously limits the range of samples in which lithium may be determined over lithium ferrites by a unified calibration curve. For example, if one takes the mixed spinels such as Li3xMnFe2−xO4 or some other non-iron lithium spinel, e.g. Li4Ti5O12 or LiMn2O4, the emission line of iron will either be out of self-absorption or absent. Other reference samples and emission lines will be needed to analyse such samples with certainty. Secondly, a large number of analytical measurements is required to build the 3D correlation plots, which results in some increase of analysis time. Nevertheless, the use of two reference signals allowed us to construct a calibration model, where all the experimental points were within the confidence band (P = 0.95). It was impossible with the use of the raw LEI signal or one-dimensional normalisation, since the experimental points were divided into two groups related to annealed and non-annealed ferrites.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 |